Pick A Rose: Message from your Younger Self

Hello everyone! I am so very excited to bring you this special message after a month long Sabbath. I want to extend the warmest thank you’s to you all for your continued support of this community.

In celebration of Monty’s 74th birthday last month, I wanted to bring you an intimate message from your younger self. In true Aries fashion (also being the youngest sign of the zodiac) I hope that this message inspires you to walk confidently in the choices that have led you here today and onward. Also, if you’d like to share your fill in the blank message from your younger self this is your safe space to do so down below in the comment section. You may even speak to someone else’s inner child/ younger self. Many blessings to you all.

This is for spiritual guidance only, please take what solely resonates for you.

Pile 1

Pile 1 your younger self would like you to know that you have done such a phenomenal job of recognizing your own worth. In the past you struggled with feeling insignificant and now you understand your value and your talents. It still may not come as the easiest task, believing in yourself, but your younger self wants you to know that they see the difference in you. The energy that is coming up in your reading today is something that you have struggled with for some time. But these struggles look nothing like how you use to feel about yourself, and that’s progress. Your younger self is asking you not to worry. Especially if recently you have felt overwhelmed mentally. Your mind could be overcrowded with worry and thoughts because of a choice that you are needing to make. This choice could involve you releasing unnecessary burdens or tasks that have been placed upon you or that you have placed on your own shoulders. The 10 of wands centering your reading tells me that you are the type of person to take on more than is necessary to help and to please others. Even if it is detrimental to yourself. You do this to help ease others’ tension while piling the tension onto yourself. You want to be seen and valued as someone who works hard and takes care of others well. But your younger self is here to remind you not to forget about you. The Knight of cups is your younger self asking you to take it more easy. You could be holding yourself to such high standards that you haven’t had any opportunity to just be. The Four of pentacles suggests that while you are also worrying about what it is that you “should be doing” you also are constantly looking for stability and wanting that for everyone that is close to your heart. I don’t see that you are in an uncomfortable spot financially more so a cautious spot. You may be worried about spending correctly and also creating savings for your future. And when I say spending correctly, Spirit is relaying to me that this means you want to be able to purchase necessities, create savings for yourself while also building financial freedom. All of these things are more than possible for you. You are a pioneer Pile 1. Independence and self-sufficiency arenecessities to you. You are extremely capable in life and in work and aren’t afraid to take big risks to achieve the life you desire. I think what scares us all is feeling as if we are doing it all on our own. But what you may not see on a day to day is the co-creation that Spirit is activating in your life. Even when you are sleeping Spirit is activating things within and around you. With ‘Serendipity’ here I do see an opportunity coming for you. It could be an opportunity of rest and recharge or an opportunity to self-affirm the version of you that you work tirelessly to show others. It will look differently for everyone. As you are resting, and trying very hard not to let worry overtake you, remember that you are creating a safe harbor within yourself. You know how to self-soothe best and are more than capable at giving yourself everything that you need. Your younger self would like to leave you this final message where you are able to fill in the blanks: “My experiences have shaped who I am today. It’s because I grew through ____ that I know I want ____ for myself. I’m so grateful I grew through ____ because now I understand ____. When I was growing through ____, I was scared and confused, but what I learned from that experience gave me the freedom to feel competent and commanding.” And that is what Spirit has been building within you this entire time Pile 1, confidence, self-worth and balance. I hope that this message finds you well and that your younger self came through just when you needed to hear from them. Much love.

