2022 Zodiac Predictions

Hello everyone! Welcome to the last written reading of 2021. It has been such an honor to provide Spirit driven messages to this community for the past year. I hope that I was able to offer you an inviting and healing space and I look forward to building up this community even more in the New Year. 

Please make sure to read your Sun, Moon and Rising sign message for 2022 for ultimate  clarity. I hope you enjoy and Happy New Year! 🎊

Aries- The beginning of 2022 (Jan.,Feb.,March, April) will find you less energized than you expected of yourself. With the Knight of Wands being in reverse, there are things that you may have set yourself up to take action on coming into this new year that will be left undone. For some of you, you may read this message (or in general) and try to find ways around this blockage but that isn’t what will reignite your depleted energy. You may have great difficulty in letting tasks go undone and I do see the possibility of you using energy that you do not have. But this won’t last long for you Aries. I believe mid-year you will be interested in a new way of being. Some of you may not even find this message useful until you are ready to seek the healing and nurturing that your temple needs. I can see this in the 2 of wands. With this being the energy of mid-year (May, June, July, Aug.) there will be a lot of reevaluation present in your life. I believe a lot of you will be processing where you’ve been expelling a lot of energy unnecessarily or a bit too soon. Especially with the Knight in reverse, Spirit wants you to be sure that you aren’t rushing into situations without the proper energetic preparation. You know how sometimes you can leave a situation feeling more drained than when you went into it? That is because your energy may not be grounded, which makes you feel unprepared to handle others’ energy and then leaves you feeling worse off. I do see by the end of the year (Sep., Oct., Nov., Dec.) that this will make a noticeable change in the way that you feel. With the Empress being in reverse, this feels like the energy of being tired. Maybe you’re feeling a lot of that now, before the year has even properly begun. But this message is being sent to you with the hopes that with small changes, you can ensure that you are taking care of yourself all year long. That’s really all that you need this year Aries, is rest. Taking care of yourself can go a really long way but if we continue to put it off, when does the healing truly begin? Your Divine Feather message for 2022 states: “The time is right to release old patterns and energies. You are ready to embrace change.” This may be a huge change for you Aries. With the Empress being in reverse, this is your Divine feminine energy pleading to you to release the habits and energies that make you feel drained and unmotivated. It is essential to the revitalization of your spirit. Your Crystal oracle message for this year is Garnet and states: “This is sexual healing in it’s highest form! Garnet is a stone of love, passion and devotion removing blocks to the desires of the heart. Step into your sexual power and embrace your body removing all judgements that stand in the way of you and your pleasure. When used in tandem with tantric sex, Garnet can heighten the experience attracting partners that can help heal sexual trauma. Garnet helps identify and illuminate self-sabotaging behaviors, expanding your connection to mind, body and spirit.” This year you are focusing on everything that will revitalize your energy and help you to work through energetic blockages. Our sexuality is deeply connected to our confidence. And in some cultures, with intention, sex is also seen as a very spiritual act. But this is not just a message of going all out Aries. 2022 is the year for your sensuality for life to be reinvigorated. This could not involve anyone but you and you’d still be fully intact with your sensuality and sensual abilities. Taking pleasure in eating a piece of fruit that the Earth produced just for you. Treating your temple like holy grounds with sacred texts on the walls. Your body is carrying you through every experience you’ve ever had and that is definitely something that should be praised and honored. Hydrate yourself today. Breathe deeply into your lungs and stomach. Interact with all possible parts of yourself that you feel comfortable with. This will energize you more than you are currently aware. 

Important energies: Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Scorpio, Aries

