Weekly Energy Forecast (July 12th - July 16th)


 I want to start this weekly energy off by mentioning that for Monday’s energy we also had the 7 and 9 of swords pop out but I felt like that wasn’t the overall energy for everyone. That being said, if interactions with others have kept you up at night, I am sensing a great release within your mental space. With the 10 of swords here representing Monday’s tarot energy, we are done. Literally, Spirit is saying no more. With Virgo being the astrological energy for Monday, you are doing a service to others by servicing yourself. Whatever mental release occurs on Monday, it will be for the highest good of all. This is the only way that we are able to build our integrity within self and our closest relationships. Monday’s energy seems as if we are facing all of our things and finally saying “enough”. 

The outcome of this release, and yet again another closing of a cycle, brings a huge transition in for you on Tuesday. With the Death card representing the tarot for Tuesday, you are transitioning from the mental chaos that you continue to have a long battle with and facing your North Node. Towards your destiny. We have always had so much cluttering our creative mental space and we continue to learn that the more we release, the more we make space for what’s truly meant to be. All that you are destined to have will be the focus this day. Let this transition wash over you. Whatever you naturally feel called to do will most likely be of your best interest. You may be wanting to learn how to intuitively take more action in your day to day without worry or fear of the outcome. Tuesday will be a great way to practice embodying this energy fully. The energy is malleable. 

On Wednesday we will be focusing on the things that are most important to us. Which is self and the people closest to us. “We are feeling the feels”. It is safe to say that to be human is to want mutual love and understanding. With the society that we live in though, other people’s love has always been made to look more appealing than our own. But on Wednesday we are gazing within. Our heart chakra may be activated heavily this day as well. Your energy has constantly been seeking out those who are like-minded and passionate about your same humanitarian beliefs. But this may bring up the question, “what do I believe in?” With the Lovers in revers, no love feels like the love we feed ourself. To be understood and for others to see our light feels great, but we must first notice the light that seems to be attracting all of this goodness towards you. This is a day of self-awareness. Notice I didn’t say hyper self-awareness though. Be gentle with yourself. And if being around others keeps you from over analyzing yourself too critically, then be around those that you trust. 

On Thursday you are leaning into and embracing the cardinal energy. You are ready to initiate a new beginning or form of information intake. It’s almost as if there is a fire being ignited within you and you grow even more curious about your financial/material status. Abundance, manifestation and financial affirmations may be the focus. You are driven to know and learn more. You may be asked to look bravely into your dreams and notice what you may feel is impossible to achieve. Instead of letting fear or doubt hold you in place to what is familiar, you are looking into those “next steps”. With any Page in the minor arcana you are not aiming to learn it all in one day. We know that life changes take time and dedication. But on Thursday we are looking at what it is we feel like we can dedicate our spirits to in this material world. And if it’s not currently represented then we feel more than qualified to learn about what it takes to bring it into existence. We are channeling our pioneering spirit. 

After a cleansing release at the beginning of the week and a continuous check in with your energy and needs, on Friday you are feeling the euphoria of living in absolute spiritual control. Not the control that we’ve tried to exact in our day to day, but the control we feel knowing that the Divine is working for our highest good. With the Queen of Wands representing the energy of the tarot, you have and continue to nurture your way to success. Your physical security, material values and self-worth is highlighted on Friday. You have worked hard to get to where you are. And I am sensing the heavy fire energy it took to get there in this Queen. While the second house normally focuses on material possessions and security, Friday’s energy feels as if you are focusing on the emotions around you deserving this specific lifestyle that you envision. Continue to nurture your dreams with gratitude and watch all that you have blossom into your beautiful destiny. 


Bottom of the deck energy: we have the High Priestess and the 10th house as the undertone and overall energy of the week/end. We are feeling ambitious all week and we know the outcome of our great shedding and release will make way for our life mission. By the end of the week we may all feel very accomplished with the emotional and physical work that we produce. We are letting the Divine guide us day to day with little intrusion from our subconscious fears. The actions that we are taking this week is building structure. A new foundation made with self-discipline and love.

*the weekly energy will not always be available on aftonelizabethh.com but can be accessed weekly on patreon.com/montystarotchild


Weekly Energy Forecast (July 19th - July 23rd)


Detailed Affirmations for the Zodiac