Detailed Affirmations for the Zodiac


These readings took a great amount of energy and time to complete. If you enjoyed this exchange of energy please consider donating to @montystarotchild on Venmo or joining my Patreon for exclusive and early access! 

*Check your Sun, Moon & Rising sign.*


This is going to be a very inspiring time for you Aries. In the past you may have felt low on the amount of choices you had autonomy over. At this time you may also be finding prayer as the gateway to some very comforting and confirming conversations with your Creator. You have decided to learn through love and with this dedication Spirit has placed you in a very authoritative state over your financial stability and literacy. If you have been feeling a bit anxious or impatient towards your creations try to add a bit of play to your routine. When we are so focused on the outcome of creation and not the enjoyment of creation we tend to lose sight of the freedom that we are experiencing. If you are still searching for that balance prayer can send you the answers that you seek. It may seem like you’ve had a difficult and tiring journey, for some financially for others creatively and some of both. Adding this freedom to your day increases the creative flow and helps you to tune into your emotions intimately. I feel like your creative process is heavily intimate. You may be learning this about yourself as well. This brings an assurance to your energy as well though. For so long you may have doubted your creative capabilities and now you see that a whole new world is possible. Opportunities may be flowing in for you soon or at this time. You actually may have 2 or a few different opportunities to choose between. This is miraculous energy Aries. And as amazing as miracles can be Spirit wants you to not become overwhelmed by all of the options that appear before you. I’m hearing “nothing is impossible”. The affirmation that I pulled for you states “pray peace finds you. Pray love guides you. Pray your heart leaps towards the blessings that await you.” Whatever comes into your life at this time, and feels aligned with the direction in which your spirit is being called, is meant to be leapt towards without fear or hesitation. 

Bottom of the deck energy: “things are going to turn around. Hold open your arms and accept all of the goodness that is being prepared for you. Your time is coming.” You have the word acceptance showing up twice in your BOTDE Aries. There are some energetic wounds and habits that need healing and releasing. If no one has ever told you that you can do and be anything and that anything is possible for you it is time to start rewriting some narratives that have been with you since childhood. Your path is meant to be pleasurable. You are meant to choose love at every turn. This new gift of perspective will illuminate the way you view what is possible in your life. Spirit wants you to accept all of the goodness that is coming to you and to choose love no matter what Aries. 


Everyone doesn’t need to have access to you Leo. Spirit may have been quietly urging you to move out of your comfort zone of being around energy that doesn’t serve your highest good. You may struggle at times with feeling as if your energy gets drawn upon by others without your permission. In order to neutralize this cycle within your relationships, Spirit is asking you to align with everything that brings you peace in your life currently. If you feel as if there aren’t many things that represent peace in your physical presence you are being asked to look within. There is a sanctuary being offered within yourself. You may have known for a long time now that you can’t find peace in other things but you always feel the most comfort coming back into yourself. You may be looking to strengthen your meditation practice at this time as well, that is encouraged. Within the tarot I can see that there is a buckling down of energy within the financial realm for you right now. You may be finding yourself investing in certain things and releasing all of the other excess. This is because you are in the midst of a financial journey at this time. A process that may look and feel a bit slow but is definitely intentional and methodical. As you are taking your time with financial matters, you are growing more curious of your spirit and how it aids you in this spiritual journey. You may begin to notice where you have contained yourself for so long due to fear or a false sense of comfort. I do see that you will be making a choice soon. It could be within your finances or a material decision in general. With the Ace of Wands following the 2 of pentacles I can see that you are accepting a gift from Spirit. With this gift is coming new feelings of happiness and joy. What use to keep you up at night and consume your thoughts intrusively are now falling away. You are being shown a new light upon your path, an igniting of your spirit. 

Bottom of the deck energy: “you are rising and growing in ways you don’t even know. Trust in your self and the direction you are going.” Spirit wants you to trust them and to trust yourself. With ‘Love’, ‘The Empress’ as your tarot BOTDE and the card ‘Metabolic’ stating, “please be gentle and love yourself. provide your bodymind with what it truly needs to carry you on your journey”, there is a strong urging for you to be gentle with yourself Leo. “The presence of love will always cast out fear”.