Taurus- 2022 is going to be a very communicative year for you, especially the first four months. Some of you could be waiting for some news or an approval and I can see that coming in for you (Jan.- Apr.). For others, folks are really going to want to talk to you or seek you out for advice in some way. You will also be receiving a lot of confirmation from Spirit, more than usual. Like waking up at 5:55 randomly or checking your phone at 12:12. And I’m seeing that these numbers will automatically have meaning for you. This communication could be coming in to affirm your slow and methodical pace when it comes to your finances and manifestations. With the Knight of pentacles being your mid-year energy, this means that the seeds that have been planted are not yet ready to be sown. This doesn’t mean that you won’t have security or prosperity in 2022. It means that with every turn you will be taken care of while things are still growing for you on the back end. I’m not sure why I saw it as something hidden or not ready just yet but that’s confirmation for someone. Spirit sees all that you are trying to manifest and does not want you to stop or give up. By the end of the year (Sep.- Dec.) I do see that your ability to go with the steady flow will leave you open to even more energy. While others may struggle to keep up with their own ambitions, you are planning and taking things slowly. I think that’s one thing that you are very aware of Taurus, you can’t rush greatness. And this staying power will get you very far in your creative achievements in 2022. The page of wands being your end of year energy gives you a child-like burst of curiosity and energy. This is a beautiful energy to have and hold onto going into any new year because you feel unstoppable. The page of wands is giving me Fool energy as well so some of you could be facing a new beginning by the end of 2022. You could be working towards new spiritual or financial goals that will manifest a beginning for you by the end of this new year. But coming back to your present day, Spirit will be sending you so much confirmation about how you are on the right path Taurus. Hold onto the knowing that you are being Divinely guided. Your Divine Feather message states: “Feel and allow a deeper sense of peace to fill you now. This is a Divine quality.” Your peace this year is your confirmation that you are on the right path, above anything else. And when that peace is questioned or disrupted it is time to analyze and cleanse. Your Crystal message for 2022 states: “Double trouble! Calcite has a unique optical quality — when vou are looking through the stone it appears doubled. Calcite can amplify energy for higher awareness and healing, pairing well with other crystals and taking on their attributes to increase their metaphysical abilities. A powerful dissolver, Calcite transforms negative energy for release and renewal. It also aligns the chakras, cleansing the aura of toxicity and renewing energy flow. Calcite reminds you that there is alwavs a new beginning—you just have to decide when to start.” Your awareness is growing Taurus. When faced with opportunities in 2022 you will have a curiosity about you that will lead you to the discovery of things you weren’t even aware of your passion for. Lots of choices and decisions Taurus, trust yourself and Spirit. 

Important energies: Cancer, Libra, Taurus

Gemini- The Queen of Swords is here to represent your energy at the beginning of, and throughout, 2022. You are feeling very clear and precise in your planning and execution of ideas. Your mind will definitely feel clear and straightforward with practical matters. An issue that may come up for some of you Geminis is the cold demeanor that the Queen can sometimes project towards others. The Queen of Swords has the capability to place emotional matters on the back burner and focus on the logistics of the situation. Because of this, you must be aware of your blind spots and notice when you aren’t fully present in a situation (mind, body, spirit). This recognition of your heart and acknowledgement of the emotional matters at hand also allows you to stay in your abundant present. There are things growing abundantly around you this year Gemini. With the King of Pentacles showing up as your mid-year energy, the King knows that abundance and material things are nothing if not shared with the people you care most about. And while you don’t have a lot of relational cards in your spread, there is this undertone of not being approachable by others. The King of pentacles can be generous with time and resources but also knows how to invest them wisely. This energy paired with the Queen of Swords energy is a boss getting to business. This can and will be a very prosperous year for you Gemini if you are willing to maintain the balance that you seek. With the page of pentacles being your end of year energy, this signifies you maintaining a curiosity about your finances and learning more about what is already manifesting around you. The page is a student. They absorb as much information at hand about their fascination, much like Gemini themselves but with a bit more staying power in the suit of pentacles. This year you will find yourself more dedicated to the endeavors that you pursue. This will give you time to sit with creations long enough to materialize abundance from your hard work. As you continue to follow this curiosity out until the end of the year, Spirit wants you to know “hold the highest vision for your life. You now posses the ability to move past any hurdles.” When things come up in 2022, they are just that, hurdles. There isn’t anything that you cannot figure out or overcome Gemini, and Spirit really wants you to know this. Your Crystal oracle message for this year states: “Revive to keep alive! Blue Spinel brings new energy to stagnant parts of your life, from inside your body to the world outside. The name of this stone comes from the Latin word for spine, and Blue Spinel will give you a strong backbone, sense of self, and reason to stand tall despite any challenges you may face. This is a great crystal for workaholics, as it eases stress and anxiety and instills a renewed sense of resolution—you can make it to the end if you put your mind to it! Blue Spinel provides that fresh perspective to reset and rejuice.”  This will be a transformative year for your confidence and assertiveness Gemini. While you will be working on different projects and creations, Blue Spinel is here to remind you not to give into burnout tendencies. The work will always be there and taking things one at a time allows you to enjoy the journey even more Gemini. 

