Weekly Energy Forecast (August 23rd - August 27th)

Welcome to another weekly energy reading everyone! I hope this finds you well and helps to ease you into your week. 

Monday’s energy to me seems pretty gentle around the feelings that we feel. We have the Ace of Cups which is absolutely beautiful energy to have on a Monday. No one can interrupt these good feelings that the Universe is sending our way. I always love seeing the Ace of Cups because it signifies an over pour. Of course all emotions should have a balance but sometimes we really do need just a lot of good to come our way. Like finding a $5 bill in your pocket right before you do laundry. And that $5 allows you to treat yourself for lunch for once. Whatever the case may be, some things will just make your day on Monday. Be open to receiving it all Spirit says. We also have the energy of ‘School’ for the oracle and it states: ‘The answer that you’re seeking involves going to school.’ Reading in between the lines here, I think we will be absorbing all kinds of knowledge on Monday! I truly believe that anyone and anything can be a teacher in the very moment that it’s time for a lesson. You don’t have to be in the social structure of a school to learn something. And maybe this is why no other feelings can disturb the beauty of the day. When you learn something new, your eyes open a little wider. You are consciously comprehending things differently from then on. Spirit is asking you to open up to the opportunity to find these answers and then to discern what you feel is true knowledge for you. It is good to be curious this day and to examine the connections of all things. 

On Tuesday it seems as if we are revisiting an old part of our journey. The 5 of pentacles that is represented as the energy of Tuesday does not feel current. We’ve delved into our feelings around lack before. We’ve looked at how it has held us back so many times before. Whether we didn’t feel prepared for something or as if we just didn’t have enough of something, memories tend to sting as if they still exist. Of course this energy will look differently for everyone. Spirit wants you to recognize that ‘your soul longs to express itself creatively.’ We have never been as free in the modern world to create as we are today, in the year 2021. I’ve had to analyze this for myself as well, but what if we are unable to find comfort anywhere else because there’s somewhere divinely specific meant for us? The saying “all we know, is all we know” is real. Sometimes we tend to forget that there’s more for all of us. We aren’t meant to stress over financial matters from a job we are growing to despise. We are meant to live freely through our own unique creative expressions! We cannot let our fears hold us back any longer, so, how can you challenge yourself today? Writing a poem, connecting with the color spectrum in any way (i.e. painting, drawing, etc.), or connecting with your breath to allow creativity to flow from you in any way, all of these things can be expressed freely. This is your time to explore you, what you love and what you fear. How do they show up in your life daily?

Now the oracle for Wednesday does state ‘Career Change’, but, we are going to focus on the latter part of the phrase. Meaning, the energy will show up differently for everyone. I do want to mention that for the tarot energy we also have the 4 of cups in reverse. This is clarity. We know what we don’t want, which makes it that much easier to go after what it is that we do want. With the 4 of cups being in reverse, we may have accepted or tolerated a lot in the past but things are literally changing right before our eyes. For some of you, you really are getting, finding or starting a new career. For others, this could also relate to emotional matters within your life. “You’re embarking upon a career that brings you the joy and abundance you desire and deserve.” We know what the opposite feels like. When there’s an opportunity that you started out really excited about and then ,overtime, you changed and evolved and you deserve that same right all throughout life. When we have all of that amazing energy starting the week, nothing quite feels the same in comparison. This also feels like to me “someone can’t bring you something that you already offer to yourself.” So some of you may also be deciding that the entrepreneurial route is the only way for you. Either way, on Wednesday we are all for embracing change and doing things a little differently

Thursday’s energy is just as beautiful as Monday’s energy! We have the Sun card for the tarot and ‘Family’ which states: “Loving your friends and family is central to your life purpose.” I think sometimes we forget the purpose of our purpose, when chasing our purpose. We are all trying to do our best on the daily and sometimes we beat ourselves up for not “getting it right”. But there really is no such thing. On Thursday, Spirit wants us to focus on the present moment. The people that are closest to us is our purpose. We are here to live and thrive amongst each other, not against. When we take care of ourselves we are able to share and experience our best self with the ones that we love. On Thursday we may find that there isn’t really anything for us to do but to live in the moment and enjoy the here and now. Some of you may call out of work or call it an early day to do something fun or relaxing. With the Sun here, it just feels like a good day, even if you spend it to yourself and reminiscing about the ones you love. It’ll be all good

Friday’s energy is really telling of the journey that you’ve had through the week. We have the 3 of pentacles and the ‘Leadership’ card which states: “Take charge of this situation!” It’s funny to me because, traditionally, the 3 of pentacles talks about working with others in a group setting. In this message, Spirit is not asking you to take over but to take charge. If you feel as if working closely with others in a healthy manner isn’t possible right now, take charge on the situation. We sensed the career change in the middle of the week and now it’s coming full circle. Now, I nor Spirit will ever ask you to do something that you don’t feel 100% ready for. Only you can be ready to take that certain leap. But what Spirit is saying within the ‘Leadership’ card is that there is action that you can take right now, no matter how big or small. Spirit also wants you to know that you have others around you that are willing to help as well. If it’s a change that you want, change must be initiated upon. You don’t have to do it all at once and you definitely don’t have to do it alone. If there is any fear within change, Spirit wants you to know that you are a leader. You are capable and qualified for greater. Let it unfold around you and listen to where your intuition then pulls you. The right people will show up at just the right time, in order for you to take that intentional action. 

Bottom of the deck energy: This week Spirit is wanting us to continue to show patience towards our creations and journeys as a whole. We have the oracle ‘Writing’ which states: “You heal, inspire, teach, and entertain with the words you write.” And this is what we are looking for our words to do. Spirit knows that you have been putting in the work but sometimes logic tries to intervene and ask us “why put in the work if no one sees it?” This isn’t logical though. We must continue to do what calls to us and let it be noticed and consumed naturally. We are already doing what it is that needs to be done. We don’t have to “wait and watch”, which is such a hard lesson even for me to understand sometimes. Keep doing what you’re doing. The things you express and how you express them matters. Writing could also be a big part of your purpose for some and could also be a part of that career change we saw earlier in the week. Journaling throughout the week will be super beneficial and is highly recommended.  

*the weekly energy will not always be available on aftonelizabethh.com but can be accessed weekly on patreon.com/montystarotchild


☁️Pick A Cloud☁️: A Message You Need to Hear


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