Pick A Card: How Can I Connect More With My Inner Child? 🔮

Hello everyone. Welcome to another Pick a Card reading with Monty’s Tarot Child. You have come across this reading because your Inner Child has a message for you and wants to connect with you. You may be feeling very serious, focused or experiencing feelings that are opposing your usual optimistic nature. If this is the case, there may be a deeper reasoning behind these feelings.

Thank you for trusting your energy with me. Thank you for allowing me to give you this message. If it resonates deeply for you or you feel seen in any way, please consider sharing with others, leaving a comment or donating to this free platform.

Because this is a general reading meant to reach many people, please take from this message only that which resonates for you.

Card picking portion of the reading. Meditate and choose between Pile 1, 2, 3 or 4 to receive your divine reading.

Pile 1

In order for you to genuinely connect with your inner child there has to be an exchange of emotion that only you can feed yourself. And that emotion is forgiveness. This may look like you forgiving yourself for past mistakes and relinquishing the thoughts about yourself that no longer align with who you are today. Or this could be you forgiving yourself for holding yourself back because of doubt or conditioning. However it looks for you, it still will be no easy task. You are asking yourself and your subconscious mind to completely shift away from the thoughts that you have gotten so used to holding onto. But I do see that this won’t be impossible for you to achieve.

This is because you don’t have to take on every unaligned thought at once. You will best be able to handle this transformation through a grounded state and you are being guided into this. This could be through divination, meditation or anything that allows you to build in a routine for yourself. In this phase you don’t have to worry about no longer recognizing yourself mentally or internally. Your inner child actually knows that you thrive best when you are mentally freed from difficult memories. This perspective shift is ushering in a new beginning for you and reawakening your relationship to your inner child Pile 1.

In this new beginning you will find yourself taking great pride in who you are. Do not shy away from this emotion as it will deepen your connection to your inner child. Others may have told you that pride is of the ego and we should all be egoless in order to be closer to God. But our ego is our identity. There may be both healthy and unhealthy expressions of this energy but it is still necessary in order to know who we are at our core. This common belief is not something that I feel is aligned with your energy though. And if you have been trying to unlearn this ideation, Spirit is calling me to recommend for you to take more selfies. I know, crazy right? This may feel awkward to you or uncomfortable for you to pay this kind of attention to self. And that is okay. Remember that it is good to be aware of yourself in all ways, including physically but also spiritually and energetically.

I see that you are proud of your spirit, your mental maturity and stability. When you have made up your mind it takes something even more aligned to make you change it. Your inner child needs this diligence incorporated into your relationship with them. You both deserve this, to be connected to one another and not out of guilt or “hey girl I almost forgot about you!”. Your inner child has the ability to gently remind you of healing needs that you have forgotten about over time. They are able to guide you towards sovereignty over your past and encourages you to move forward towards new passions or beginnings in life. As you continue to connect with intention, this will show to be your most empathic relationship with self to date.

Spirit’s final message for you Pile 1 is that you are worthy. You always have been, and, without any extra effort, you always will be worthy of love. That is what the Divine and your inner child is sharing with you now in this message. It is cosmic love to be able to connect with self on this level, embrace it. And that’s it. Make some breakfast potatoes or a baked potato, relax your mind and ground yourself as your heart chakra is opening and transmuting energy. 💚

Pile 2

Hello Pile 2! Your inner child has a very specific message for you. It feels less like a message on how to connect with them, which is how you found this message, and more of a message of opportunity coming for you. Your inner child is letting me know that you may be suffering from the “this is it?” blues. And what this means is that you may be terrified of living a “regular” existence or never achieving something spectacular in your life. These feelings are normal Pile 2. Your inner child has brought you to this message in order to offer you inner peace.

You could have been praised as a child when you were able to produce things or whenever you were viewed as being productive. And you are learning how this has affected you over time. You have been encouraged a lot in your life to achieve and be successful. But your inner child is letting me know that this hasn’t bred success in regards to your peace. I do see that this is a priority in your life now.