Important energies: you lol, (also Scorpio with Pluto’s energy here)

Cancer- There is going to be, or has already been, a situation that may make you question yourself Cancer. You have the Queen of Cups, one of the benevolent godmothers of the tarot, in reverse. With this energy representing the beginning of 2022 for you, some of you may be going into the new year not being able to fully trust in your own intuition. This feels like a very emotional situation which has you focused on the past a lot in 2022. So much so that you have the 5 of cups as your mid-year energy. This was a difficult situation for you Cancer, and for some it may just be life in general and not one specific situation at the top of your mind. Spirit wants to remind you that you have 2 more cups Cancer. It may be very difficult to focus on the good all of the time (or even half of the time) but our blessings grow stale when we no longer continue to nourish them. We become stale if we no longer nourish ourselves the way that we need to. This isn’t what you want though. You have imagined the way you have wanted things to go and maybe it hasn’t materialized, which grows those sinking feelings of failure. Spirit doesn’t want you to allow those thoughts or feelings to overwhelm your sensitive nature Cancer. You are not a failure. With affirmations, open conversations with those you trust and intentional internal observation, by the end of 2022 you will be feeling a drive once again. The beginning of 2022 won’t be about all that you can accomplish but about how much (and what) you can let go of. With the Emperor as your end of the year energy, this is you stepping up and out from the grasp of self-doubt and fear. The Emperor’s energy signifies you going after your creative goals and with a new fierceness. Your energy is evolving into the leader that you are meant to be. Your Divine Feather message for 2022 states: “Universal laws and truths are now being revealed. Use this energy to create your reality.” The beginning of 2022 will not look like the end of 2022 for you Cancer. Things will feel up in the air and may have you a bit on the emotional side, but this is all for your highest good. You can use this energy to create a new reality. Just think, if you have been going really hard for something that isn’t really meant for you nor will make you happy, wouldn’t you want someone to give you a heads up? That’s what this feels like and in the end you will embrace your Divine Masculine energy to believe in yourself once again. You have Red Jasper as your Crystal oracle for 2022 which states: “Red Jasper works closely with the base chakra and heals any wounds surounding injustice, grounding you back to the Earth. Red Jasper alleviates chronic worry, clearing mental blockages to make space for balanced emotions and thoughts. Working with the base chakra, Red Jasper can also help heal issues related to sex, inviting you to explore your sexuality in healthy ways. Providing stability and protection, Red Jasper balances yin and yang, expressing masculine and feminine energies that feel safe yet nourished.” Your feminine energy may not feel nourished at the beginning of 2022 for some and this is ok (i.e taking care of others before checking in with yourself, not feeling creative or imaginative, issues with intimacy). There is a balancing coming to your energy this year. The blockages that have kept you stuck in the past or worried about the future are clearing. You are making space for new emotions and thoughts which lead to new actions and habits. This is going to be a good year for you Cancer. But many beautiful blessings and lessons come in all different kinds of packages. 

Important energies: Aries, Scorpio

Leo- Wow Leo, what a beautiful year ahead of you! You have the Magician representing the beginning of 2022 for you. This shows me that you are embracing your master creator energy. While others may be going after certain goals this year, the Magician feels as if you are manifesting a certain lifestyle or the feelings that you want to feel when you wake up everyday. This may look like you completing projects or tasks but not with a material goal in mind. With the King of Cups representing your mid-year energy this will be a very fulfilling pursuit for you. You may know exactly how you want to feel without many words to be able to communicate it with others. It’s a simplicity to life where healing emotions flow freely. With the emotional suit of cups being ruled by the King in your reading, this shows me a person who is really in tune with themselves emotionally. A compassionate leader of the community. You yourself can be a leader in many different ways this year Leo, and with the Magician’s energy here, you get to decide how. A conscious manifestation of emotional stability and security. Peace. The one energy that comes as a question to me is the Hierophant in reverse. This energy is coming through for the end of your 2022. If going solely on the energy that I feel, this feels as if you are in a learning phase that is not quite ready for transcendence this year. This doesn’t equate to stagnancy in the slightest though Leo. With the Hierophant making it’s energy present, this does involve a spiritual evolution of some sort but isn’t meant for you to try to move past or through so quickly. This is finding a new destination and then sitting there for awhile to take in the sites. This will be a spiritual journey for you where you will learn a lot about your spiritual and emotional body. You aren’t meant to rush this. The Hierophant in reverse could also signal to a very important spiritual lesson that you aren’t fully comprehending or seeking to comprehend. The end of the year (with all of it’s reflective energy) will invite a valuable moment of self-reflection in for you Leo. This may also be a time where you consult a healer, shaman, or a spiritual guide for clarity and knowledge. Your Divine Feather Message states: “Your dreams and desires are calling you to action. The journey begins today.” Every step that you take in 2022 will be divinely guided, even when you feel the most confused or experimental. Your dreams are going to spark something within you this year and I seriously see you answering that call. What’s holding you back but yourself? Your Crystal oracle for the year states: “Powerful and bold, Carnelian increases confidence in yourself, especially when you need to take center stage and use your voice effectively. A stabilizing stone, Carnelian helps balance volatile emotions for long-term vitality. Believed to protect the soul in the afterlife, Carnelian is a stone of the living meant to motivate you to take chances with the life that you have. Life is meant to be lived with passion and desire, and Carnelian gives you the courage to do so. Carpe Diem! Seize the day!” Another card in your spread calling you to action Leo. This will be a very inspirational year for you. You literally won’t be able to fight the urge to create or experience life in a passionate way. While the end of the year will bring spiritual truths that you have yet to grasp fully, 2022 will be a year where you get to see yourself fully. And maybe that hasn’t happened for a long time now, but it will be welcomed with open arms. 