Pile 2

Your younger self has a very concise message for you Pile 2. They want to affirm to you that they know you didn’t understand why you moved locations frequently in the past. And now your younger self can see that you are creating a stable living environment for yourself that is predictable and safe. You have manifested this stability for yourself but not without valuable life lessons along the way. Your reading is heavily influenced by the energy of the number seven. I believe this spiritual number is here to remind you that you are on the right path and that no matter your physical location, Spirit’s guidance is all around you. This might not apply to everyone who reads this but I am feeling like because of the frequent changes that you experienced at such a young age it may have been difficult for you to get close to others. You may have come into contact with many different people over the years but never fully able to develop deep and meaningful connections with them. This may have left you feeling more isolated rather than understood and may have even made you feel as if there were many unfinished situations in your life. This is only for some, but a part of you may have even romanticized the endings or hypothetical continuation of certain relationships always wondering “what if”. But your younger self is here to let you know that all that glitters isn’t real gold. No matter how you are able to reflect on your past, whether difficult or “it is what it is”, Spirit wants you to know that it was all divinely for a reason. With the Chariot next to the 9 of wands your younger self wants to remind you that movement is not a bad thing. Movement doesn’t automatically equate to inconsistency. Especially if you have convinced yourself into staying somewhere for the sake of stability, your younger self wants you to know that it is okay to want to move again. The Queen of Wands ending your tarot tells me that you may be a fire sign or influenced heavily by this energy. You are active. You like moving and being in movement when it is your choice. And as a child we rarely get a say in where and when we move. So as an adult you can appreciate new places and even making new connections when it comes naturally to you. Your younger self wants you to know that you have a great ability to take in and process information on both conscious and subconscious levels. Your curiosity is endless and your desire to dive deep into a variety of subjects will bring you an immense awareness of the world. This feels like Sagittarius energy, wanting to be on the ground, learning and experiencing as much as possible. Either way, your younger self would like you to allow your curiosity to drive you. There is no need to fight what, again, comes so naturally to you. Your younger self would like to leave you this final message where you are able to fill in the blanks: “My perception is my truth. Since there are so many ways to look at a situation, I can see ____ as ____. Or, I can see ____ as ____.” As you focus on the growth that is so very clear in your life you will begin to realize that you are exactly where you are meant to be. You are a divinely guided being that has the freedom to move and be. No doubt this was difficult for you in the past but you have flourished into a knowing adult with a perception that allows you to soar freely.

Pile 3

I can see that you are currently at a fork in the road in your life Pile 3. Your younger self wants you to know that once you’ve made a decision, left or right, there will be harmony in your choice. Now because there isn’t any direct choice cards out in your tarot this may come up as more subconscious rather than making a decision let’s say for work. Your younger self knows that you witnessed anger and rage in the past. And now they can see that in spite of your past you can regulate your emotions and openly communicate your thoughts and feelings. Your younger self is so proud of you for this! It’s an easier choice to just give into the negativity that surrounds you on the daily but your younger self knows that this is not the energy that you want to exist in. You deserve peace, happiness and harmony. Your younger self is here to affirm to you that this peace is already in existence in your life or is well on it’s way to you. I see you celebrating something in the 4 of Wands and it’s something new with the Ace of Wands present. You have very rejuvenating energy coming towards you. This energy is here to encourage you to continue moving towards your peace Pile 3. With the 5 of Swords somewhat centering your reading this shows me that this is no simple task for you. Especially because of the environment that your younger self is signaling to me that you grew up in. You are use to other people’s anger being projected onto you. You are use to miscommunications and at some point you got use to expecting this energy from others. But your younger self is signaling a huge change coming into your life in this area. This doesn’t mean that others will be less combative but that you simply won’t have the energy to feed into what is normally just placed on you. With Temperance gracing your reading, this is the kind of grace I see you extending towards others. I’m hearing you’re “being the bigger person”. And this is because you have so much beauty that is in your life Pile 3. Sometimes life is so beautiful and synchronistic that you don’t have time to focus on the negativity that others zoom in on. With Temperance in the middle of the 5 of swords and the 5 of pentacles, I see a great balance of energy coming in a time that others would deem too stressful to deal with. Now the 5 of pentacles doesn’t just mean you are down and out financially. This could signal to you wanting or needing more feelings of security or wanting to elevate your physical health in some way. Within society we can see that when people are having a bad day physically or are feeling stressed financially there tends to be a lashing out. Maybe this is what you are use to witnessing within your original family unit. And so when these difficult energies show up in your life I see you working very hard in understanding your reactions to these stressors. You don’t simply want to react. You want to evolve. I can see this within you Pile 3. Your younger self wants you to know that this is an admirable trait that you are growing within you. I think at this time you are also learning a lot about manifestation. Within the co-creating process with Spirit, I see that you want to focus more on what is good and growing in your life. This is a major key to manifesting the life that you desire and breaking generational and karmic cycles. Your younger self is asking you to play in the good feelings that you experience day to day. This isn’t an avoidance technique either. There is a way to balance the good with the difficult and this balance is meant to be a part of our human existence. Your younger self wants you to know that you have a great ability to take in and process information on both conscious and subconscious levels. Your curiosity is endless and your desire to dive deep into a variety of subjects will bring you an immense awareness of the world. And I want to add an immense awareness of self as well. You are in a learning phase Pile 3. Actually, you will be learning about yourself all of your life. There is no true end. As you find yourself taking more time for solitude I feel as if you will be reading a lot of spiritual writings, gathering self-knowledge and sharing with a like-minded individual(s) that you care deeply about. Your younger self would like to leave you this final message where you are able to fill in the blanks: “My life’s goal isn’t to envy or follow others. I came into this world to live my own uniquely-human experience. My work is to spend my life defining and redefining my journey as I go. I can recall a time when I thought I wanted ____ but ____ proved to be the more joyful choice for me. It took me being open and flexible to find my way.” This is your younger self directly letting you know that you have always known the best choice for you, even if it was hidden in the subconscious. Your goals don’t have to look like everyone else’s Pile 3 and your younger self is applauding you for these new found realizations. Continuously ground yourself in solitude as these transformations continue to take place within and around you. Your younger self is so proud of you Pile 3. They’ve always dreamed of this kind of spiritual freedom.

