Pick A Crystal: Past, Present, Future

Hello everyone! Welcome to yet another Pick A Card reading! This time you will be intuitively guided to choose between the 3 crystals depicted below. I hope you enjoy this type of reading in looking into your past, present, and future. 

For the energy that I will be reading I will be tapping into many different energies and it will reflect differently for everyone. Someone’s past can resonate more with their childhood while yours could be connected to a significant event that happened last year. Please only take what resonates. 

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Pile 1

For your past energy you have The Creator pile 1. This tells me that at your center you were and still are a very creative being. You have had this beautiful ability to create out of very little, only having the basics or essentials. Maybe in the past you have viewed this as a struggle and couldn’t see your creativity beyond that, or your perception of your creative abilities were skewed because of it. This might not have been your perspective for very long and you came into a deep understanding of why your creativity is important and should be valued. There could be one particular situation (or many different similar situations) that has brought you clarity and awareness of yourself in the past. Either way, there is a new level of clarity that you carry within yourself at this very moment of reading this message. The energy that you are currently carrying is The One archetype. This tells me that all of the work that you have done with your Spiritual team has brought you to this understanding of the oneness of the Universe. Along with your creative abilities, you have this ability to zoom outside of yourself to receive a bigger picture. One thing that you may be working on within this is not forgetting about yourself in the process of evolving with others. Within The One, this energy is known to come and go. It may not be something that you focus on everyday but when you find yourself in stillness you come into contact with the oneness of Source and all things. Before we get into your energy in the future I want to touch on the tarot. We start off with the Ace of Swords. That was the clarity that I was sensing in the past but this is also reading as current day energy. Spirit has once again sent you a gift of insight in regards to yourself and your financial prosperity. With this energy coinciding with The Creator, I feel as if a lot of you are focused on creating abundance and security through your creativity. With the 10 of pentacles representing establishment in your financial matters, this may be something that you are heavily focusing on right now, establishing your art. I always want to point out that we are all artists in our own way and through many different mediums. An artist doesn’t simply work with portraits and paint. Anyway, because of your history with Spirit driven work in the past, the feelings of oneness doesn’t throw you off. This is actually something that you may welcome eagerly. And when I speak of this energy “coming to you”, it’s literally like you remembering a song and then flashing through the 5 or 10 years of life that has passed since you first heard that song, and it brings you joy and fond memories. What is most needed in your present day is some heavy nurturing, which is what I was sensing within The One card but also with the Queen of Pentacles. You have been working diligently, as it seems you have found more of your purpose and that has driven you to keep going and going. But you are aware and may have received many more messages of rest being important for you at this time. You could be in the process of growing something and need that extra amount of rest to be able to bring this project or creation to completion. What Spirit would like me to convey to you is that just because you are in stillness does not mean that your curiosity has stopped or peaked. Even in this stillness there is more room for you to grow. Looking at the energy of the future, you have The Vow archetype. To me this is signaling to your words and commitments in the future. Before getting to anything else I do want to point out The Crane oracle: ‘You will soon enter into a beneficial partnership. Luck and longevity bless this union.’ Doubling up on the message of a divine partnership coming to you in the future. This could be a partner of any kind - work, romantic or deep and genuine friendship. The connection that is coming into your future is aligned and reciprocal. It is a long term connection, one where you vow to uplift and support each other. With the 5 of wands underlining this energy though it is important to observe feelings of competitiveness. You may not have been able to experience this level of closeness with a lot of people because of this energy. To me this feels as if, in the past, you kept certain people around you who were doing things separate from your relationship in order for you to shine in your own individual lane. I want to mention that this isn’t me passing judgment or assuming your character, this is just one example of many different scenarios. But where you are currently, you no longer need to fear this competitive aspect to yourself. You are learning to build with another in this close and conscious connection. And that’s a good thing! This is a connection where you will both be able to explore Universal truths. And even if you explore these truths alone, it is something that you will feel is more than worth expressing to others. This could be coming into your own truths, viewing your past in a different and necessary light. Spirit wants you to continue uncovering these truths about yourself. There is Universal knowledge waiting to be uncovered within