Important energies: Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio

Virgo- Ok Virgo. This is going to be a poignant reading for some of you. The beginning of 2022 it’s represented by the 3 of cups in reverse for you. Especially with the state of the world, to me, this feels as if we are climaxing towards another global lock down. Your focus this year is heavily going to shift from external to internal, again. The 3 of cups feels like plans canceled and in such a Divine manner too. For example, your friends invite you to go out. You’re already iffy about it and really just wanting to relax in the house. And well, you know where the rest of that story could go Virgo. All of these redirections from external stimulation is for a reason. Your mid-year energy is represented by the 3 of wands. The purpose of this solitude is to find your own spiritual invigoration. And I see that you will. You have two cards with the energetic connection to the number three. 3 of cups and 3 of wands. The number three deals with connection. Connection to the past, connection to others and connection to Spirit and our own spirit. That’s what the 3 of wands is representing for you. The 3 of wands also shows a seeking energy coming from within you this year Virgo. You want to live a passion-driven life but maybe can’t fathom where to begin. This is okay. You have the Knight of Wands representing your end of year energy which is a great sign of inspiration and just “going for it”. I think this is a really good energy read for you though Virgo. Paired with the 3 of wands, even though that much fire energy can lead towards impulsive actions, the Knight of Wands acknowledges that if you have a “lay of the land”, you can make inspired and thoughtful decisions this year. The Knight of Wands is just as much of a seeker as the 3 of wands and even the 2 of wands. And maybe you have been a seeker in many different aspects of your life depending on the rest of your natal chart and generational make up. But this is very much so a spiritual seeking that takes place on an internal battle ground. Don’t be afraid to explore yourself and what you want. Your Divine Feather message for this year states: “The time is right to access and master your abilities. Do so with humility and control.” A strong echo of the rest of your message, Spirit is really calling you towards self-mastery. You know what you are capable of. Let that guide you towards new abilities that you aren’t even aware of just yet. Your Crystal oracle message for 2022 states: “Structure can provide freedom, and Fluorite helps organize your life from top to bottom, heightening focus and releasing unnecessary stress. Fluorite assists with bringing clarity to your life, lifting your mental capabilities for crystal clear intuition and empowered decision-making. By taking your discernment up a notch, Fluorite protects against bad influences and psychic manipulation. Fluorite both grounds and lifts your energy, connecting your body to the Earth and to higher spiritual awareness at the same time. Prioritize balance!” The clarity that you actively and consciously seek you will find this year Virgo. There are a lot of things that will take priority in your life this year that has spent more time in the backseat in the past. Even if you feel as if you have to schedule creative time in and then spend it meditating on the inspiration to come. It doesn’t have to look picture perfect as long as it feels right to you. Your discernment is growing. You are taking into consideration what sends you into a creative tangent that brings forth pride from within your spirit. 