Spirit wants you to know that “something could be good but not good for you. That’s okay. There are better things for you and those things will find you.” You are coming to a great surrender Sagittarius. When you think that you have surrendered, you will find yourself surrendering even more. You are realizing that the less you try to control the outcome of situations the more successful you actually are. With learning what is best for you and what isn’t, there is no need for action. With the Chariot in reverse the only action that is needed from you is surrender. Your intuition will be speaking to you heavily during this process. At this moment, Spirit is whispering to you the sweet song of patience. This may not be the easiest of messages to hear for some of you though Sagittarius. To you, success looks one specific way. But whose to say that your life isn’t successful right now just because you think that there is something missing? It is time for a decision Sagittarius. You must decide to allow your intuition to guide you. And you must decide to trust it. This could be a difficult choice for you. For some, the easier option would be to continue how you’ve always had but I’m seeing that you aren’t interested in that option anymore. You are tired of the overthinking or “trying to make it fit”. Spirit wants you to know that when you feel the effortless flow of the divine moving through your life, do not be afraid. Yes, things really can be this easy. And yes, you are still thriving. Rest is thriving. Intentionally not doing anything when you know you have issues with resting, is thriving. Give yourself what you need and take nothing less. 

Bottom of the deck energy: this is a great time for you to exude your leadership capabilities Sagittarius. ‘You are rising and growing in ways you don’t even know. Trust in your self and the direction you are going.’ Spirit wants you to accept control over your independence. You are being asked to release all of the narratives and defenses that you have inherited over the years. They are no longer serving your highest good. ‘My capacity to tune in to the energy of love gives me the words I need when I’m ready to speak up, the compassion I need when it’s time to forgive, and the power I need when I am lost’. It’s time to realign your energy with that of the love of the Divine. There is so much prosperity waiting on you. 


‘You are rising and growing in ways you don’t even know. Trust in yourself and the direction you are going’. My dear Scorpios, you are facing a huge transition in the midst of your path. I feel as if many of you have underestimated yourself and what you believe you can achieve. But your heart is opening up to a new narrative. With Justice being at the forefront of your reading I feel there is a great balance here between releasing and taking action. You may be currently stepping out of very guarded energy. This may have been the way that you felt you thrived the best when it came to taking action. “No one needs to know until things are on the up and up”. But I’m seeing that your creative process is taking a new turn. You are acting on thoughts and ideas unapologetically, creating equity for yourself and others. ‘Instead of praying for an outcome, I pray for the highest good for all’. You aren’t here to create an empire for one, you know that the highest good evolves all of mankind. This is where your prosperity lies, as you build for others, you create a prosperous community. What I sense within this transformation is your willingness to open yourself up to new possibilities. You have a new beginning here with the Fool followed by the 7 of pentacles, signifying that this new beginning will be pulling patience out of you. All of the new information that is coming to you in this opportunity or new beginning must first sink into consciousness. If you are noticing feelings of being the “new guy” once again, analyze them. You’ve worked very hard to keep others from having the opportunity to be in a domineering position over you, and would hate to end up in any type of situation similar to that ever again. Be receptive of what this has meant for you thus far and see where healthy boundaries can be reinforced in order for you to open up to the world once more. You are being called to action Scorpios and this may be different action than you have faced thus far. Do not be afraid. You were called to this for a Divine reason and there is growth still unseen to your human eye. 

Bottom of the deck energy: you have the High Priestess here as the overall tarot energy and it ties in perfectly with the Oracle. With ‘My fearless freedom lights up the world’ and ‘Enlightenment’ here, you are intuitively connected to what it is that you were sent here to do. It is standing out to me that your past is heavily highlighted here. ‘It’s ok to let go of those who taught you a lot and transformed your life. Just because they triggered an awakening doesn’t mean they must stay. People arrive during different seasons for different reasons’. That card paired with, ‘As emotions rise, go within to see what stories and memories are fueling them. Then release what is not serving you with gratitude’, is signaling a great release within the heart chakra. Many people have taught you many different things simply by sharing their perspective. It is now time to learn your own perspective, and that is the one gifted to you by Source. This is definitely just you learning to trust yourself Scorpios. 