Pile 4

Your younger self wants to remind you that in the past friends walked out of your life without reason. Now you understand people have their own journey and know not to internalize their pain. And just like the rest of your reading suggests Pile 4, you have a really big heart that you always try to share with others. With the Ace of Cups starting your tarot right next to the 7 of Wands, other people haven’t always been receptive of the love that you have tried to give in the past. For whatever fated reason, there have been certain friendships and connections that were not meant to be in your life present day. That’s the thing about fate, we may never know what we have been spared from but we should always trust that we are exactly where we are meant to be. But I can see that this is something that you have struggled with all of your life with ‘Never Ending Story’ present in your reading. It’s not that you had difficulty making friends in the past. It was the type of people that you always found yourself attracting. I can see that a lot of the altercations that you experienced growing up happened after expressing or showing emotion to someone you felt close to. I can see in the King of Wands you more so trying to play this energy off and still come off as confident. This isn’t to say that you aren’t really confident but I feel as if your past has hindered you from showing your true self authentically. You could experience a lot of overthinking when it comes to connecting with other people. I see that you choose your words wisely and keep emotional reactions/connections to a minimal. But your younger self wants you to know that this is a trauma response. There are people in the world who are willing to understand you Pile 4. You’ve been met with a lot of hostile and unaligned energy which keeps you more to yourself, even though you have all of this love to give. I’m also seeing that you are a natural leader, someone who has no problems stepping up when needed and others have secretly admired this about you. But what you need Pile 4 is friendships and relationships that are willing to love you out loud. Your younger self knows that you are in need of people who are proud of the friendship that you have to offer. And this is your confirmation of that fact. The 10 of Swords shows me that you are ready to release the mental burden of feeling like you are not enough or you’re way too much for others. Your younger self is asking you to know who you are and what you offer being in connection with others. Those other relationships were never meant to work out Pile 4. And that has nothing to do with who you are. Your younger self is also here to remind you that there is no blame on either parties’ side. That friendship was never meant to flourish and that person was always meant to be who they are, without you in their life. All of these things can be accepted as truth and will allow you to heal and release the past for what it was. The 8 of Swords present shows me that there are still hesitations that you feel towards connecting with others. Even if these friendships feel more aligned to you I feel as if you still don’t trust it. And that is justified based on your past. But you aren’t dealing with the same people that you were dealing with back then Pile 4. Maybe these people will know how to make space and hold room for you better than you know how to for yourself at the moment. And this is okay too. Your younger self wants you to know that you have a heart of gold and are very skilled at maintaining balanced, stable relationships. You are loyal to your loved ones and are able to be the nurturer, protector and provider all at once. This beautiful energy that you carry is only meant for a select few Pile 4. Not everyone can afford to hold onto pure gold, and that’s okay. And while in the past you felt like a lot of these experiences were happening to you, now you understand that you are able to direct your own story. This is not to say that you had the power to force certain connections, because Spirit will always clear out the unaligned. This message is to let you know that you have the power to decide where you go from here. You can continue to self-isolate, but the intense feelings of being in community will always find you. You have the power to end the narrative that you may feel is haunting you in the background, keeping you from genuine connection. Your younger self would like to leave you this final message where you are able to fill in the blanks: “I love spending quality time with ____ because it makes me feel ____. I really appreciate the joy I experience when we ____ and ____. Most importantly, I know that I’m worthy of these happy moments. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could do more ____ together?” So your younger self wants you to imagine what it would be like to open yourself up to more connection rather than closing off. There is someone special in your life or a friend who is coming into your life that you are meant to start new experiences with. Someone(s) who will make you feel empowered emotionally and spiritually. And someone who may even help you sort out the thoughts and feelings that are yours and what you have been left with from traumatic experiences. Either way there will be a heart opening moment where you release the burdens of the past and recognize where you have been holding yourself back and why. Your younger self wants you to know that you are in control and that this change is necessary for continued emotional growth. You get to choose.


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