Important energies: Capricorn, Pisces, Gemini, Virgo

Libra- Wow Libra, I only pulled two oracle cards for the Zodiac readings and both of yours is talking about your prosperity. It’s interesting because your tarot cards speak of an underlying story that may play out for you. Firstly, you have two choice cards. The 7 of cups in reverse representing the beginning of 2022 and the 2 of swords representing the end of 2022 for you. To me this feels as if a choice that you won’t be able to make at the beginning of the year will cycle back around for you by the end of the year. It will look differently for everyone. The 7 of cups in reverse feels as if there is so much confusion around making a decision that it may bring you to an emotional state. But that may not be for everyone. Either way, I do see you passing on the option to make a choice for yourself and it could heavily have to do with your financial situation and material abundance. You have the 7 of swords as your mid-year energy and we’ll talk about the reappearance of the number 7 in a moment. This placement shows me that there is something that you may be trying to convince yourself of this year. Again, because we have so much energy around your prosperity showing up, it feels as if you are trying to convince yourself that you don’t actually need to make a choice but you do. You could be needing to leave an environment that is not as prosperous as you are trying to sell to yourself. Maybe some of you are needing to leave a job and you keep coming up with reasons to stay, either way the choice will come to you again. It may not look the same as it did at the beginning of the year but try to remember what kind of emotional state you were viewing this opportunity from before. In the traditional 2 of swords the figure is blindfolded, which signifies that you are going to be able to make an unbiased decision. You’ve been looking at things with an emotional tie that makes you unable to make the best choices for yourself. Objectivity is what you are gaining this year and it will be a prosperous blessing in disguise. Your Divine Feather message for 2022 states: “Prosperity is flowing. Have faith that you will receive it in the perfect form.” Even if you face doubt this year, as we all do every now and then, you will be affirmed that things are happening for you in Divine timing. Your Crystal oracle message for this year states: “The gold standard when it comes to crystals, Pyrite attracts abundance, wealth, and prosperity. Known as “fool’s gold”, Pyrite encourages you to follow your dreams and envision your desires. Manifesting powers are high when this crystal is at play. Pyrite has that spark! Literally, Pyrite can create fire when struck against another stone or metal and is believed to contain the element of fire in it’s core. Pyrite also acts as a powerful protector, shielding you from negativity and protecting the integrity of your aura. Strike fast and don’t look back.” You will have so many opportunities this year to take action on your truest desires. And even if it takes you a few tries to shed conditioned thinking and go after your goals. This is such a prosperous year for you that it almost feels as if you can’t go wrong in making decisions Libra but you should always listen to your discernment. If you know that it is fear holding you back, thank it for being there to protect you and then send that fear right back where it belongs. Spirit is guiding and watching over you in every endeavor. You are protected. 

Important energies: Leo, Aries, Scorpio* 

Scorpio- Much like your neighboring sign Libra, you will be making what will be a very important decision for yourself this year. You are starting 2022’s energy off with the 7 of pentacles. This shows me that you have been patiently waiting and tending to your abundance. You have been pruning away the things that no longer grow in your garden which makes space for new sprouts. Moving outside of the gardening metaphor, you have been particularly observant in your finances. Wanting things to grow “correctly”. There is a decision that shows up for you mid-year that changes the course of things for you Scorpio. You have the 7 of cups in reverse for your mid-year energy. In order to make a decisive choice you must have clarity and this is what the 7 of cups in reverse isn’t. This may come to overwhelm you to the point where you feel you’d rather just not make a choice at all, which holds you in place where you are at. The 7 of cups in reverse also tells me that you can’t force a decision that you don’t feel wholeheartedly. Great decision-making comes from a clear and silent place within. So what is happening internally may reflect the way that you go about things externally. With the 8 of swords in reverse as your end of year energy this is a great sign that you are moving away from all of the things that plagued you or mindsets that held you captive. The 8 of swords shows me that you are ready to step out on faith and away from the mental constraints that you have built up for safety’s sake. The 8 of swords in reverse to me looks like liberation. And that’s exactly how it feels when we step away from our fears. When we no longer allow just the voice of logic to lead us. Honestly, the 8 of swords in reverse is giving me the energy of the Fool. A new beginning when stepping out of old self-imposed boundaries. Of course it will look differently for every Scorpio, but this is just the tip of the iceberg for you. You have been doing the work, and will continue to do so. But there is also this emotional tie to making decisions that should no longer overwhelm you. You are in control when you remind yourself that you are in control. Your Divine Feather message states: “The connection to Divine guidance is within you.” Short, simple and to the point with you Scorpio. As we all are, you are being divinely guided. No choice is a wrong choice, just a decision to get you closer to where you need to be. For some reason Spirit is wanting me to tell you, don’t be afraid of your power. Your Crystal oracle message for 2022 states: “Red Jasper works closely with the base chakra and heals any wounds surrounding injustice, grounding you back to the Earth. Red Jasper alleviates chronic worry, clearing mental blockages to make space for balanced emotions and thoughts. Working with the base chakra, Red Jasper can also help heal issues related to sex, inviting you to explore your sexuality in healthy ways. Providing stability and protection, Red Jasper balances yin and yang, expressing masculine and feminine energies that feel safe yet nourished.” Now this one part of the message will only be for a select few of you Scorpios, pay attention to whyyou are having sex. The Scorpion can sometimes be drawn to the energy of sex to distract them from other matters, which in turn uses sex outside of the energy that is meant to be kept sacred. What this may look like is having sex when your body isn’t really feeling it or you’re not fully present. There is also a lot of sexual energy that is behind our confidence and our decision-making. When these energies are not in tandem, our choices don’t feel like our own. We are led to feel as if we are constantly making choices based on someone else’s beliefs and not our own. But this is being balanced for you in 2022. The real justice is in allowing that balance to happen, allowing things to work out for you just because it should. 

