2021 Predictions for the Zodiac

Sun, Moon, Venus, Rising

These readings were originally handwritten and channeled with care. I hope that it resonates and eases us into the dynamic energy of all that 2021 holds for us! If you feel called to, hold onto this post as a reference throughout 2021.

Oh and Happy Full Moon in Cancer! 🌕


Aries (Tiger’s Eye, 444)

2021 will be a deep dive for you emotionally. This is the year you tap into your intuition on purpose. This year has proven that sometimes things just don’t make sense to us. We have been challenged in 2020 to keep moving forward into the unknown. It makes no sense to stop now. A main lesson in 2021 will be to surrender to the workings of the Universe and allow passion to drive you forward instead of doubt. This is an opportunity to expand your consciousness and to reawaken your spirit. 2021 will be a chance for you to tap into your true passions. For some, this may be another year of limited connection to others and I’m seeing that this might not be a problem for you. You are going to be so enthralled with learning more about the subconscious, specifically your own, and how the mind works. I’m also seeing a curiousity around hidden things i.e. solving mysteries/puzzles. This will be the time for you to pursue what is calling to your intuition. It may be to learn a different language or to learn more about language in general. There may be a major shift or many shifts in your perspective in 2021. With this deep introspection and thirst for more out of life, you may look different to others. Just a reminder, it is not selfish or “abandonment” of others when we are healing ourself. There are ways to put your passions first and still be present in your life and current relationships. Balance looks different for everyone. The most important part is that one aspect of your life doesn’t receive more attention than the others. The key is flow. How will you find your flow in the New Year? With Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, this is your time to break away from what everyone else is doing. Going along with what society is doing or telling you to do won’t cut it this year. You’ll find that you much rather hang upside down, you’ll like the view from there much more.

Taurus (Aquamarine, 444, 666, 888)

Isn’t it ironic that Taurus rules the throat and you have the ‘Authentic Voice’ as the theme of your 2021? You are reawakening your throat chakras Taurus! This may be huge for many of you. You may have had difficulties in the past or even this year with communicating affectively. It could have seemed that often your words were not taken into consideration because others couldn’t make sense of them. There is no blame to either party. Language is tough. If we aren’t speaking authentically it makes it harder for others to truly understand our needs. 2021 is bringing in more clarity to your thoughts. This will be the year to see things as they really are for everyone but specifically for you to speak on it as well. Every voice and story is different which is the concept of authenticity. You are good enough exactly as you are beautiful Taurus and it’s time to stand in that energy. All that you admire in others, it is time to admire within yourself. “There is no choir if there is only one sound, one voice.” You will be receiving recognition next year. It could be as specific as getting that voice over role you took a leap of faith on or speaking up more in your personal life in general. Those around you will be recognizing the reemergence of your powerful and authentic voice. There will also be others who flock to what you have to say and have never even met you. Many of you may want to share life experiences and knowledge through podcasts or something like Clubhouse that focuses strictly on voice. 2021 will be the gift of unique thoughts and ideas, the proper communication to express these ideas and recognition from a supportive community. When channeling your authentic voice remember that these are the messages that the Divine has sent through you with love.


Your spirit is growing young Gemini! Many of you spent 2020 working on your light and soul and that has played a huge part in your spiritual energy leveling up. This is where you create great impact through whatever you expel this energy through. Aside from the things you create, your energy alone will be affecting others in 2021. Some of you may have been keeping your energy to yourself in order to heal and in 2021 you will be stepping more out of Hermit mode. Even though Hermit mode will also be a saving grace as well. In 2021 you will be receiving an increase of downloads from Spirit. A huge lesson/experience that may come up for you is delivering a softer message to others. As a Gemini Sun myself, I have pure intentions to always hold truth at the highest standard but that has sometimes hurt others in the process. In 2021, as you are growing in your power, Spirit is helping with the intensity of your light. You will be helping others who are still energetically sensitive to authentic power and authority. That doesn’t mean to hold back your light or hinder your own growth, it just means if they didn’t ask you for that word of advice, don’t tell it. Those who are seeking a deeper truth will seek you out first! Happy expanding!