‘You may not know what’s to come or where you’re going but just know you will get where you need to go. Right now, you are here. It’s ok to be here. Ultimately, it’ll take you where you need to be’. You are right where you need to be Cancer. You may be in a state of frustration and that may not be the thing that you want to hear right now. That’s ok. With ‘Truth’ and ‘I honor how I want to feel’, Spirit is wanting you to be honest about the emotions that are coming up for you. Do you feel fulfilled? When was the last time that you truly felt restful? These are going to be some very important questions to you at this time. There may come a time soon where you will feel like just doing nothing and Spirit wants you to know that that might be your best option at the moment. If you decide to not accept an offer, whether romantically, financially or other, this may actually cause a greater sense of fulfillment within yourself. I’m also seeing that if there is an actual opportunity that you felt hesitant on accepting, that shortly after declining there will be a new opportunity to make itself known. Whether you will be turning something down or not, there is a new beginning for you here. This is a space where you will be able to focus on external energy less and less because you know that it is not adding positivity to your atmosphere. You are releasing the misunderstanding and sometimes hostile environment that you’ve so frequently experienced in the past. With the Ace of Wands here the Divine is sending you a gift. Your spirits will feel lifted and will feel this passion to heal the wounds that go past your own existence. I heard “your ancestors are sending you this gift to help you release”. With the knight of cups in reverse, this is another signal to me that we won’t necessarily be interested in external romance or validation from another. You may be feeling very enlightened within this independence. I’m also hearing “celibacy” for someone. But in general, with the 6 of pentacles in reverse as well, you are drawing your energy back into yourself. The nurturing Cancerian is a giver and sometimes to the extent of wearing themselves out or over-giving. This energy is coming into balance. You are learning give and take within this enlightenment, knowing that what you feed grows and that you can’t feed others without feeding yourself as well. 

Bottom of the deck energy: ‘what is something you are proud of yourself for?’ Spirit is bringing you an opportunity for deep emotional healing and recognition of self. ‘Allow your inner critic to be silenced as you find the perfection in yourself and those around you’. With your cardinal energy here in the Chariot, Spirit wants you to give way to the healing that you are being called to do Cancer. ‘Attack, pain, fear, judgment, and any form of separation are merely calls for help.’ Listen to your emotions Cancer because they are always a telltale sign of what it is that is unbalanced from within. And then remind yourself of how proud you are that you have decided to respond to yourself and others in a different way. 


‘Don’t be too harsh on yourself. Give yourself space, room, water, light, soil, everything you need to grow and bloom into the person you really want to be.’ This is going to be a very nurturing time for you Pisces. You are being asked to be gentle with self and to continue to nurture this “new you” into existence. ‘When I focus on my inner light I see the world through the lens of love’. This perspective is going to be so important for you to hold onto, especially when interacting with others. In the 4 of cups, I am seeing a dissatisfaction emotionally. With the 5 of swords next to it, there could be miscommunication within a group and you may feel as if this situation is quite exhausting. You can observe this situation in one of two ways. Through the lens of love, understanding that just because there is miscommunication it doesn’t mean that there is a lack of love that you can carry, or you can fight to be right. Sometimes within situations it is just best to walk away instead of furthering the misunderstandings with words that you may not even mean. In order to deescalate the situation, taking a step back and instead focusing on all of the hard work that you have put in in order to create stability and safety. You may even find that resting is a part of this re-centering for yourself. It will be important for you to check in with your emotional body at this time as well though. You are resting not to escape reality or conflict but to come face to face with your own responsibilities within the miscommunication as well. With the Queen of Cups being in reverse your emotional state will be heavily focused on at this time. You are needing to know your emotional responses and how they correspond to the Devil’s energy right next to the Queen of Cups. How do you react in an emotional situation? Why do you react? With the devil here, Spirit wants you to recognize what you have been fed emotionally for so long and what you have been conditioned to understand as normal. ‘Allow yourself to experience more joy and love. Raise your resonance by swimming in the sweetness of life’. Joy and love may not feel familiar but it is yours to have Pisces. As you continue to find your grounding and where it is that you belong (or who you belong to), Spirit wants you to find your inner peace within creating. You may have a very creative side that provides you an emotional sanctuary. This will be an area that you begin to lose track of time in. Feeling very captivated by the divine energy of creation. 

