Pick A Rose 🌹 A Positive Message for You *timeless*


Hello everyone! I hope you enjoy this timeless message. You can come back at anytime. Just click the image to enlarge and pick which rose holds the message meant for you to hear. 

Let me know what you think and how you like these types of readings!

Pile 1

You are entering or are in the midst of a great release in your life at this moment. There may have been many stages of you stripping away layers of distractions that no longer serve your highest good. Spirit is asking you to continue to co-create with them in order to move effortlessly within this state of change. There is something here that you have continued with in order to see it to completion and Spirit is here with the positive message of success for you pile 1! Continuously allowing Spirit to guide you through decisions using your intuition has continued to prove very good for you. You could have been celebrating a lot recently or coming soon for your adaptability in a situation and feeling much more light-hearted for deciding to release. You may now be mapping out all of the different opportunities in front of you with a more optimistic outlook on success and what it means to you. There is a unique opportunity for you here. You are being called to stand out in order to move more towards the energy that you belong around. Throughout this process you will be seeking emotional opportunities to heal as well. You are feeling encouraged to learn more about your emotional intelligence, wanting to take knowledge from every interaction in order to better yourself and heal to full capacity. There is a merging of energy coming to you just from simply seeking it. I’m almost sensing it as a union between you and your higher self. This spiritual knowledge that you seek will bring you into energy that you weren’t necessarily expecting. Here you are facing your doubts, fears and attachments. This is an amazing opportunity for you to be honest, open and vulnerable with yourself. This is a part of your releasing as well pile 1. The harmony that you are seeking and the work that you are putting in, meeting Spirit half way, creates this avenue of fertility and abundance. It may not be the abundance that you were looking for materially but it is definitely the abundance to help you move out of this closing cycle feeling full and prepared for the new. Your rebirth. This is what it has all been for, for you to enjoy all of the sweetness that life has to offer you, but first you must release.

Pile 2

Beautiful energy here pile 2! I feel as if you have been heavily tuned into this energy of abundance so this reading may come as no surprise to you. Tarot is intuitive anyway and we all have those capabilities. Spirit is sending you the positive message of abundance pile 2! There is an overwhelming build up of energy here in this reading waiting to be acted upon and released. With the 7 of pentacles starting your tarot, you may have been patiently waiting for work/projects to start picking up speed. You may have been facing a lot of negative thoughts around this and continuously aligning yourself with the greater abundance that you feel and see. There is a desire here. Something that you want, wants you. There is something that you are calling into you energetically. Something that stirs passion within you and Spirit wants you to lean into that passion. If you have been feeling called to action Spirit wants you to listen closely and to continue to move towards what you want. 777 in the cards, you have the power of the universe inside of you. Nothing can go wrong. With Neptune here Spirit is asking you to lean more into that dream-like state where anything is possible, even flying with no assistance from technology! Transcend your current way of thinking and being. You will be receiving a message soon, in this message could be a new avenue of service that you may be offering the world soon. You may have been curious about your path and the networks that you want/need in order to elevate within your career. There is heavy air energy here, specifically Gemini, so communication will be strong, not just with Spirit but also with the people who are meant to help you along this journey. Spirit wants you to use your way with words to your advantage. Speak. Listen as well, but your speech is highlighted as important here. Spirit also wants you to go after your happiness pile 2, not waiting for opportunities to fall into your lap but being intentional about stating what you want is important at this time. When you feel as if energy is at a peak and you don’t know which way to go, just continue to go. Sense out what it is that makes you happy and continue to go for the gold. I also heard, “continue to go for the goal”. They are being reached at this time. Also, don’t be afraid to continue to move away from what no longer serves you or fits this new space of abundance. What you move towards and away from will happen naturally and in divine timing.

Pile 3

Wow Pile 3. With ‘Success’ being the theme of the overall reading and ‘Destined to Have’ in the North Node card, this is already beyond aligned. You are blessed pile 3. Blessed with the ability for anything in your life to be successful. There is something here that has recently called you into action. Idk why but it feels like spiritual action. With the 10 of wands right next to the knight of wands I sense that you recently made the decision to place down the worldly burdens and ascend within your higher self. This merging has also encouraged you to go after a deeper level of material abundance for yourself. With the divination card here you could be heavily working with magic in order to continuously align with the blessings coming to you. So like prosperity or self-love affirmations. This magic has brought a vitality to you, a regeneration of life and energy. This is affecting your confidence, bravery and independence. It’s almost as if you were waiting on something and it’s appearance or manifestation has affirmed you and your path. With the ‘No Place Like Home’ with 2 of pentacles right over it, I am sensing that some of you have made the conscious decision to move into Hermit mode in order to stabilize and grow your financial security. Within Hermit mode you are also activating another level of healing. With the Empress here, that healing energy is doubled. This is an important time to nurture yourself and feed your faith in the process. Continuously healing your faith and trust in Spirit will continue to strengthen your faith in what is possible. With ‘Come to the Edge’ here, Spirit wants you to know that there is no shame in fear. We aren’t all taught to jump into situations with faith. But it is something that you are still learning and practicing, and Spirit is proud of you for that. With the 6 of pentacles ending your tarot energy, you are feeling the energy of giving back what you receive. So the knowledge, time and material abundance that you gain will be equally dispersed within your community, creating more community. Do not be afraid to assume this leadership position. 


Weekly Energy Forecast (July 5th - July 9th)


Mini Zodiac Readings