Mini Zodiac Readings


Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

You are feeling the spark of a new beginning enlivening you fire signs! You may be recently looking back on all of the things that you accepted in the past and how certain emotions lead to certain decisions. Spirit is asking you, ‘what do you need to release’? Many things that you have wanted to create or embark upon may not have come to fruition as you wanted. There were still things that you needed to address emotionally and evolve from. Usually the 8 of cups talks about walking away from what no longer serves us but I see it here today as you evolving. This new beginning that is coming to you, you may have been sensing heavily. You have been urged to try new things, to experience a side of you that you may have felt has been dormant for some time now. This is beautiful energy to move you forward towards your dream. Continue to go against the grain when called to, this is the divine guiding you. There is no need to force what is universal. Your energy deserves to be released in the healthiest and most nurturing way that you need. Feed yourself.


Bottom of the deck energy: Connecting to music at this time will elevate your joy. Listen to the lyrics that you are listening to. Can you relate to the artist? Does the music feed you optimism and enjoyment? With the 3 of swords as your tarot energy at the bottom of the deck, be aware of the underlining pains that construct your everyday life. Where are your thoughts stemming from? Whose voice is represented? ‘You don’t need to explain or justify what you know to be true in your heart. This is your life, your journey. Enjoy every fabulous moment!’ Even if you have to dance this 3 of swords energy out, do it. Dance it all away for right now. The energy of this new beginning is gaining momentum. You know what you are here to experience it, so don’t let any thought or emotion hold you back from experiencing said thing.


Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Spirit is shedding light on your curiosity air signs. With the page of cups and swords here, you are wanting to understand both your mind and emotions more at this time. I’m hearing that you are learning how your manifestations manifest based on your emotional and mental state. I also can see that you have recently been at odds as to whether to keep going with something or to veer in a different direction when it comes to career and financial matters. Spirit is asking you to stay the path which you are currently on and to focus on what brings you joy. This joy will bring you a lifetime of financial stability. Spirit wants you to know that you are very close to achieving your goal. The knowledge that you are seeking is coming to you in an abundance. Whatever decisions that you find yourself needing to make, trust your instincts. You are learning more and more about yourself and eventually this trust in self will come so naturally to you. Keep going air signs, everything that you have dreamed of is just on the other side of your belief in Spirit and self.


Bottom of the deck energy: Your fears around financial stability are being highlighted here. ‘Say thank you to others as often as you can. Say thank you to life. Say thank you to yourself. Gratitude allows you to trust life, and trust is the foundation for dreams to come true’. Spirit wants you to know that gratitude for all that you are and have in your life currently releases the fear of the greatness that the future holds. It is time to work through these fears air signs because you do deserve more. It may have been very hard financially in the past but it is time to heal this financial trauma so that more abundance can be introduced into your energetic field now. You are an abundant being! Sit with this realization in silence. Meditate on this idea frequently and watch the doors of opportunity continuously open up for you.


Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces

‘Who or what has made you believe, that for some reason or another, you don’t have what it takes to follow your dream?’ There may have been some shadows that have recently come up for you. Especially with the Queen of pentacles here, it is definitely energy around a financial trauma. There is a need for you to address the things that you have grown through in order to obtain the level of stability that you are currently in. Spirit wants you to know that this emotional healing will allow you to continue forward with the belief that nothing is impossible for you to achieve. This emotional persistence will urge you to look closer into your emotional make up. Sometimes our outlook on the past can actually shine a light on our resilience and perseverance to make our dreams come true. ‘Life is at your service. You are worthy of everything you desire.’ This is a huge part of the learning process for you. For so long you were told that you only deserved so much or couldn’t possible achieve what seemed impossible to others. But soon you will be almost celebrating these challenges to your course because it has ensured that you truly believe in what you are dreaming, despite others’ daily hesitations that you witness. This celebration is also ushering in a new beginning. This could be romantic but that isn’t the case for everyone. A new cycle in your journey is coming in. Spirit wants to remind you that there isn’t anything extra that you have to do for this new start. It is important that you rest and remain present so that your intuition can continue to guide you as accurately as it already has. Rest is important for the function of your mind, body and spirit.


Bottom of the deck energy: You are very close to achieving your goal water signs. Everyday we have thoughts, plans and ideas, trying to set our future up for the greatness that we sense all around us. What Spirit is really waiting on is for a sense of ease and calm to enter your heart chakra, deep within. ‘Imagine that your heart opens a little more every time you breathe out. It’s easier for you to receive your dream with an open heart.’ You know this. This is an affirmation that you may try to practice freely, opening your heart to receive the expansion that you feel just on the horizon. With the King of wands being the tarot’s BOTDE, Spirit is once again asking you plainly to step into your audacity. The authority is there but you must have the audacity to live in it. Take up your space and believe in your dreams water signs, because Spirit already does and they’re just waiting on you lol.


Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus

Channeled Song: I Wonder - Kanye West


Today, Earth signs. Today is the only day that matters and you can only live one day at a time. So what can you do today to move towards your dream? In case no one has told you outright, you don’t have to wait. There is no specific time that will be the right time, because you’ll never truly know. I know this may be hard to digest because it’s like “ok where do I start?” Start with what you want. Have you taken your dreams that far or does it still just feel like a fantasy that may or may not be able to come true? Spirit is calling to your inner core. Things may have felt very stable and solid up until a certain point recently but there is an unearthing that needs to transpire. I’m seeing that this will most definitely be internally with The Moon here. Your emotions may have been hard to translate in the past but communication will be very important to you coming soon. There may be an opportunity for you to communicate what has been weighing on you heavily and Spirit is encouraging you to take that moment. You don’t do it often which leads to this build up of thoughts and assumptions of what’s going on around you. There is a lot of air energy in your reading so and air sign may be pulling this communication out of you. With the 10 and 9 of swords here this has been a mental build up that Spirit is saying you can finally release. If your sleep has been off and simple communication for work or with family and friends has been draining then look deeper. What is really tiring you out? I truly believe that this emotional release will really clear up some space for you to take more intentional action towards your new reality. I worded it that way specifically because if you don’t call it a dream you won’t treat it as such.

Bottom of the deck energy: ‘Don’t chase your dream, learn to appreciate the present moment. When your dreams do come true, you will have learned to enjoy the moment, instead of reaching for the next dream instead. Teach your mind to rest in the moment.’ I feel like a lot of you thrive on making goals and then crushing them and then moving onto the next, without appreciation of the hard work that you just put in. It’s time to address your fears around feeling like people will move on from you if you aren’t providing something for them. Spirit is calling to your soul with this one earth signs. It’s your turn to find your passions and create a new life for self. Look at all of the goals that you have accomplished, why couldn’t you accomplish something even more spectacular and aligned for yourself? You are the magician, so tap into that magic that you possess and don’t fear creating what’s best for you.


Pick A Rose 🌹 A Positive Message for You *timeless*


💌 Life Path Readings (1-9)💌