Bottom of the deck energy: ‘you are protected from any negative envy, jealousy, or fear cast your way. You are protected by the most high and will continue to rise into your power’. Protection is coming up again within your reading signifying that everything and everyone you hold valuable and irreplaceable within your heart space is protected. Much like Cancer’s healing process, this healing will be an opportunity for you to surrender. ‘In any moment I can surrender to the powerful presence of love through prayer, contemplation and stillness’. This will be a huge and impactful transformation for you Pisces. ‘Release the worry and fear and allow confidence, trust and strength to take you to your goal’. Spirit is calling for you to move forward confidently, knowing that you and your loved ones are fully protected.  


‘Make sure you love yourself as much as you want to love them’. You are going through a huge transformation Gemini, one where you are pouring more into your own cup. But this is a learning process for you. You know that everyday you have the choice to learn through love rather than fear. As you are reading this, rest is important and needed. You have many adventures unraveling for you and preparation is important. With the 7 of swords in reverse next to the 4 of swords, there seems to be a balance needed within your mental state. Don’t try to take on too much Gemini. You may want to do it all, and could possibly handle the work load and energy exchange successfully, but at the risk of mental exhaustion. What is really interesting is that you have the 10 of pentacles with the 10 of cups in reverse right next to it. This is amazing energy, phenomenal even, but my question to you is are you feeling it? Are you able to fully experience the euphoria that comes with these two energies. I think there can be a lot of adventure in just experiencing the now. You can miss so much not being present or focused in the now. But you have a choice. The card ‘DNA repairing’ states, “there is not efforting required for this shift. Be present and allow every aspect of your being to transform”. The trigger statement on this card is: “I don’t know who I am”. The true statement is: “I am”. You already are Gemini. You are already in this euphoria and it is safe to just be here for a moment. With the High Priestess being in reverse, your intuition will not show itself out loud at this time. The point of intuition is to trust it, so when you feel as if you are in the dark on your decision making, just trust that you know what you are doing. That is how you can transition to an intuition led existence, fully trusting the Divine. Things are continuously coming into balance for you at this time. Wonders are appearing and you can sense alchemy in all of the things that you interact with. Again, this is an effortless transformation of energy for you Gemini. Make sure you are feeding your energy and even take a nap if you need to. The world can wait, and nothing is more important than a rebalancing of energy. 

Bottom of the deck energy: ‘you deserve someone who will go slow with you. Someone who will take their time loving you. Someone who will be clear with their intentions while also understanding you’re still building a foundation. You deserve’. The World is opening up for you more and more each day Gemini and you deserve someone who will take that same journey with you as slowly and intentionally as you need. You deserve this. ‘Through prayer and meditation I create a ripple effect of peace in the world’. The peace starts from within you. Pray for it and it will come. Nourish it and it will grow. Spirit is here, heavily communicating your safety and security. ‘Lift yourself above your life situation and observe as a witness. Understand that you are so much more than the story’. The one thing that a Gemini can always benefit from is a shift of perspective. We are not stagnant beings and the sooner you realize this, the sooner that those “dreams” seem more like a possibility. And even a dream come true. 


‘You do enough. You are enough’. Your affirmation is so simple in wording but so powerful in impact Libra. Sometimes it is the simplest of reminders that bring us the deepest and most profound healing. I can see that there is a lot of mental turmoil going on for you right now. You may have clicked on this reading searching for an answer and I hope this is the one that you are looking for 💕. I feel as if many of you have a hard time with stillness and the act of intentional stillness. Your mind won’t let you rest most of the times. It may even keep you up or you wake up immediately with bombarding thoughts of “am I doing enough”. I think you are in the midst of a learning process about yourself though. You know that you may have the habit of focusing a lot in the past and possibly harboring over old decisions and choices. I am seeing that this is definitely something that you either want to work on or have been working hard to address within yourself. With the 6 of wands being in reverse, you may be going through these changes with no recognition from others. And that’s ok. These changes are in order for you to confidently move through the world knowing and understanding that you  are enough. Not for someone to recognize it within you first. With the 9 of cups and the Queen of Pentacles in reverse here, I am seeing that you may be feeling fulfilled with where you are right now in life emotionally but that there are other parts of yourself that you are trying to nurture. Like the financial aspect of life. With the Queen of Pentacles being in reverse it’s almost as if you are needing to heal financial trauma. It could be around your maternal figure, or the women who raised you, where you have learned certain habits and fears. The card ‘Juniper Berry’ states: ‘look at each story that repeats itself in your mind as a stranger would. Ask yourself, “is this true?”’ The trigger statement says: “My mind does not rest”. The true statement says: ‘I listen to my higher self’. This is the time where you will be listening to your higher self closely in order to make a choice or decision. Spirit wants you to embrace this aspect of yourself. You may be learning more about your higher self and intuition or wanting to know how listening to this part of yourself can change your life. You will find the answers to your questions through stillness. 