Important energies: Aries, Scorpio

Sagittarius- I want to start your reading off by mentioning that the energy of the year won’t be working as you expected Sagittarius. I say this because all of your tarot cards are in reverse, which means the energy will show up but play out in your life differently than expected. You start 2022 off with the High Priestess in reverse. There may be a lot of psychic downloads trying to reach you at the beginning of this year. You could have a lot of prophetic dreams and the meanings to you may be unclear. 2022 will be a very spiritual year for you. There is a lot that you will uncover but it’s like digging for gold and you’ve found rare crystals instead. You may not know what to do with the crystals just yet but keep them in your metaphorical pocket until you do. In the beginning of the year you may be drawn to journaling or meditating more. It may seem as if these urges are coming out of nowhere for some of you, especially with all of these reversals. Your mid-year energy is represented by the 7 of wands in reverse which I actually really like for you Sagittarius. Maybe some of you have wanted to deepen your spiritual practices and those around you have always shared their opinion on how you shouldn’t. With the 7 of wands in reverse this no longer matters to you in 2022. So many people around you are just trying to survive but you want to liveSagittarius. You aren’t going back and forth on what’s right or wrong. No one can tell you the best way to live for you. So if you want your life to be Divinely guided by Spirit, you can’t be swayed by other’s opinions. And this is what the 7 of wands shows me, you’re over it. Even if there is no one currently in your life voicing their thoughts, this could be childhood conditioning where you were taught that spirituality was supposed to look a certain way. You have the Hierophant in reverse as your end of 2022 energy. And to me, this speaks volumes on the type of restrictions that was placed upon you spiritually that no longer suit you. You are Spirit personified Sagittarius. Your destiny is to become one with Spirit, to grow closer to the beliefs that come to you so naturally. The Hierophant in reverse tells me that this is a spiritual lesson that you haven’t been able to grasp fully just yet. You are going to be spending a lot of time in this spiritual development phase. And it’s all for you to get closer to Spirit. With two of your tarot cards being Major Arcana, this feels like a life change for you Sagittarius. This feels like something you’ve been waiting for, is a reintroduction to the Source of all life. Your Divine Feather message for this year states: “Stand tall and proud. See the leadership role unfolding ahead of you.” All of this transformation within is meant to turn you into the spiritual leader you were always meant to be. You aren’t meant to doubt your gifts or spiritual abilities. You aren’t meant to question your intuition when it is a built in GPS system, guiding you towards your destiny. Stand tall Sagittarius, because nothing can take away these new found realizations. There is a lot unfolding for you in the New Year. Your Crystal oracle for 2022 states: “The cosmic forces are at play with Lazulite, bringing serenity, peace, and tranquility to anyone who crosses paths with the stone. Lazulite comes from the Arabic word lazaward, meaning “sky” or “heaven” and referring to the sky blue color of the stone’s surface. It stimulates the third eye, drawing out psychic and intuitive abilities and dispelling worry, anxiety, and stress to promote a clear state of mind. Use Lazulite when you need extra strength to heal addictive habits and to give yourself that inner peace against personal demons.” Spot on Sagittarius! I don’t read the oracle before channeling the message and that was just spot on. 2022 is your spiritual awakening. Even if you’ve had many of these moments, there won’t be one like this one. Your life is expanding this year, so long as you allow it to. You don’t have to hide behind others’ fear anymore, or even your own. You don’t have to be afraid of the Divine. You are on the right path, and it is cosmically so. Let peace be your guide. 