I can see that as you have been trying to learn more about yourself, uncovering and questioning a lot of thoughts and behaviors, you have found some things that do not align with what you would describe as peace of mind. You actually may have noticed that you are carrying around a lot of difficult memories in your mind or subconscious. This has somehow kept you from exploring more about what peace means for you. This could look like the constant reminder that there will always be “work that needs to be done” or “feelings don’t pay the bills”, so who has time for peace right? Not quite Pile 2.

There is a veil being lifted for you at this time. Beyond what you are used to seeing, you will now be able to envision what abundance truly means to you, what your relationship to materialism has looked like up until this point, and where the ties to your definition of success has stemmed from. Certain realizations that come up may not feel comfortable for you. It may make you reconsider sitting in comfortability a little longer rather than facing the discomfort. But you understand that certain shifts and changes will be necessary at some point.

I want to mention this next part of your reading in order to be able to offer you a release Pile 2. Your inner child has had to mature quickly in life. You were responsible for a lot when you were younger and while learning how to provide for others, there may have been key parts of the nurturing stage you missed out on that your inner child has needed. And it could have been needed from a specific maternal or paternal figure in your life. Do not let this anger you though group 2. I say this because I can see that this has built an emotional maturity within you that would not have existed otherwise. And the person that you are today deserves to be in existence.

I know that this hasn’t been the easiest journey for you. And despite all of it, you have been persistent in your healing. The key for you has been leaving the past in the past. And the easiest way to learn from the past is to be able to view it from an analytical perspective while also being able to sit it down and leave it where it belongs. There is something coming into your life that is encouraging these changes that are taking place in your life. It could be a new career opportunity that allows you to work smarter, not harder. It could just be more ease and flow in your financial matters in general. As things are transforming, remember to set that mental anguish down, put on some comfy, clean clothes and snack on something pumpkin-y (like a slice of pie, pumpkin mocha, pumpkin seeds etc.). Your inner child may be craving it. 🎃

Channeled song: All Good by Jhene Aiko

Pile 3

Relationships have been tricky-icky for all of the people who chose this pile. You have many beautiful memories and connections with genuine souls but it feels like you have an equal amount of distrust for others as well. I see that your inner child is currently aware of an awakening that is taking place in your life right now. They see you making strong attempts at learning more about yourself and learning about the energy that you try to share with others. You show up for people Pile 3, even if it places you in difficult situations or the actions aren’t reciprocated. And of course you aren’t the type to ever do things for people just for reciprocation, but when you are never receiving from those you always show up for, it’s very telling of the energy.

The difficulty that you experience in connectivity with others is similar to the struggles you may have in connecting with your inner child. I can see that when it comes to creating for enjoyment, relaxing or being playful with the people you love, you have a hard time easing into it. And these are the energies that your inner child represents. The energy that surrounds you currently is calling you to make a choice to show up more vulnerably in your connections. This will require both strength and courage from you. It’s difficult sometimes for you to know who is for you and who may just be around you for a good time or for their own agenda. Because of this you need very specific emotional environments in order to feel as if you are thriving and your inner child knows this.

I do see you receiving something. It could be heartfelt sentiments from the people who admire and care about you. Or there could be someone who shows up to celebrate a small win in your life. You may not normally know how to receive this love, but you are learning. In order to soothe your feelings of mistrust or past emotional disharmony, there will be clear actions from others that represent what you wish you had experienced in the past. This is a reminder that there is no need for those wishes. The people that weren’t able to authentically reciprocate the actions that you were willing to take weren’t meant to do so in your life. You are learning about that more and more everyday.

Honestly, with all of this cup energy in your tarot, it feels like such genuine connection that you are experiencing, that these could be the people that are meant to be a part of your soul tribe and spiritual journey long-term. There may be many forms of this beginning to blossom in your life or it is becoming easier for you to notice who has been in your corner this entire time. But the key part of this message is to also deepen and strengthen your connection to your inner child. So how are you going to go about this?