Bottom of the deck energy: ‘pray peace finds you. Pray love guides you. Pray your heart leaps towards the blessings that await you’. Prayer is the action of speaking directly to god, Source, Spirit. So however you do it is completely up to you. The Divine literally just wants you to open up to all it is that you know you want and need. The affirmation ‘you do enough. you are enough’ definitely correlates here for you as well Libra. You are worthy of asking for these things. ‘When I think I’ve surrendered, I surrender more’. That is the one thing about this spiritual journey that we are all on. Even when we feel as if we can shed no more, there are still remnants of our old outdated habits that can be released. With the Hanged man here your perspective on this is shifting. You know that shedding these things feels good. ‘You are ready to let go of the suffering so that you can take in new possibilities. Release so you can receive’. You have abundance here Libra. And I feel like you don’t realize how hard you’ve actually worked for it. Take a deep breath. Allow your shoulders to slouch to your sides and feel your chest expand more easily. Your abundance is as effortless as breathing. So take in another deep breath because the resource is endless. 


‘Bask in your own energy. Pour into yourself. Move through your daily journey with wide eyes. Dive into the energy of the nature which surrounds you. Allow yourself to flow with the wind and sing the song of the birds. Reclaim your energy. Reclaim your roots’. This is a beautiful time for you Aquarius. It’s almost as if your senses are reawakening. You are trying to bask in the Sun a little more. Your eyes may be opening up to all of the different possibilities available to you. With the Empress and 2 of pentacles here I feel like there is an intentional decision that needs to be made. You may have been juggling a lot right now and Spirit wants you to take a look at how you are taking care of yourself because of it. You could really be called to some “me time” right now and I am here to say that it’s very important that you do. You are moving away from something here as well. With the 6 of swords and the 7 of wands there has been miscommunication, disagreements and maybe even jealousy towards you in regards to the things you want to create in this lifetime. Aquarius is known for being unique and out of the box so people around you may really not understand the need for the things that you can already see the importance for. This defensive energy may have pushed you into some self-restricting thoughts or patterns. But I see that you are ready to move out of this energy fully and away from the energy that constantly makes you doubt yourself. With the Sun in reverse right next to the 8 of swords in reverse, what is needed is belief in yourself. You won’t be able to look to others to encourage you to move forward. The Sun here is signifying that you have a bright outcome ahead but with it in reverse you might just not believe in it as strongly as before you opened up and shared with others. But all of this is followed by the 10 of pentacles and the 4 of cups. You are done settling for what does not fulfill you and give you the feeling that anything is possible with a little work and faith. The 10 of pentacles suggests that you believing in yourself is a promising investment that you won’t regret. The affirmation card ‘Blue Tansy’ states: ‘Inspiration has arrived and will work through you as you move forward’. The trigger statement says: ‘Where do I go from here?’. The true statement says: ‘I allow life to flow through me’. Your inspiration will be ignited at this time and the barriers must go so that it can all flow through and to you. You literally have the word flow twice. Signifying that the flow of things will be very important. If you don’t feel flow and you feel as if you are forcing things in the direction that you think it should go, surrender. ‘The more energy and intention I bring to my faith, the more fearless and free I am’. This is what you are doing it for Aquarius, fearless freedom. There are miracles flowing and you must be aware of the things that you no longer need to accept emotionally. 