Pile 2


I can already tell that this is going to be a very beautiful reading for you pile 2. For your past energy you have The Mother archetype. Initially, what stands out to me is your beautiful ability to nurture the vulnerable things around you. Your energy is so soft and compassionate and this is always the place that you act from. Within The Mother archetype there is this beautiful nurturing aspect to you but also an internal struggle of restriction and confinement. When there are things that are meant to grow within and around us, there comes this intimate balance between letting it grow and letting it go. This may be something that was very difficult for you to grasp and understand in the past. When we love things deeply and want the best outcome we tend to close ourselves off by over-focusing on one specific outcome or holding on so tightly that energy cannot flow. But I see this energy transforming for you. Your present energy is represented by The Gem archetype. This will show up for everyone differently, but in correlation with The Lovers and The Moon in the tarot, there will be some emotional digging taking place for you very soon. You are being called to search for and look deeply at your uniqueness. There is definitely some things that you are uncovering emotionally about yourself in the present as well. For example, you could see the beauty and potential in many things and would do anything to nurture that in others. But when it came to viewing yourself as that same unique and beautiful energy that needed nurturing, you may have not given it a second thought. But within your present day energy I see that you are being presented with this choice once again. In the past it may have seemed too big of a choice to make, especially if you are a parent and have children that depend on you nurturing them. Also, finding yourself and your true essence may not be the most comfortable for you right now. It is essential that you be as gentle with yourself as possible and through this gentleness you are able to make a choice. I can see that you love very deeply and when something has your attention, it has it all. Make yourself the apple of your own eye. I’m even hearing “romance yourself”. If you have emotional hesitations towards these actions, again that is signaling towards what this emotional breakthrough will be like for you. For your energy in the future you have The Destroyer archetype. Before getting more into that energy I do want to point out that this can be a very good thing. When things are “destroyed” that makes space for clarity and redirection. With this as your future energy, to me, this feels as if all of the foundations that you have placed upon other people’s happiness is facing a huge restructure. Is this scary? Absolutely! We are not a society that embraces change with open arms, but it is never too late to start. I love that this energy is coming out for you in the future because the future, for you, could literally be tomorrow or next week. That is the beauty of destruction. We’re never really able to see it coming or see it’s value until after it has happened and we are able to “begin again”. But like I stated before, this change is bringing in a beautiful new sense of clarity for you. Clarity on who you are and what you are meant to be a part of in this lifetime. This clarity will be moving you away from unaligned thoughts, patterns and behaviors. You will be viewing yourself in a new light after this transformation of energy. Your Divine Feather message states: ‘Step forward now and sing your song. There is power in finding your voice.’ This internal work is leading you to finding your voice pile 2! Being able to speak up for yourself and voice what it is that you need and want in the moment. This may also be something that you struggled with in the past as well. You could have had some thought as to what you want but never knew how to voice it or how to bring language to your needs. You will be stepping up and forward in many aspects of your life. What is most needed for you right now is relaxation. As we know very well, a mother rarely rests. But that is exactly what you are being called to do in this moment. I want to point out again that this will be a very internal process for you. You may have strong realizations or epiphanies simply from reading a book, journaling or taking a long bath/shower. This is time that you are meant to have alone with yourself. Try not to be intimidated or get bored of the silence, it is there to open you up to Divine messages.