This is a really interesting reading Cancerians. In 2021 you are being asked to make a sacrifice in order to gain a greater fulfillment. I see that in 2020 we did all we could to still feel good in such a crazy year. That required that we find a lot of balance between our wants and needs. You may have experienced a burst of creativity recently or have been wanting to hone a skill that has been lying dormant. Although it feels like you can absorb as much information about this passion as possible you are being asked to pause in the New Year. Many people may see the Hanged Man in the tarot deck as stuck but this is where he gains a whole new perspective. If we ran head first with every single thing we were passionate about in that moment without even asking “what do I want?” we could end up on a very different path than we are meant to be on. If you find yourself constantly trying in 2021, it may be best if you surrender your wants to the Universe and embrace new solutions to your needs. Even though this may be a very uncomfortable state you find yourself in you must constantly remind yourself that Spirit will never offer you less than what is a part of your true destiny. You are safe!


In 2021 I see that you will be reaching a crossroad in your life. You are being granted the opportunity to leave the past in the past and embark on the rest of your journey. The significance of this crossroad is it’s acting as a checkpoint within your journey to ensure that you are no longer carrying that extra baggage with you. This is not a transition that you need to fear. We tend to carry things with us so long that we are convinced it truly belongs to us but that is rarely the case. The familiarities of life have become boundaries. This may have really worked for you this year as many have used this time for healing. While familiarity can be beneficial it doesn’t create security. In 2021 this may be a huge and constant lesson for your understanding. Even though things may change drastically (like moving in a completely different direction) you must realize that your true security comes from the Universe and it sees your pure intentions. Many of you may know what decision it is that you are being asked to make and it scares you. It is essential that you allow your heart to lead you so that your mind can’t create doubt and keep you stuck. Life is always evolving, there will always be another crossroad to cross. As long as you move with love and integrity there is nothing to fear of the future.


In 2021 you are getting a full view of your emotional self. This may be something you have rejected strongly in the past in order to put more focus into your financial self. This aversion to our soul mirror has been out of fear of what we may find. No one really wants to look within and find out they are somewhat of a hoarder or place value over personality. This year we are focusing less on what we have and more on who we are and the aspects of ourselves that we are constantly juggling. This year you are being asked to bear witness to what you feel. You will constantly find a safe space in solitude with Spirit in order to face yourself fully. When you allow a new depth of truth into your life, foundations may feel challenged and insecurities around a lack mindset might be exposed. How do you welcome vulnerability in your life? When someone is vulnerable it is not a weakness. We are not taught to meet every situation we encounter with love but it is never too late to learn. Situations in the past (or as recent as this year) have closed us off to love. That is a natural reaction to pain but we aren’t meant to live our entire lives in lovelessness. This is your year of healing the heart. Healing isn’t linear and everyday won’t feel the same, but, when you find yourself believing in and accepting your blessings that is how you know that your heart is opening up to everything the Universe has to offer.


This year a lot of us may have taken an “L” on something we really wanted to do or accomplish. It may have been something that you needed extra time or resources for in order to succeed. For some, this situation may not have been what you really wanted and this “no” was a blessing in disguise. Take what resonates. Either way, there is a need for forgiveness if you felt “you could’ve done more”. In 2021 you are experiencing the perfection of you. Connecting your soul to the source of Divinity will bring in a swelling of positive emotions. Your love for Source will heal your love for self. This will be a year of new friendships and connections. New emotional beginnings in general. I am seeing that this year you may have also ran into conflict with others while you were pursuing your ambitions. You may have had difficulties balancing relationships and your thirst for creative endeavors. Your energy is recalibrating with the air of a New Year and new opportunities on the horizon. Others will be drawn to the rebirth of your energy in 2021. Your shift in perspective and emotional investment into all that you are passionate about will inspire others to lead the same life. Remembering that you are made of the same energy that created the heavens and the Earth will entrain the perfection of you in your heart.


In the beginning of 2020 you may have been hesitant and had little faith as to how everything you wanted would come about. You may have had scattered ideas, fragments of a full picture but as the year progressed, you gained more clarity. You witnessed the world opening up to you even as the 3D was shutting down due to quarantine. You are ending this year with an “anything can happen” mindset leaning towards positivity and the notion that you can handle that “anything”. You have actually been excited/eager to see what happens next. Because you have been learning more about yourself emotionally you are entering 2021 with a clear mindset as to who you are and what you bring to the table. You will be making decisions based off of your intuition alone, that’s how in tune you are with yourself. When most will say “there is no logic in intuition” you will simply laugh. Your intuition is leading you straight towards this 9 of pentacles energy. Milestones will be surpassed. Personal achievement will bring you great satisfaction and deepen your trust in Spirit and self. 2020 has taught you that listening to your individuality is hard but prosperous. Continue focusing on your personal values and what you believe is true and nothing can sway you from your blessings. You are a unique individual and it’s time to embrace all that that encompasses; power + authority.


