New Moon in Scorpio Reading 11/4/2021

With this new moon being in Scorpio, we will be tapping into our subconscious fears on the 4th. You could be finding your conversations involving a different level of depth to them leading up to, and even some time after, this New Moon. Especially with the Sun still in Scorpio and Mercury going direct a few days ago. When it comes to our relations with others, a lot of us are still trying to find our grounding. When we have gone through so many internal shifts and changes, who do we become to others? It may even still take us some time to learn and understand ourselves so how can we feel secure in our own identities to show up fully and authentically with this New Moon? The New Moon is here to show us the possibility of things. The potential. And this potentiality goes deep in Scorpio. For this, I asked Spirit for two affirmations that may help us during this New Moon. ‘I let go of the shadow of the past by seeing someone for the first time with the eyes of love.’ But there is a fear here in letting go. “What will happen to the feelings that I feel if they just fall away? Will they no longer be justified?” Every emotion has come into our life in order for us to learn something from it. Anger teaches us what we can no longer tolerate. Sadness teaches us that we can find joy in different places and spaces, if we are willing to look away from what we know. But if we are willing to look at something closely once again, we can find love. This will look differently for everyone, but to look closely really just means to look within. If we are first feeding ourselves with the compassion and love that we need, we can then analyze our external responses and view others in a different light. We are all living a human existence that we are trying to survive. But what if everyone could feel safe and secure in who they are? Then our responses to each other would be different and held in the highest light of love for one another. This process starts within us first. The second affirmation states: ‘When I focus on my inner light I see the world through the lens of love.’ Spirit is highlighting so much love being introduced to us with this New Moon. This is a compassionate love. A spiritual love that does not discriminate or create harm. When you are connected to this eternal love of and with Spirit, everything around you becomes harmonious. It may not look that way to others around you but in your soul you know what peace is. Even when things seem still and unmoving there is change. And as your perspective shifts this new moon there is an opportunity of feelings of belonging and stability. This is what society misses at times. We are a world of intelligence, beauty and grace with no true sense of belonging. The angle number oracle states: ‘You relate to others on an almost cosmic level. You are dedicated to building harmonious relationships of all kinds. You have the ability to persuade others to your point of view by using gentle means. You are harmonious.’ This is what we are seeking energetically with this new moon. In the 8 of cups I can see us all moving away from unharmonious situations. Even if there are relationships that we are born into rather than choosing, we have the choice to feed it less of our energy. This is because, sometimes, in sharing energy with those who do not feel secure in their lives we revert back to habits and beliefs that make us feel insecure in our decisions and how far we have come. So we make the hard choice of pulling back, or more into ourselves. But this is cosmic. You know that as you continue to align with what feeds you these harmonious relationships will continue to appear. With so many people in the world today, we have so many choices as to who we let into our lives. This can be a good thing or something that hinders our evolution. As this new moon obstructs light from our viewpoint, we are doing a deep dive on what it means to be open to love. Again, love of many kinds. Nothing is withheld from our inquiry. We are learning about what we deserve, what we enjoy and what brings us joy. I do want to point out that we had a lot of cups representing our feelings in the tarot but we are ending it with the 9 of pentacles. A lot of this shadow work can and will bring you a spout of security. It’s funny how we can turn our attention away from our financial security for just a moment to focus on our emotional security and then come back to notice that our abundance has increased with interest. We can build many beautiful things from a centered place but it always has to start from within. The beauty that you will see around you this new moon is from all of the beautiful soul work that you have been doing within. Your happiness and authenticity is your bounty and it brings you many more blessings with this beautiful new moon.

All good things - Monty 💕🦂


Pick A Card: Where Am I On My Spiritual Path?


Messages for Mercury in Aquarius, Mercury in Virgo, Cancer Rising, Venus in Leo