Pile 3


For your past energy pile 3 you have The Bridge archetype in reverse. To me this is talking about your love of connectedness and companionship with others. You could be a person with many different “friend groups” for many different moods. Or this could solely just be the energy that you carried with you in the past. I also see in The Bridge that in the past the closeness of those relationships did not always benefit you. In some form or fashion, these relationships seriously lacked in boundaries. When we make connections in our life, we are meeting people with who we are in that moment. But because we are human and prone and meant to change, our relationships should evolve with us. But this is not always the case. This isn’t to say that certain connections were not genuine. This actually feels like you met a certain person/people and connected with them so strongly because they helped you out of a dark place. Who wouldn’t be grateful for that type of friend? But when is the last time you talked about something joyous that you both are experiencing or growing through? This may be energy that is coming up for you presently or at least subconsciously. I say this because your present day energy is The Poet archetype in reverse. You may be battling a creative block at this time and wondering why that is. With The Poet being in this position this shows me that you are a person that connects to the written word in a deep and spiritual way. You could be a poet yourself or simply someone who enjoys different types of creative expressions like screen plays, spoken word, or haikus. But the connections around you either do not nourish this side of you or are completely unaware of this talent within you. This could definitely be a frustration for you and could be adding to the blockage that you feel. Within the tarot you have the Queen of Swords starting the line up. This is the energy that you carry within you. You are strong and others see you as very independent. That may be why your relationships work the way that they do, others assume your strength and therefore assume your emotional needs. With the King of Cups following the Queen of Swords, I think overtime you have gotten very good at controlling your emotions. It’s not to say that people are right and you need no one to lean on. I feel as if you have done a lot of emotional work in order to be able to exude this kind of control and confidence outwardly. Especially because I sensed a bit of this darkness that you’ve fought through in the beginning of your reading pile 3. With the High Priestess here, your intuition is also growing because of this emotional work. What may truly be getting in your way at this time is your expression outwardly. You are very in tune internally but again, those relationships around you only see you as one thing. There are many different layers that make up who you are, even some that you yourself are still discovering. But in the 2 of swords I see soon that you will be making a choice. For your future energy you have the Eros archetype pile 3. Spicy 🌶! This is beautiful energy to have in your future, especially because you were born to be connected with others. Eros energy shows me that you are living a life filled with your heart’s desires. There is a sensuality to life that cannot be experienced through sole eroticism. This is deep, spiritual sensuality. And yes, both can exist at once. I don’t necessarily see this sensuality bursting out of you because of other people, but everyone will be different. This is literally you manifesting the things that you day dream about. Becoming involved with life in a different way, feeling uninhibited by fear or doubt. And this is what you choose. But if things look so bleak and monotone now, how do I get to this reality? Choice. There will come an opportunity for you to release. Maybe you will create stronger boundaries in some relationships. Or you’ll reach a new level of vulnerability and openness in sharing your talents and desires with others. Either way, there is a shift being introduced into your life in the near future. This release will come with great change. And as I have probably mentioned in all of the other readings, change is good. But this is something that you know and no longer surprises you. Your Divine Feather message states: ‘Inherent wisdom is emerging at this time. Watch it and ready yourself for a rebirth.’ This is definitely a rebirth for you pile 3. You are not the same person that you were last year let alone 5 years ago. There is wisdom coming into your consciousness and it is preparing you for an awakening. You are awakening to yourself and your value and worth. I mentioned earlier in your reading that people view you as a strong and independent being. For some reason I am being called to reiterate this message because you may not feel this way about yourself. But you are. And now is the time to release this narrative of yourself and step into the spotlight of your own life. I have no idea where this is coming from, but, if you wish to I believe Spirit has a writing prompt for you. Think of one specific moment in your life that you would want to write about. It could be your 20th birthday party when your dad showed up drunk or your college graduation that you never attended because you dropped out. Anything. Now write about that event from the perspective of a fictional character. How would that character have responded to those events? What would they say? This is an opportunity to have complete creative control around a situation that may have really impacted you. This is not something that has to be posted or shared and it doesn’t have to be perfect. Again, I have no idea where that came from but I do truly hope that you are able to uncover a lot about yourself in this exercise. Many blessings to you pile 3!


Full Moon in Aries Reading 10/20/21


☁️Pick A Cloud☁️: A Message You Need to Hear