Message for Natal Moon in Virgo, North Node in Gemini, Moon in Gemini, Capricorn Rising (Ascendant)

Hello everyone and welcome to another intuitive astrology reading with MTC. If you enjoy this reading or something resonates deeply for you please consider sharing this content with others or leaving a comment below. Many blessings to you.

As always, please take only what resonates for you.

Things are looking good for you even if it is hard for you to believe. There are a lot of emotional blessings that are occurring but it seems hard for you to trust in these occurrences. You have the 3 of cups coinciding with the Victory tea leaf. This beautiful energy is showing me that you have been victorious over some endeavor that you thought might literally steal your joy.

This reading shows me that you are celebrating a victory over an emotionally trying situation in your life. The King of Wands is showing up in your reading reversed. This tells me that this situation has left you questioning yourself and your ability to succeed. The situation may have been so tumultuous that it has left you feeling disconnected from your intuitive abilities.

I say this because you also have the High Priestess showing up as reversed. This just means that you aren’t accessing your instinctual abilities as naturally as you are used to. There is a disconnection. I can see that it has taken you some time to reach a certain level of comfort within your confidence after this situation because of the disconnection. It has been a slow moving process.

This is okay though. Victory is not always a fast pursuit. Sometimes you must be persistent in regaining certain parts of yourself. And you are worthy of that effort. With the Knight of pentacles showing up reverse and the Knight of swords being upright, I see that you have cleared a mental blockage. Clearing this blockage is allowing you to trust the blissful feelings that your intuition is promising in your future.

At this time Spirit sees your efforts to use your intuition to make beneficial changes in your life. They honor your continuance of that practice. Your intuition is here for you. It speaks through your emotions. Your joy and hopes for a future drenched in the richness of bliss and fulfillment are deeply connected to your intuition. Your soul is subconsciously aware of what this future looks and feels like.

You accessing your joy, and fighting for the existence of collective joy, will find you at your most confident self. A confidence so beautifully strong that your intuition is no longer questioned or doubted. Existing in your joy allows you to utilize your intuition no matter the state that it is in. I say this because I feel as if your intuition is in a state of evolution. While things feel unfamiliar or unsettled there will be moments that you have access to in order to ground yourself. Moments of joy, love and peace. I hope these moments find you and that you are able to embrace them fully.

- Warmly MTC 💕


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