Message for Moon in Libra, Moon in Capricorn, Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Pisces

Hello everyone. Welcome to another Intuitive Astrology reading with Monty’s Tarot Child.

This intuitive message starts with your awareness of how your emotional state affects your physical health. Each of the placements that are receiving this message can be prone to physical illnesses if the emotional body is neglected or depleted.

Within the reading I see that your peace is connected to your health. It’s known widely between both science and the spiritual community that stress causes a dissonance within your energy and that this can express itself physically.

For some, it may literally feel as if your spirit is being invaded by unwanted energy or you may be feeling disoriented or exhausted. But Spirit wants you to know that there is healing available for you. The stress you feel around your health and emotional healing can be placed in the hands of the Universe. At this time you are only meant to focus on the health of you that you can preserve, while Spirit does it’s part.

I do see that you will be receiving news soon and it could be in regards to this matter. Either way, this news will highlight your passionate feelings towards your relationship with the Source of life (the Universe, God, Spirit). This may occur in private where you sense a deep transformation taking place within your heart.

Spirit has brought certain situations into your life in order to encourage you to choose to align with the frequency of peace. To choose peace privately but also publicly as well. You will have time to build this into a healthy practice. With time, I also see you regaining a lot of your passionate energy for life. Even with sparks of random energy Spirit would like for you to take it as easy as you can. Protect what you are building internally by always gauging your needs. Don’t feed into burnout habits just because you have energy to expel.

Spirit’s final message to you is to be kind to yourself. And although simple in wording, this message will hold a lot of impact for you in regards to your emotional connections. You may be experiencing something new and are being called to experience it “as if your heart hasn’t been burdened with pain”. While this may be difficult for you at this time, Spirit is producing things to naturally occur in your life and all you have to do is show up willing to experience something fully. I hope this turns out to be a restful and abundant time for you.

- Warmly MTC 🌙


A Message for Jupiter in Virgo, Sun in Aries, Sun in Taurus, Mercury in Gemini, Mercury in Pisces, Capricorn Rising (Ascendant)


A Message for Natal Mars in Aquarius, Sun in Libra, Mercury in Virgo