Messages for Moon in Aquarius, Venus in Virgo & Aquarius, Mercury in Gemini, Jupiter in Taurus


You are coming into a time of making a decision. This feels like a big decision that must be made because you have the 7 of cups and the 2 of swords. Both labeled choices and decisions. This strikes me as no coincidence because Spirit doesn’t do coincidences. I also want to point out that you have two 7’s and 2’s represented in the minor arcana with a Major Arcana splitting the tarot. And of all the Major Arcana cards to have, you have The Sun! This is Spirit’s way of letting you know that you can’t choose wrong on this. You may have a lot, or 2, really good options to choose between. That may be the reason why making this choice doesn’t feel easy for you. You may be feeling a pull between both your mind and your heart which I can see within the tarot. Spirit doesn’t want you to become overwhelmed by this lack of confirmation on which option you should choose. Only you can really make this choice anyway. What Spirit wants you to know at this time is that you don’t have to put up your defenses or retreat from both opportunities. There is a guaranteed change taking place in your life right now, even if you haven’t made the choice just yet. If you have felt as if you have gone back and forth on making a choice, know that this has shifted your perspective each time. It feels as if you will be very informed and confident when making your choice, simply because you took your time to weigh all of the options. I can say that which ever option gives you the most, not just materially but emotionally, and offers you freedom of thought may be the best option for you. If this is a job or career change, imagine 2 or 3 years down the road what it would feel like to still be there. Imagine the possible impact that you would have in that work and what impact that it would have on you emotionally and spiritually. Of course we can’t envision it all but just try. For your oracle I decided to use the Life Purpose oracle. You got the cards ‘Practice’ and ‘Writing’. This new opportunity, whether work related or not, will bring out the writer in you. For some, if it is a relationship change you could be connected or reconnected with the poet within. Subconsciously, this talent lives within all of us. You may be wanting to explore your more creative writing capabilities at this time and it is encouraged by Spirit. This is because those words that you express intuitively are healing both to you and the community you will inevitably impact. Practice is coming in to tell you that it’s ok that everything isn’t perfect. There really is no such thing as perfection in this 3D realm. But that shouldn’t stop us from giving our absolute best towards something that we are genuinely interested in. If you have a skill, use it. This may end up assisting you in this great change that is taking place in your life. 

Key Phrases

choice, decisions, major decision, positive outcome, 7’s & 2’s, options, defenses, imagination, career change, life change


Messages for Mercury in Aquarius, Mercury in Virgo, Cancer Rising, Venus in Leo


Messages for Moon in Libra, Sun in Virgo & Cancer, Mars in Gemini