Important energies: Gemini, Sagittarius

Capricorn- The beginning of 2022 is going to be very emotional and reflective for you Capricorn. You have the Moon representing the energy of the beginning of your year. This is a beautiful card to start the year off with. You are going to be focusing a lot on the home and making yourself feel comfortable wherever you are. You could be spending a lot of time declining other’s invitations to stay at home and do the things that bring you joy (I don’t know why I’m hearing watching a specific show or cartoon). But the Moon is bringing you so much peace. What may be involved in this is some deep reflection of the past year and how you are looking forward to what 2022 has to bring you. I’m hearing that you could also get into a more gentle meditation practice like breathing exercises. You have the 3 of pentacles as your mid-year energy. This shows me that you are going to be sharing in intellectual energy with others. I worded it that way because it feels less tactile and hands on and more like conversations and deep realizations with others. You could be involved in speaking engagements like panels and change-making conversations (it’s giving very TedTalk). It will be a very communicative time for you (May-Aug.). You are going to share in revolutionary ideas within a thought provoking community of folks, like-minded individuals are surrounding you at this time and sharing in the knowledge that you have gained from the beginning of 2022. Your end of year energy is represented by the Lovers, which is beautiful! You are going to be faced with a choice by the end of the year. You may be called to deepen your devotion or dedication to something that you have discovered within yourself this year. The Lovers is asking you to look deeply within yourself, just as the Moon did, in order to align with your highest good. There is something that you are wanting to either create or pursue this year and it has been something that you definitely discovered within yourself. I feel that so clearly. This is will be an opportunity to harmonize all of the desires that you have stirring within you. Your Divine Feather message for this year states: “The choice is clear for you now. Follow the wisdom and truth you feel in your heart.” And that is straight to the point for you Capricorn. When you have that feeling, follow it. Your Crystal oracle for 2022 states: “A stabilizing stone, Agate is used to balance the mind, body, and spirit, creating harmony in all areas of your life—much like the patterns on the crystal itself. Grounding and supportive, Agate helps to reveal inner truths, cleansing beneath the surface to expose your authentic self. A wonderful stone to heal resentment, Agate frees you from the self-imprisonment of inner anger, replacing it with safety and security. Agate takes it’s time, vibrating at a slow and steady pace, and encourages you to take as much time as you need for the matter at hand.” What a beautiful message from Spirit. Take as much time as you need in the reflective state Capricorn because you have so much value to bring back into the world because of it. Stop, drop and meditate whenever you feel the need to, no explanation needed. Ground yourself before and after you enter the chaotic world. This strengthens your assurance in the steps that you take. 

Important energies: Gemini, Virgo

Aquarius- You are stepping out from behind the limitations this year Aquarius! I really love this spread for you. You have the 8 of swords in reverse for the beginning of 2022, the 6 of cups in reverse for your mid-year energy, and the Death card upright as your end of year energy. In the beginning of the year you are witnessing the mental habits and mindsets that hold you captive. With the 8 of swords being in reverse, this is absolutely something that you are aware of and ready to move on from. We will always battle with our limited mindsets, not always wanting more but needing to believe in ourselves more, but this is the time where nothing can hold you back. As you are moving out of the energy of holding yourself back I don’t see you taking a lot of direct action in the first 8 months of the year. What this means is while you will be getting things done or accomplishing small tasks, the real work will be going on internally for you. I say this because of the 6 of cups in reverse. Mid-year you may be facing a lot of childhood memories. You could be analyzing where your anxiousness or fears stem from. With this card in reverse also, these could be difficult memories that are awakening from your subconscious. This awakening is taking place for the transformational release that you will experience towards the end of the year. All of those memories that you are holding don’t make up who you are to the core. And I can see that the beginning of 2022 is not going to look like the end. There is a lot transforming for you and it’s all on the internal. These are changes that others may not recognize within you right away and that doesn’t matter. Keep doing what you need to release emotional baggage and heal the things that you’ve thought about yourself this entire time. Who are you really Aquarius? Your Divine Feather message for this year states: “New growth and potential is on the horizon. Reach out and embrace it.” This is your time to embrace the growth that has been calling out to you. If you’ve ever had a thought and then immediately after recognized that that thought doesn’t align with you, then you’re doing the work. The next step is release. There is a new beginning just on the horizon of your healing. Your Crystal oracle message for 2022 states: “An exceptionally high-vibrational crystal, Rainbow Mayanite allows you to face any challenging karmic patterns and pulls out the drudgery of the past that is ingrained in the energetic body. It heals emotional traumas on every level, rebuilding the foundation for a healthy support system from the inside out. Connecting you to your spiritual team, this crystal can guide you in seeing multiple perspectives, offering many solutions. Existing in ultimate alignment with all the chakras, Rainbow Mayanite helps you step into your authentic truth.” And that’s exactly what you are ready to do I feel like. You know that certain beliefs about yourself are not authentic to who you truly are. Maybe you’ve been waiting this whole time to figure out who that was in order to embody yourself fully. And that time has come. You are being guided. Your mind and eyes are being opened to your truest form, and it’s a beautiful sight to see. Don’t be afraid of this transformation. The healing that you are growing through this year is karmic and your Spirit guides are with you every step of the way. Get ready for the shift Aquarius!

