Pick a Crystal: Love Letter From Your Ancestors

Hello everyone! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share this divine message with you. I hope that you enjoy this personal love letter from your beloved Ancestors. May you find comfort and divine guidance.

Leave an emoji that your Ancestors use to communicate with you to let me know that this reading resonated for you!

Pick your pile here.

Pile 1

You are a being that is constantly in awe of the miracles that your Ancestors conjure in the spiritual realm. You know that they always have your back and are a key component to your spiritual guidance. Your Ancestors are calling you to honor them. Some of you, if you haven’t already, are being called to put up photos of your ancestors or to build them an altar within your home. You work very closely with Spirit. The Star at the center of your energy represents the Divine guidance and tests of faith that you experience on a day to day. This could also be signaling to the hopeful spirit that you carry within, which I can sense throughout your ancestry. I want to address the King of Wands energy first, as it is the most demanding of your spread. The King of Wands tells me that you come from a lineage of powerful and driven individuals. They were very spiritually curious or adventurous in their own lives and that same ambitious energy flows throughout your own spirit. I feel as if you feel very spiritually connected with those that watch over and guide you. I also feel as if you could be very communicative with your Ancestors and the altar may be more of a physical reminder for you more so than them. I say this because of the difficult energy of the 5 of pentacles in your reading. The 5 of pentacles shows me that you are battling with feelings of lack or lack of security. Your Ancestors don’t want you to worry. The 5 of pentacles next to the Ace of Cups shows me that you may be soon coming into the understanding that you aren’t currently doing what you love career wise or that it isn’t providing as you would have hoped or expected. Your Ancestors definitely could’ve recognized this same energy within themselves. Wanting to be financially secure but maybe sacrificing happiness in order to secure it? They don’t want this to be a karmic cycle for you any longer. There may be something in your life or in the back of your mind that you are curious about pursuing. Your Ancestors are encouraging you to recognize that there are more options out there for you creatively. There is something that is meant to fill you up from it’s existence and you are being guided towards it at this time. So whether that is you physically creating something or obtaining spiritual knowledge that helps you to soar above earthly matters, the Ace of Cups is bringing you feelings of new hope and possibility. Your Ancestors want you to know that “you do enough and you are enough”. Your power is in your existence and the King of Wands is here to remind you to get comfortable living a spirit-driven lifestyle. You have very passionate energy that is driven by love, creativity and is meant to bring you abundance. Your Ancestors are letting you know that “everything you have done up to this point is leading you to where you need to be. Let go of the past and be here now”. If you are still mourning over the creative endeavors that didn’t work out in the past or a rejection from a job/project that you believed you were a shoe-in for, your Ancestors want you to let those expectations go. There are many more aligned opportunities that exist on different planes of your spiritual journey. Your Ancestors are calling you to declutter the feelings that inhibit you from recognizing your own self-worth. It is time to release all that makes you feel as if you will never be abundant or abundantly happy. It is time to embrace your happiness and joy and to let your curiosity lead you. It is your karmic and ancestral right. 

Pile 2

Your Ancestors want you to know that you have so much support around you. “The Universe is always conspiring to support you, guide you, and lead you compassionately toward the highest good”. Which is exactly what is taking place in your life right now. You are being Divinely guided, as we all are, towards your destiny and highest good. With the Judgment card at the center of your reading, you are in a critical self-perspective shift at this time. This is a time where you are viewing yourself and your past with different eyes. In the past you could have been very hard on yourself and maybe even somewhat judgmental towards your needs. This is evolving within you. You have heard the call from your Ancestors and spiritual team to treat yourself better Pile 2. The Empress next to the Star and Judgement tells me that this is a huge life shift for you as well. You want to be kinder to yourself. You want to speak with and carry kindness but first and foremost with yourself. The Chariot represented in the tarot is calling you forward. There could be one or a few lifestyle changes that are calling to you at this time. Especially with the Empress present, you could be called to change something about your appearance or change your home around to reflect more beauty. Either way your Ancestors are asking you to be as gentle with yourself as possible right now. Don’t hyper focus on mistakes or “imperfections” at this time. Your Ancestors would like for you to focus on what is moving you forward. What wakes you up every morning with excitement? Do you get excited by the simple pleasures of life anymore? Do you allow yourself to enjoy the simplicity that life can bring? Your Ancestors want you to lounge for a moment, not moving from one project to the next without pause. You are moving forward in life and taking any necessary breaks doesn’t change anything about that. The 2 of wands represented is your Ancestors and Spirit guides asking you to “make a choice”. This could be a decision that introduces more self-care into your life. This could be a structured work routine that allows you to take as many breaks as you need in between. It will look differently for everyone. Your Ancestors also want you to know that there is no “making a mistake” when it comes to your spiritual journey. Everything is a lesson and is meant to be experienced as such. Because of this your Ancestors would like for me to remind you that “you are the loving energy of the Universe”. And the Universe would never conspire against you but always for your highest good. “You are moving towards a deeper level of understanding, from knowledge to wisdom. Take time to absorb the lessons”. Your Ancestors are calling you to see the bigger picture Pile 2. At this time you are falling into a deeper love and care for yourself and it is a beautiful occurrence. You could be seeing butterflies, ladybugs or dragonflies as a sign from your Ancestors. And this is them reminding you of your natural beauty, your purpose and encouraging you to move forward Pile 2. Finally, your Ancestors would like to leave you with this question. “What is something that you are proud of yourself for”?

