New Moon in Aquarius Reading 1/31/2022

Happy New Moon everyone! This lunation period is introducing in a new way of thinking and way of living for the collective. With the Moon joining the Sun in the sign of Aquarius, through the oracle Spirit is asking us to bring love into a specific situation at hand in our life. This New Moon is acting as an internal activation guiding us towards the deconstruction of codependent habits and the reconstruction of our boundaries through love. It’s often difficult for people to discuss love because we’ve all experienced it individualistically, based on our own perspectives. But under this New Moon you will be asked what are your blocks towards love? How do your boundaries keep you safe from others but also keep you from experiencing your highest good in communion? Because there can be a true balance of both. Some of the collective may experience thoughts that contradict the future that you are building for yourself. With the Devil card energy here, this is again highlighting our addiction to habits that make us doubt or keep us in mental cycles that are outdated. With the page of swords energy right next to the Fool card, this is a childlike energy that is being activated within us at this time. Children, within their authentic behaviors towards others, are amazing teachers in forgiveness and beginning again with beautiful enthusiasm. This is the energy that is blessing us at this time. The page and the Fool are both youthful and ambitious energies. And with the King of pentacles being in reverse, this energy will be important in the moments that we don’t feel as authoritative over financial matters. The King of Pentacles is a very grounded energy and it being in reverse tells me that no matter how much we may have built up for ourself, we still struggle to believe in it. Spirit is sending us all confirmation of our truest beliefs, that we are abundant beings meant to be in connection with and thriving within community. With the 8 of wands right next to the Wheel of Fortune, there may be quick opportunities or communication coming your way to affirm your new beginning. The Wheel of Fortune often talks about one cycle ending while another cycle is beginning. It represents that in between stage where we can physically feel or see a shift taking place in our life. And right next to the 10 of swords, ending the tarot, this tells me that this New Moon is easing our overthinking. Especially because we started the tarot with the page of swords, we can’t begin anew with the same mental patterns and habits that we are used to. This will be a huge transformation of our minds and how we manifest from a mental and spiritual place. When you find your mind overcrowded with thoughts, judgements or self-criticism, take a step back and observe how outside of this moment your mental space has evolved. You have the power to stop the train of thoughts that lead to overthinking and are learning how to use it moment by moment. Spirit wants you to know that “today is the best day to start pursuing your dream. Not tomorrow, not next week, not next year or when you retire. Today. Focus your thoughts and intentions towards your dreams today, and you are already on your way.” This is a direct message to the collective. Don’t overthink this new beginning that is coming up in your life. Whether it’s a material, mental or emotional goal, today is always the best day to start. Spirit also wants you to know that “you can’t force your dreams to come true. Dreams can only be blown into the wind like feathers, after which we need to learn to trust, to be patient and wait with our hearts open. Every day is a possibility for change.” And that is what is coming to us all within the collective this week and beyond. This New Moon is a portal. Change is always amongst us and within every new opportunity that we pursue. There is no force necessary. Sometimes change can happen as subtly as the growth of our hair. You may not recognize it right away but suddenly you don’t struggle with the same self-doubt any longer or that goal becomes closer to achieving based on the small steps already taken. The conscious collective is moving in a new direction and we are all deciding to drop the baggage where it belongs.

Warmly - MTC 🧳✨


Pick a Crystal: Love Letter From Your Ancestors


Full Moon in Cancer Reading 1/17/2022