There is a great cleansing coming to you this New Year. In 2020 you put all of your energy towards the nurturing of yourself which in turn helped nurture those around you. You are ending this year feeling more emotionally complete because of this. You may be ending a cycle of putting other people’s nurturing over your own. This may have been a huge lesson for you. So much so that you actually felt a physical shift. This deep healing has been internally focused and will need to continue this way. As 2020 has taught us, nothing is set in stone, not even healing. In 2021 you will need to continue to observe what is causing disharmony in your life. It could be a situation that seems impossible to get out of. But let’s just say the beginning of 2021 will not look like the end of it. Like the aftermath of a storm , there will be many things that will be cleared away in your life. The people that don’t fit, the mindsets that hold you back or an unfulfilling job, nothing is off limits to Spirit. There will be a shift in your perspective where you won’t view it as a loss but a gain of space and energy for more aligned moments in your life. This is Spirit’s gift to you, literally a brand new beginning where we can put ourselves first. You have all Major Arcana which signifies life long changes and a deep acceptance of self.

Capricorn (222, 888)

This year you chose love over everything else. What truly spoke to you, you embraced, and all that you outgrew is being left in 2020. It took strength to continuously choose an emotion that is foreign to most. You dedicated yourself to this rebirth and are emerging as someone who appears to be different but you are just claiming your true self. This New Year you will be stepping onto the entrepreneurial path if you haven’t already. I’m seeing something physical like a pottery business or a mechanic shop. Either way this will be something you are passionate about. If you find that some people want to take advantage of your beautiful spirit don’t worry. There won’t be a need for any action. Heal from it and allow the Universe to handle them. 2021 is your time to retreat inwardly and explore the depths of your own subconscious. Whatever situation emerges, carrying love in your heart will help you prevail. This, unfortunately, does not make you immune to pain, but, it does help you conquer your doubt. Doubt of what you truly deserve, doubt of your capabilities and talent. This will be a great year to learn and understand where those doubts and fears stem from because you are more than capable Capricorns!


While 2020 was a difficult year for everyone emotionally, you my beautiful Aquarius, thrived creatively and soared to new heights. One of your greatest accomplishments this year could have been your patience towards your creative endeavors. And more patience even to yourself when creating. While others around you had difficulty accepting themselves you embraced this passionately. You’ve spent this year planting your seeds of love, knowledge and prosperity and this New Year you will have a bounty to show for taking such tender care. My question to you is do you believe it? That the Universe leaves no stone unturned when it comes to our blessings. And when I say blessings, our dreams, desires and everything we envision but can’t grasp just yet. You are stepping into 2021 healing and shedding all of your lack mindset around finances. This healing is going to prepare you for the abundance of 2021. I am also seeing that all of the signs and “coincidences” you’ve been seeing is Spirit confirming what you already know. It is safe to trust, keep releasing doubt. For some of you I am seeing a love interest entering your life this year. It could be quickly or sudden. They could be very creative, intelligent when it comes to social issues and equality. They are kind.


This year you focused on harmony and balance in your life. When things felt unknown and unfamiliar you chose to allow your intuition to guide you. This balance and trusting of yourself and Spirit brought you abundance and stability. There was something that you may have been guided to that was like a well spring that you struck just right. This may have already appeared or is coming to you soon. You are stepping into 2021 with mental clarity and authority over your own thoughts. You will, or have already, find a unique balance of analytical thinking vs passionate creativity. Assuming authority over your fears and doubts will energetically charge you and encourage you to create more freedom in life. Not held back by self-made limitations or what others think. I am seeing that there could be a moment where you lose yourself in another in a relationship (platonic or romantic). This is me addressing it so that you can be aware but there is nothing to fear. Sometimes a relationship may ask so much of us up until the point we stop it and stand up for ourselves. This may not be present in your life currently, but if ever, don’t forget who you are and what you deserve. Keep striving for what is meant for you and makes you happy. This is your destiny!


💌 Life Path Readings (1-9)💌