Pick A Palm-stone: Yes or No | Ask Any Question

Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoy this new style of pick a card (or Pick a Palm-stone), where you can ask almost any question and intuitively get the answers you need. As a reminder, please do not consult this reading for medical or important financial advice, it is only for spiritual growth and enlightenment. 

I do also want to point out that these readings are not indefinite. The journey of your life shifts everyday, while the destination remains the same. How you get there is between you and Spirit. 

These readings took a great amount of energy and time to complete. If you enjoyed this exchange of energy please consider donating to @montystarotchild on Venmo or joining my Patreon for exclusive and early access!


Pile 1


Spirit wants you to know that the answer you have been seeking is a yes! You are surrounded by the love of Spirit and the Sun shines down on you and your situation at this very moment. Now, just because we have ‘Love’ as the central focus of the oracle does not mean we are focusing solely on romantic love. This reading is about your relationships as a whole, highlighted specifically by the Seventh House shown in your oracle. The 7th house talks about our connections to others, our boundaries and the shifts in our relationships based on the shifts within us. We also have the oracle ‘Community’ here for you pile 1. You are a person of the people! Even if you don’t feel as extroverted as the next, people are able to connect and relate to you in a very special way. That’s why love is so important in your life pile 1, it must be genuine in order to thrive. With ‘Love’, the 7th house and ‘Community’ here, you are building caring, deep connections. But on the other side of things we also have the ‘Voyage’ card. There is something that you have been questioning if you should move away from and that is where your answer comes in. To your best discernment, does this relationship/connection feed or nourish you? Not just in the physical sense but spiritually as well. There should also be a balance to that energy, are you able to share what you have to offer and it be received in a healthy manner? We are living in the time of a great awakening and people are realizing that spirituality must come into play with all of life, because it exists within everything. If your own answer is ‘no, there are feelings of spiritual lack here’ then of course the answer is yes! Spirit wants you to know that ‘you are safe and supported while you change your career.’ This card may come as no surprise to you pile 1 seeing as you may have been dreaming recently of what it felt like to sense harmony and peace within a career. Even if your work isn’t in question at this moment, any connection that you wish to seek, you want harmony and peace. You have overcome a lot in the past, things that have built up this resiliency within you. Spirit recognizes and wants you to recognize this same fierceness within yourself. You have come through so much and it hasn’t been alone. Spirit has been guiding and protecting you this entire time. What is different now is that you have become more sensitively aware of this divine protection. Within the ‘Sensitivity’ oracle card, it states: ‘You’re becoming more sensitive and need to make changes accordingly.’ Interactions with certain people may not feel the same for you pile 1. Your energy has felt drained or just plainly unreciprocated and you’re tired of it. I can see within the essential oil oracle ‘Yarrow/Pom’, that you are finding balance as you see what resonates and what does not. You have 2 oracle cards speaking on your divine protection, meaning that this may be an important part of finding the strength to leave certain situations. But with your tarot cards starting with the Sun and ending with the Strength card and King of Swords, this signifies a clarity of mind and a sure acceptance of your path. Spirit wants you to ‘keep doing what you’re doing, because it’s working.’ You are accepting a new authority over yourself and then showing up as that within all of your relationships. Some may shrink away from this self-assurance and authority, but that is ok because as I mentioned in the beginning of your reading, there isn’t any lack of love within or around you. Let this community, whenever it comes, envelope you in this harmonious and reciprocating love. Let them honor you for who you are, and then do the same, naturally, for them. This is where communal strength lies. This is the type of energy that is coming towards you during this transitional phase of your life, just keep doing what you’re doing and always follow your intuition.

Pile 2


The answer that you have been seeking pile 2 is a yes but I feel as if something comes attached with that. Let’s start off by mentioning that you have ‘Victory’ as the central energy of your oracle. This signifies that anything that you may be worried about right now, will later on turn out to be victorious for you. With this oracle card being numbered 44, it stands out to me that your question may be financially focused. Currently you may be becoming extra sensitive to the transformations taking place around you. There is an energy within you that will no longer be influencing your decisions or ideas. For many of you, this is in regards to your fears and limitations around your manifestations. On the other side of ‘Transformation’ you have ‘Blessings’. This transformation is going to be introducing new blessings into your life. I will always live by the statement (or statements similar to it), “if you make space for what you truly desire, what you desire can flow to you easier”.  With the King of Wands starting off the tarot for you, I feel that many of you are beginning to step into and embody this leadership energy more. Many of you want to move away from the overthinking and dedicate more energy towards creation. I can see this transition represented within the tarot. You have the 6 of swords right next to the 8 of pentacles. When you really get in the zone of creation, that is when you feel like nothing can hold you back the most. But your mental state may play a large part in blocking you from acting on these inspirations. You have ‘Roman Chamomile’ as your essential oil oracle which states: ‘There is a path waiting just for you. Open your heart and mind so you can use it on your journey of fulfillment.’ Like I mentioned above, you can sense the changes that are coming towards you. It may appear as fear or anxiety, almost as if your body is in fight or flight mode. But the direction that you are moving in is divinely guided and should not be feared so deeply. Many of you may fear leaving this situation for fear of losing your independence or security. But Spirit wants me to ask you “is this a false sense of security?” What is it that you truly believe you can have in this lifetime? Do you believe in the sacrifice of something in order to gain your true destiny? Spirit is directly asking you to let go of something pile 2, and only you know what it is. The oracle states: ‘Walk away from this situation in order to resolve it.’ Spirit wants you to know that it will be resolved. All you have to do is what feels like the toughest part, walk away. You may feel a certain level of loyalty towards something and that’s ok, we know that you are a dedicated person when involved. But this isn’t the same as the life contract that you signed before you were born. This was a situation that was meant to be explored and experienced. And you did! But maybe we can move forward now that we are sensing this completion? To end your tarot we have the 4 of pentacles and the Knight of Swords. You are feeling very determined when seeking this stability. I feel as if you aren’t the type to settle but you definitely may be the type that settles in. The difference between the two is, on one hand you don’t settle for anyone’s bull but if you find an environment that you can grow in, sometimes Spirit has to shake things up and kick you out of “park mode”. In other words, every time it’s “time to go” you never feel ready lol. But now is the time! Spirit doesn’t just want you to fall in head first though. You have to trust what is unseen and working in your favor right now. If you don’t currently, working with oracle cards to build this trust with the Divine may help. You literally have ‘Oracle Cards’ as your card and it states: ‘You are able to discern answers and guidance for yourself and others.’ I think similar to pile 1, you are definitely becoming more aware of a deeper meaning to life for yourself. You are becoming more sensitive to the changes that are necessary. I’m also hearing that some of you may even be learning more about astrology in order to trace how the planets add to this new level of sensitivity in your life.