Well, your inner child is requesting you to turn your gaze inwardly. They want you to show up and take authority over some of the emotional healing that is still necessary for the growth of the connection. Your inner child wants you to know that you are loved. They want you to recognize that certain people weren’t meant to walk alongside you in life. They also need you to understand that just because certain friendships or relationships ended, it doesn’t mean that it was a failure. You experienced all that you needed to with that person, reached a pivotal moment that led you further into your true path and parted ways. And even if you felt you could have showed up more authentically, the level of awareness that you have about yourself now is meant to be experienced with the people that can appreciate it the most, including yourself. You haven’t missed out on anything Pile 3.

The deep connections that you have intuitively felt were meant to exist in your life, will. It will take strength to face each new relationship with fresh eyes, but you know that’s what each connection deserves. As you find yourself naturally opening up to those you trust, you will also be able to notice the shifts that you feel in the relationship with your inner child. Laughter, honesty, kinship and understanding will flow between you and others. And this is how it was always meant to be 💕.

Pile 4

The connection between you and your inner child is literally ✨thriving✨. You are in tune and connected to parts of yourself that others may tend to struggle with. You are a being that listens to and has learned to trust your own intuition and inner voice. This has bode very well for you. You may have a spiritual business or use your intuitive instincts in order to create material security in your life. I do see that you are very passionate about whatever it is that you are currently doing to build this security. But even with everything blossoming so beautifully around you, I do still see worry clouding your mental space. This message is here to open your mind to a detoxification process that will allow you to let go of what doesn’t belong to you.

You have a strong hold on your energy and creatively find ways to expel it. Your inner child knows that your intuition and creativity are one and the same, connected throughout your intricate DNA. I can tell that you have spent a dedicated amount of time building these gifts internally and it has manifested blessings in your 3D reality. The worry is stemming from your need to make a decision about something and somehow this stress is affecting the relationship that you have with your inner child. Like I mentioned before though, you are heavily connected to your inner child so you already sense something energetically that doesn’t belong.

There may be a creative opportunity that your younger self or younger inner self has always wanted to be a part of. This opportunity may be at odds with another opportunity that you are equally as excited about and now you are finding yourself needing to choose. I won’t spend this time ruminating over what is already likely taking up space in your mind. I will simply point out what your inner child is highlighting as important to mention. There is an obvious choice amongst the choices for you, even if it doesn’t seem this way at first. Your energy knows where it wants to be and what it wants to be a part of creating. But you still may feel pulled between two options.

One option inspires you and encourages you to dream up a luxurious and gentle future. This option may go against what other people think is best for you but no one can truly tell you what that is but yourself. And your inner child is saying “go for the one that challenges you”. It may even scare you a little. But this is only because it will be challenging you to step out of any comfort zones that are keeping you from reaching your highest potential.

The intuitive wisdom that you are tapping into in order to make a decision will show you that you were capable of making a choice this whole time.

Your inner child is describing you to me as an old soul, or in other words, a soul that has been here before and has gone through lessons similar to the one you are transforming through at this moment. This shows me that based on what you have learned from the past, you are more interested in manifesting through a detached state. Not grasping to a specific outcome or unwilling to deepen your surrender to the process. Keep using the manifestation techniques that have proven to work for you Pile 4. And when you find others trying to impose their expectations onto your dreams, simply remind them that you are happy living your life this way. If this isn’t current external energy and your mind is ruling the conflict, remind yourself that you have the power to put up boundaries against the thoughts that you may have been conditioned into believing are set truths.

After making a decision you will sense a new level of trust deepening between you and your inner child. This is because it is bringing you to a place where you didn’t think you could be so happy and successful all at once. Enjoy it Pile 4!


Message for Natal Moon in Virgo, North Node in Gemini, Moon in Gemini, Capricorn Rising (Ascendant)


A Message for Jupiter in Virgo, Sun in Aries, Sun in Taurus, Mercury in Gemini, Mercury in Pisces, Capricorn Rising (Ascendant)