Bottom of the deck energy: ‘pray for patience. Pray to live in this moment. Pray for all invasive thoughts to leave you. Pray for stability. Pray that you overcome all battles. Pray for your healing.’ Prayer is going to be a big factor in bringing in this peace and confidence Aquarius. However you pray, speaking to Spirit will introduce the calming energy that you’ve been missing or seeking. You have the 5 of wands in reverse and ‘Inner Peace’ which tells me you are really done with the bull Aquarius. ‘Allow yourself to experience more joy and love. Raise your resonance by swimming in the sweetness of life’. This is Spirit saying that there is nothing to worry about and that it only gets better from here. ‘When I lean toward love I am led.’ Let Spirit guide you towards this inner peace. 


‘Everything for you is for you and no one can take that away from you. You are great in your own right and no one can deny that’. This is such a beautiful message Virgo because you have come through so much. Many others have doubted you and caused a pain that may still echo within you from time to time. That’s ok though because it still doesn’t invalidate all that you are. You have the Queen of Wands here starting off the tarot. You are bold in energy and nurturing in spirit. Your confidence in this could have wavered with all that you have been through, again just echoes of doubt and mistrust in your own power. But you have the Strength card and 4 of wands following the 3 of swords. This to me means that you have still created peace and harmony around you even with this heartache. You were able to gather your strength and create a safe space for yourself to weather the storm. With the Ace of pentacles here I am seeing a new material opportunity/financial journey beginning for you soon. “Another go around” is what I am hearing. ‘Release the suffering and take another step forward sweet one. With each step you will see more light and healing’. This new beginning is not just an opportunity for financial security but emotional security as well. As you are watching this opportunity come in (or sensing it) be sure to also open your heart to it as well. The ships can’t sail into closed doors. ‘When I lean on the faith of the Universe, peace becomes real’. Peace is real Virgos and I know that’s hard to trust. You may feel like there’s always something keeping you from your dreams. Whether it’s other’s opinions or other’s need for your time and attention. The Death card in reverse ends the tarot for your reading. The transitions within you are subtle and natural that there is no need to fight it. You are evolving Virgo and this is actually very good for you. There can still be security within change, whether in your environment or closest relationships. You are secure through all of the change that is represented through natural evolvement. “Do not be afraid”.

Bottom of the deck energy: ‘you will be successful. You will do things your parents never could. You will be stable. You will find love. You will prosper in this lifetime’. Spirit wants you to know that there is nothing to fear. The affirmation ‘Douglas Fir’ states: let yourself be the one to heal the wounds passed down from your ancestors. The release and growth begins with you’. Spirit is straight to the point with this one Virgos. Trigger statement: ‘the past haunts me’ true statement: ‘in this moment I am free’. You are free Virgos. Free to explore and learn as much about yourself and your talents as you desire. It’s time to focus. Nurture the wounds that you may have around your creativity and financial matters. ‘There is a stream of love supporting my dreams’. You are fully supported and so loved by the Universe. 


Channeled Song: Womanifesto - Jill Scott

‘Your support for self is strong enough to carry the world. But the world can help carry you too’. You are so strong Capricorn. But what many may not know about you is that you have the softest of interiors emotionally. You are always there for everyone else without asking for anything in return. It could be because you have a hard time speaking up in general or you just “don’t want to be a bother”. But Spirit wants you to know that the world can support you just as much as you lift up the betterment of the world. It may take emotional strength on your part in order to open up and speak on what it is that you need. But with Strength and the Moon here, I see a deep exploration into those emotions in order to find the questions that you need to ask. With the 8 of wands being in reverse there may be communication that you have been keeping an eye out for. This email, letter or phone call may come in slower or at a later date than you were hoping. But Spirit doesn’t want you to worry about what it is that you are not seeing right now. This doesn’t mean that the world isn’t still fully open to you. With the World in reverse it just signifies that you have yet to fully close an important cycle before moving towards another goal. ‘The healing occurs when I give myself permission to feel whatever feelings live below the triggers’. You are meant to look more closely in order to see what the triggers are trying to tell you Capricorn. But with the Ace of Swords here you are accepting a change within your perspective. If you know that it’s healing that you need in order to move on, healing is what you will seek and receive. This is a clear choice. You know that you haven’t moved on from whatever it is that keeps you from speaking up emotionally. I see that within the 8 of cups in reverse and the King of Wands in reverse, the things that you may have difficulty walking away from, even if you know it’s what’s best for you, heavily affects your confidence and spirit. You know you have the capability of stepping fully into your authority and embracing your passions. But when you aren’t feeling it emotionally how can you truly feel it spiritually? There are wonders waiting on the other side of this healing. You may be surprised what stepping up for yourself can create. ‘Take a breath dear one, and allow yourself to feel the flow of life through you. Release your need to do and just be’. It’s time to take care of your needs Capricorn. Things may continue to feel slow and uninspiring if there is an emotional build up within you. Let it all out in a healthy way. 