Important energies: Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio

Pisces- You are starting the year off by releasing old emotions that no longer serve you Pisces. Your beginning of 2022 is represented by the 6 of cups in reverse. This tells me that this New Year is bringing up a lot of nostalgia for you. And I do want to remind you that there can be both positive and negative aspects of walking down memory lane. The 6 of cups may bring up for you memories from your childhood or adolescence that aren’t the easiest to relive. This could symbolize you looking at the conditioning that has been placed upon you and maybe even your family for generations. This is a deep dive of the past in order to move forward towards your bright future. I say this because you have the 6 of swords as your mid-year energy. This is you moving away from all that does not align with you and the thoughts that you carry about yourself current day. It feels as if there is this small tear in between who you are and who you’re remembered as. No one wants certain memories to define who they are and I don’t think you are any different Pisces. The 6 of swords shows me that you are willing to move into more harmonious waters and that nothing can keep you from doing so. I also want to point out the repeating 6’s in your reading. This has family matters heavily involved in the definition of you. Some people like to be defined by their family and family ties, there is no shame in that. But we are all individuals, meant to live life as uniquely as our own fingerprint. The beliefs and ideas of others doesn’t necessarily allow for this. We are so busy trying to do what’s right (as our definition of right vs wrong is built within us during childhood) that we don’t get to experience life for ourself fully. Again, I see you moving away from these ways of thinking within the 6 of swords. And it’s beautiful because your end of year energy is represented by the Ace of Swords. Spirit is gifting you for the choices that you will make this year. You are moving out of the stale energy of the past and embracing a new perspective. Spirit sees you changing your mind and adapting new habits to keep you mentally clear and out of the past. You are going to experience new ways of thinking. Maybe less overthinking or emotional thinking and more clarity in speech and discernment. Overall this screams to me that you are no longer carrying what isn’t yours to carry. We can love our family and still know our minds well enough to know when we aren’t living in our authenticity. And I see you working through this all 2022. Your Divine Feather message for this year states: “The connection to Divine guidance is within you.” And this means that you can’t make a wrong turn. Spirit has been guiding you this entire time and this guidance is eternal. You are never alone, even when you feel as if family is the only constant that will ever truly know you. Spirit knows your heart and they see you working so diligently on healing it. Move away from the conflict and miscommunication. Drop the expectations that you hold towards others and expect a great healing to wash over you. There is nothing that another person can provide that doesn’t feel equally amazing coming from yourself. Your Crystal oracle message for 2022 states: “Double trouble! Calcite has a unique optical quality—when you are looking through the stone, it appears doubled. Calcite can amplify energy for higher awareness and healing, pairing well with other crystals and taking on their attributes to increase their metaphysical abilities. A powerful dissolver, Calcite transforms negative energy for release and renewal. It also aligns the chakras, cleansing the aura of toxicity and renewing energy flow. Calcite reminds you that there is always a new beginning—you just have to decide when to start.” This is absolutely a new beginning for you Pisces. Especially because you had the Fool showing up as the bottom of the deck energy for you tarot, this is a double message. Let yourself be Divinely guided Pisces. You don’t want to hold onto those difficult feelings anyway, let Spirit hold it for you. 

Important energies: Cancer, Taurus, Libra


Message for Jupiter in Pisces, Venus in Capricorn, Mercury in Gemini, Mercury in Cancer, Mercury in Pisces


Message for Sun in Pisces, Jupiter in Taurus, Mars in Libra, Jupiter in Libra, Venus in Cancer