Pile 3


Honestly pile 3, I feel as if you have a bit of a mixed answer and my only way to explain it is through the reading. If this is your pile then it’ll make sense as to why. At this current moment you are in the midst of or in need of a cleansing in your life. This will reflect differently for everyone, but with ‘Cleansing’ being the number 25 in the deck which breaks down to a 7, this may have to do with your spirituality. We actually have a lot of that energy represented in your reading pile 3, signifying to me that you may be a very spiritual person. You have the oracle ‘Solitude’ which tells me that you are going to be taking intentional moments to your self very soon. Especially if this isn’t something that you are used to on a daily. In this solitude, I am feeling as if it is very “dark night of the soul” type of energy. This is when things externally are difficult, whether you’ve experienced a lost or you are faced with difficult situations that you believe you can’t overcome. But the cleansing is for the soul searching that you are doing within pile 3. The one place that can feel like home if we make it, is within ourselves. I think within this solitude you are going to be gaining deeper spiritual knowledge as well. Things that you can bring outside of yourself, to others, as your healing continues. This time is meant for your learning pile 3. Whatever it is that you have put off reading or learning more about, this time of solitude is meant to explore that. The 9th house talks about all of these themes. It talks about there being a seek for more knowledge, which again is highlighted throughout your reading pile 3. On the other side of ‘Solitude’ you do have ‘Pleasure’ and I absolutely love it! To me this is signifying your peace within this time. The absolute pleasure that you can allow yourself in just diving deeply into your higher learning. Spirit doesn’t bring you this time alone to punish you but to reveal to you another layer that exists in this world. Within a book you can learn about the culture of places that you have never traveled to. You can experience very rich things picking up the right book of knowledge. And Spirit wants you to know that there is nothing holding you back from this! To start your tarot off you have the Ace of Pentacles, which is a great way to start! You literally have wealth coming in pile 3 but I don’t feel as if that is your biggest concern. I think there may be some kind of communication that you are waiting to come in and it is coming with the 8 of wands coming in next for the tarot. But some of you may be looking forward to this gift of Spirit to come in, almost as some kind of confirmation? I think what you may be really worried about is your fulfillment in the things that you experience emotionally. You don’t want to settle in life just because something is financially promising. You don’t want to be held within this strict pattern of life I’m feeling. Especially next to the Hierophant, which is traditionally a spiritual being that is all for the rules and regulations. You want Spiritual freedom without the free falling. You want security just as much as the next person but you want to be fulfilled through it and not controlled by it. Spirit already knows this about you. But this is something that you must accept about yourself. Your essential oil oracle is ‘Adaptable’ which states: ‘Dear soul, please remember that you never walk alone.’ It also states: ‘I am divinely connected’, which I felt from the beginning of your reading. You are never truly alone within this Solitude pile 3, and Spirit definitely wanted you to know that within that card. You are not alone. To end your tarot you had the 10 of Swords which is freaking beautiful pile 3! This is the end of that mental chaos and clutter. You are done with the overthinking and disbelieving. With the miracles that you see and feel everyday, there comes a time where you just can’t fight the Divine any longer. I think the one thing Spirit wants me to relay to you is patience. They also want you to know ‘You’re on the Right Path’. Just because this reading may feel like a ‘no’ to you doesn’t mean that it is necessarily. I think you are going to find out a lot about yourself during this time. Profound new ways of thinking, being and feeling. Deciding to carry fulfillment with you rather than worry. Constantly communicating with Spirit also. I saved these 2 oracle cards for last because I felt like they may be the most impactful for you. You have ‘Freedom’ which states: ‘You’re free to do what you choose’ and ‘Speaker’ which states: ‘Your life purpose involves your skill of oration.’ This reading is not a fixed destiny if you don’t want it to be pile 3. But if you already feel yourself naturally going within this ‘Solitude’ then you absolutely are free to do what you choose during this time. As I mentioned above, the choices seem pretty vague but are completely autonomous. You can carry joy and optimism or the worry and feelings of lack of control. Either way, you are still on the right path towards this deep, revolutionary phase of your life. You may even find that speaking your spiritual truth becomes a large part of your destiny.


Weekly Energy Forecast (August 23rd - August 27th)


Weekly Energy Forecast (August 16th - August 20th)