Pile 3

Your Ancestors are calling you to express something Pile 3. When reading this you may know exactly what it is that your Ancestors are calling you to express, but let’s continue to uncover what this could mean for you. There is a fear within you of releasing what has been captivating your heart. “I heal the habit of fear and I embrace the habit of love”. When it comes to expressing what is weighing on your mind, your Ancestors are asking you to do it with love. You may not know the way to do this just yet but “through prayer and meditation you create a ripple effect of peace in the World”. Guidance in regards to your specific situation is already within you, waiting to be discovered. You are meant to be in a peaceful state Pile 3, even when you feel as if situations are testing your strength. Releasing what needs to be expressed makes space for more peace to flow into your life. I feel as if you may be thinking too hard about this moment of expression. With the Judgment card here your Ancestors are asking you not to expect too much from yourself. You could be very critical about how it will come out or when and that is taking a toll on your physicality I can see. With the Empress in reverse, the stress of the situation could be showing up physically for you (i.e weakness, tiredness, lack of motivation, or confusion). Your Ancestors are asking you to release the senses that you normally rely on (sight and mental thinking) in order to listen to your intuition. There is a solution to regaining your strength and confidence and again, it all relies on you communicating something important. It may not be to another person specifically either. This could be speaking up at work because you are close to burn out. Or speaking up at home because you feel unsupported or feel less nourished spiritually. Either way your Ancestors would like you to know that “this is a time for you to receive new information. Open your heart to receive it”. You are learning more about how not expressing yourself authentically and fully keeps that energy encapsulated within you until it finds a proper release. Maybe you have experienced emotional blow-ups because of feeling as if you have not been able to express yourself in the past. But this is a major change that is coming to your life right now Pile 3. There won’t be any need for blow-ups when you listen to yourself first and then communicate what you intuitively feel. All of this is connected to your abundance as well. You speaking up for yourself reinvigorates your confidence in regards to your manifestation abilities. Listening to yourself and then moving accordingly places you in a very abundant atmosphere. This is a time for you to be very gentle with yourself. If you hear instructions that are guiding you to take better care of yourself, listen to those urges. They are coming from your Ancestors and Spirit guides. The King of Pentacles shows me that you are overcoming the doubt, stress and fears of speaking up for yourself. With other energy released from your energetic body you can realign with the abundance that is growing in your life. And especially with the Empress in reverse, you want to be able to enjoy the abundance coming to you, not stressing over things that have kept your heart closed off in the past. At this time meditation will help more than you may realize. It’s time to tune into what needs to be released. Your Ancestors are cheering you on. Your Ancestors also really wanted to tell you that “I love you. I appreciate you. I value you beyond any worldly explanation”. You are so so so, important to your Ancestors. This may be something that they also struggled with during their life on Earth, being able to communicate their needs. They want you to be able to speak freely and with love. They don’t want your fears to hold you back from your destiny Pile 3. Just think, what if you aren’t just expressing your healing needs but the needs of your entire ancestry? Would you speak up sooner?

Pile 4

Your Ancestors are asking you to “carry on” Pile 4! There is something that you are currently doing or are frequently active in that your Ancestors are telling you to continue with. This is something that empowers you and shows you your leadership qualities. With the 4 of Wands right next to the Emperor this shows me that whatever you are being called to continue also brings you peace. For some of you this could involve a project around the home or for others this could be you working from home or starting a home business. Especially with the Queen of Pentacles present. Your Ancestors would like to affirm for you that “when you lean on the faith of the Universe, peace becomes real”. I can see that there is peace in your life Pile 4 and you would like to grow it. In this pursuit I see you being led by your emotional curiosity. I feel as if you find yourself feeling like a great leader when you are led by your connection to healthy emotions. For some reason I’m also being called to mention that someone is looking for that place to settle down on the home front and your Ancestors do not want you to stop looking or settle. With the Wheel of Fortune present I feel as if you are in an in between stage right now. There is one cycle closing while the next is still preparing to open up for you. Your Ancestors do not want this to cause anxiety within you. This is a time that is calling you to be curious. If something makes you happy, how can you experience more of it? I think this will also be a moment where you find more peace within stillness. This doesn’t have to mean just physically but also a spiritual stillness. Even though you don’t have the Hermit present in your tarot there is this energy of appreciation in solitude. Either way you are meant to enjoy this in between stage. You are meant to ask questions of yourself and to answer them vulnerably and authentically. If you cannot be vulnerable with yourself then that means there are parts of you, emotionally, that still feel untouchable. Be curious Pile 4. The Queen of Pentacles shows me that you are ready to nourish your body, mind, soul and are ready to find your confident center again. This is where the emotional exploration is key. You are abundant Pile 4 and you know with intention finances will continue to grow. I think this message is meant to encourage you to move forward with confidence in yourself. Your Ancestors want you to know that “you can decide today to recalibrate your energy and commit to love and joy”. Even if your confidence falters for a moment, you are confident. Even if it takes a reminder of who you are and what you’re doing, you’re still you doing the amazing work on behalf of the Universe. Your Ancestors see you and notices all of the hard work that you do, internally and externally. They want you to remember to “please be gentle and love yourself. Provide your bodymind with what it truly needs to carry you on your journey”. You are your lineage’s very own miracle. Everyone in your bloodline survived long enough for you to exist in this world today. Love yourself and see how that in itself is your worthiness. You are worthy because you exist. Lastly, your Ancestors would like to leave you with the message that “when you feel yourself reacting to a trigger, slow yourself down and focus on your breath. Try to bring yourself back to this moment. Lean into the root of the issue and the feelings rather than leaning into the reaction”. 


Update 📩


New Moon in Aquarius Reading 1/31/2022