Bottom of the deck energy: ‘you will achieve your dreams. Your vision will come to life. Your goals are attainable. You are getting there’. You are getting there Capricorn. There are new beginnings for you just on the horizon of your emotional surrender. ‘When I think I’ve surrendered, I surrender more’. There is no judgment from Spirit within an emotional release. If you must release what you have been carrying around alone then so be it. But be sure that you are not carrying any judgments of yourself into this process either. You are human and humans are allowed to feel. ‘Give yourself space to decompress and take time to nurture your bodymind and spirit. Allow emotions to surface and release’. This is really beautiful and confirming energy telling you that it’s ok to mourn a situation for what it taught you and how it made you feel and then release it. You don’t have to hold onto it any longer Capricorn.  


‘Allow yourself to have fun. Allow yourself to sit and rest. Allow yourself to feel happiness. Allow yourself to be in the moment’. You are being asked to open up to the feelings that surround you at this time. You have the Devil card starting the tarot. That next to the Empress, I think you are in the midst of trying to let go of a lot of pain and instead take up the much needed habit of nurturing yourself. You may be a natural nurturer for others but somehow convince yourself that the same level is not needed for yourself. With ‘Diligence’ over the Devil card, Spirit wants you to be weary of this type of thinking. This could be the type of mindset that you were brought up in though as well, “take care of others first”. But no matter how long these habits have been with you, you are ready to shed. With the Emperor here and the Death card, you are charging into this new transition, embracing your authority over your own path. ‘I honor how I want to feel’. At every turn you are tuning into yourself and what your emotions are trying to tell you, honoring yourself and your emotional body. This is followed up with the 10 of cups and the Hanged Man. Really powerful energy Taurus! This transition brings you directly into the path of your happily ever after, if you want it of course. ‘Please hold space for the feelings you have. Honor them and be with them. Your burden will be lightened’. You are being rewarded for this release Taurus. The intention that you put behind your emotional healing creates a path of fulfillment and legacy. If you are questioning how to go about this intentional healing and what will work best for you, the Hanged Man and ‘Standstill’ suggests that in the midst of stillness your perspective will shift. Giving yourself moments of pause is not only nurturing for your body but your spirit as well. You will come to conclusions and epiphanies that you may not have even known you needed to experience. 

Bottom of the deck energy: ‘When you feel yourself reacting to a trigger, slow yourself down and focus on your breath. Try to bring yourself back to this moment. Lean into the root of the issue and the feelings rather than leaning into the reaction’. There is a purification of your energy taking place right now Taurus. You are growing more knowledgeable on your triggers and how to lean into the emotion of them rather than the reaction. ‘Attack, pain, fear, judgment, and any form of separation are merely calls for help’. Spirit hears your cries. You know that your reactions are trying to communicate something to you within. Spirit knows before you are even fully aware and wants you to know that you are not alone within this exploration of self. ‘Your big beautiful heart is ready to open. Trust that you will be able to discern who is best to walk with you’. You are determined to not let the pain of the past hold you from experiencing greatness within your everyday. With King of Cups in reverse being the BOTDE your need for working on trusting others again will help you build emotional confidence. You know that not everyone is out to get you and the people in the past have needed to learn their own emotional lessons. This will not hinder your growth though. You are ready to let this purifying light wash over you and your path. And you are only seeking to walk with those who carry that same energy. 


Weekly Energy Forecast (July 12th - July 16th)


Weekly Energy Forecast (July 5th - July 9th)