What Are You Manifesting With This Full Moon in Libra 4/16/2022

Hello everyone! Welcome to another Full Moon reading with Monty’s Tarot Child. In this lunation cycle Spirit is bringing a great balance to all of the fiery Arian energy that is shining down on us from the position of the Sun. There is a win-win outcome in store for all of us this Aries season. We all have desires, goals and the ambition to manifest these desires. What we may have lacked in the past is confidence in ourselves and our knowledge. This is coming into balance. For the tarot, we have the 3 of Pentacles coming out for the collective. This shows me that as a collective, we are turning to others in order to collaborate and even gain new knowledge of what it is that we are trying to manifest. So this could look like like-minded business collaborations, writing circles, or community events to help you spread seeds of knowledge or even harvest new wisdom. All within a community of aligned energy. The Star card is here to renew our hope on this spiritual journey. This faith is needed when we are being called to reflect on our priorities. But Spirit is letting us know in this divine message that merely hope is not enough. If there is a dream that you have of course it takes hope and faith to hold this dream close to your heart. But the Arian action is what brings that dream into reality. With the New Moon in Aries showing up for the collective reading (which just occurred April 1) Spirit is asking you to ‘Go For It’! Plot on and plan your desires so that you may step confidently into each new phase. With the Page of Swords and Wands here we will be absorbing so much new information. Catching up on the books that we swore we were going to get to or looking up that one step in order to begin a creative project. The best part about this seeking of knowledge for us is that it will come intuitively. There is no extra efforting that Spirit is asking you to put up front. This effort will come and feel very natural to you. It is because it is a part of your self-expression. You were born to express what is calling to you right now. The Pages could symbolize you taking more time (or even scheduling it in) to study or create. Especially if you have been battling with feeling tied down or frustrated because your spirit can sense that you aren’t expressing your creativity to it’s full potential. This is your time. If you’ve been called to paint but don’t “view yourself as an artist” or if you’ve been called to write but “there’s more experienced writers out there” this message is specifically for you. Those people that you reference are only able to be a reference because they put their creativity out there. Spirit is not asking you to open an exhibit and display all of your vulnerable art, unless this is something that you want to do. They just want you to create. Again, it is all of our birthrights to be connected to the Divine energy of creation. We are all triumphing over obstacles right now, whether connected to our creativity or not. But it is known that having a creative expression or outlet does help deal with the inevitable obstacles that come up in life. You need an outlet. Follow where your intuition is taking you and prepare for the amazement that you will feel letting out all of that pent up energy. What we are all manifesting this Full Moon in Libra is clarity on our Path. An affirmation to help with this manifestation is: “Dear Lord, help me trust that there’s a Plan far beyond what I can see through my fears and illusions.” I’d like to think that the society that we have been forced to adapt to is the illusion. We all one day woke up and agreed to be these rigid beings stuck in a system. But our creativity helps us to break free of that stagnancy. Spirit wants us to pay close attention to the areas of our life where we are breaking free and where we feel ourselves conforming to “what’s right”. Listen closely to your intuition this Full Moon, it is taking you farther into your Divine Path with Spirit’s blessing.

Warmly - MTC ⚖️✨


A Message for Venus in Gemini, Jupiter in Taurus, Mars in Cancer, Sun in Taurus, Sun in Cancer


Pick A Rose: Message from your Younger Self