Pick A Card: Where Am I On My Spiritual Path?

Hello everyone and welcome to yet another Pick A Card reading! This time you will be intuitively guided to choose between the 3 cards depicted below. I hope you enjoy this type of reading in looking into where you are currently on your spiritual path.

For the energy that I will be reading, I will be tapping into many different energies and it will reflect differently for everyone. Please only take what resonates.

Pile 1

Right now it looks as if you are working on something. Planning. For some of you you’re working in a small group of 2-3 people for others this project or work is just between you and Spirit. You are waiting for a chapter to close in order to grow, expand or experience something new within the work that you are doing. But this next step hasn’t appeared or fully formed just yet and that is because there is still things that need to be addressed within the chapter of your life that you are in currently. For the oracle I asked Spirit what the advice is for the place that you are in right now and you got ‘Structure’ and ‘Intuitive Knowledge’. What is needed right now is more structure within your planning. The easiest way that this could be achieved is looking at things in small portions or in intentional baby steps. Even if you can’t imagine what that looks like right now, you will be reenacting this movement intuitively. If you allow Spirit to take control over this situation in your life your actions in turn will feel very subconscious. You will look around yourself and be able to see the intentionality in all that you have accomplished in this manner. How will you know that you are still headed in the “right direction”? The synchronicities will not stop. For some, the signs that Spirit is sending you may increase in appearance or intensity. This is your confirmation. All of this isn’t for nothing. This is to show you your own commitment capabilities. The fulfillment that you can experience from your dedication to spirit centered work is the goal.


Bottom of the deck: You have the 2 of swords and the oracle card ‘Presence’ which is number 22 in the deck. You could be seeing 222 as one of your Angel numbers of confirmation. The depiction of both of these cards is so poetic for your reading Pile 1. When you feel haunted by the feelings of needing to make a choice or decision, this is an opportunity for you to sit and acknowledge these feelings. Sometimes we don’t like to acknowledge the stirrings within us emotionally/mentally or we just don’t feel like we have the energy to tackle it when they come up. But there is a new mindset being introduced as an option for you I can see. Spirit is asking you to be more open to the healing that is taking place in your mind and heart. There is peace being introduced, if you allow it. This makes planning easier. This leaves room in your mind for creativity to flow freely. Sit in stillness whenever you are called to it and let the presence of Spirit wash over you. Notice the thoughts or feelings that come up and thank them for showing you what you need more of in that moment.

Pile 2

Your reading is somewhat similar to the first pile, but there is change that is actively taking place in your life right now. This change is within your material world. For some of you this may look like you leaving a job that no longer fulfills you or inspires the dreams that you are trying to manifest. This change may be scary to you at first. Maybe you’ll have more free time on your hands and you don’t want to feel as if you are “squandering” it by nurturing yourself. But Spirit would like for you to lean into this change and embrace it as much as possible. Sometimes when we are faced with our fears, we’d rather turn away in comfort towards what we already know. But this doesn’t bring in the change that we inevitably need or want. The Empress is here to denounce everything that the Devil card represents. You can have stability without having to sacrifice the best parts of yourself. Sometimes we are called to a sacrificial state where we are meant to slay all of things that are not in our truest nature. But our fear tells us that these things are imperative to our survival. But the change that is coming into your life is not for your harm. It is to reintroduce structure and true stability into your life. There is something coming from this change in your life that inspires a recommitment of some sort. To me, this feels as if there was something that you were really interested in pursuing but fear made you turn away. And so now this dream or idea may come up again, maybe even in a different form, and you are knowing what it feels like to be excited for routine once again. You can find a lot of security in routine and will create a whole new foundation for you to begin again. As this occurs naturally in your life, and in divine timing, you will be able to focus more on yourself. And no, this is not a bad thing. It’s time for you to do this in fact because there is something beautiful being birthed within. You may be very eager to push past this cycle in order to manifest your desires but this is a cycle that you cannot rush. This is a time for slowness for you pile 2, even if it’s not something that you are the most interested in. This is your healing time. You will find that the more you nurture yourself, you create a natural order and healing within.

Bottom of the deck energy: At the core of it all, you will be facing a perspective shift soon. The Hanged Man is yet another sign of stillness for you to nurture the beautiful energy within you. You sense the time coming soon where you will have to move out of this stillness and nurture the manifestation that you are creating, but it’s not right now. This is your foresight being activated. You may have clairvoyant gifts that are also encouraging you forward during this time. You see potential. And that can be very exciting and passionate energy depending on what drives you. But the Hanged Man also allows us to be more intentional with our movements after having time to process our options. This is a really great space to be in pile 2. You are receiving signs that things are shifting positively for you but to be able to fully decipher, stillness is essential. Stillness is essential to our spiritual growth as a whole and is always encouraged by Spirit.

Pile 3

It looks like right now you are in your quiet place pile 3, so I’ll try not to talk too loudly lol. It feels as if you are doing delicate work in this quiet space. Some of you could have recently done chord cutting or a spiritual cleanse of some sort. But overall what you have been seeking in this space is balance. This is a huge indicator with the Justice card here for you. In the past this may have been something that you especially struggled with in your mind. This could look like overthinking, anxiety or difficulty in decision-making. This may be your focus at this time, clearing out old mindsets and habits. I see that this is something that you are actively pursuing in the Knight of Swords. You may be very swift in thought when it comes to things externally but the pace feels too quick internally, if that makes sense. This feels to me as if this is something that you have always wanted to work on about yourself and may not have always had the strength to “keep on”. But I see your drive being reinvigorated at this time. For the oracle advice you have ‘Resilience’ and ‘Intuitive Knowledge’. With the Mars energy in resilience, this is Spirit bringing momentum in your life once again. Some of you may have even been feeling a bit sluggish lately or simply unmotivated. But your willpower to overcome the mental struggles that you have faced previously is here for you now. Within this Hermit mode you are being reintroduced to your strength. You may even feel yourself handling similar situations with a different attitude and a large part of this will be intuitive for you. There is an inner knowledge that is awakening within you. The situation will be different for everyone but whether you are walking into or out of this Hermit mode, your Third Eye is being cleared. This will be a great time to write down anything that comes to mind through your Third Eye. Any visions or ideas that come to you are meant to be analyzed as psychic information sent directly from Spirit. This is what is moving your forward at this time.

Bottom of the deck energy: I feel like your BOTDE is channeling the energy that you will face outside of your Hermit mode. When you feel as if you are once again in the energy of manifestation, Spirit is asking you to be adaptable to the plans that you create. You have the 2 of wands and ‘Materialization’ at the bottom of the deck. Creativity will be sparked as you are coming out of solitude. Your purpose is to focus on the pleasure of creating. Don’t focus so closely on the how of things right now, you’re still technically waking up. Let yourself continue to explore what you enjoy while clearing out the old. You don’t have to think so hard, it’ll come naturally.


Pick A Card: Situation, Obstacle, Solution


New Moon in Scorpio Reading 11/4/2021