Message for Jupiter in Pisces, Venus in Capricorn, Mercury in Gemini, Mercury in Cancer, Mercury in Pisces

There is a huge transformation taking place in your life right now or that you can sense is coming soon. This transformation is taking place because you no longer want to live a life that isn’t all that you know it could be. In the recent past, you may have been faced with a situation that wasn’t the most fulfilling. To me, this feels as if you created something and expected the feelings of completion to feel differently. But the satisfaction wasn’t enough. I see in the 8 of pentacles that you have gone back to the drawing board. You may be a creator at heart and want to create something of substance. I’m also hearing “for the culture”. But with the Tower following the 8 of pentacles, I think there needs to be a reconstruction of some sort in order to truly begin again. Not only do you have the Tower but you also have the oracle card Pluto at the center of your reading. Which to me is just the Death card embodied through the oracle. With this essential transformation, you will face a renewal of energy. You will tap into inner resources that you once before felt were dormant. This is a reintroduction to your personal power and of course will test you as such. This feels like you shedding an old, constricting skin and being reborn. What follows this change is almost poetic through the tarot. You have the Hanged Man following death and rebirth. Which to me signals that you won’t rush into the world with these new inner findings but sit with them and allow them to nourish you. I see this because you have the Empress following the Hanged Man. This will be an incredibly healing time for you all. I think you are healing your ideas around your worth, your creativity and inspiration. I can see through this spread of cards that you may be someone who has faced a lot of challenges in regards to your creativity. This may be a battle that you’ve had since a child or young adult, when the world began feeding you it’s opinions. You are going to find your creative spark once again if this is something that you have strongly been seeking. With all of this healing work that is being triggered in your life, you will also receive some sort of recognition as well. It could be either personal or professional. But people are going to notice the shift within that has taken place. Especially if other people have the opportunity to see you in your most creative atmosphere. You are creating with no stress. You allow the flow of art and life to move through you freely and you don’t try to fight or contain your creativity any longer. If these are the things that you have eagerly been awaiting then this is your message of confirmation. Energy is moving again in your life. Keep working towards whatever calls to you, when it calls. It won’t just be for the recognition of your transformative work but for the pride that you will feel in being able to “find your thing”. 

Key Phrases

transformation, perspective change, dissatisfied, work ethic, time of healing, creative rebirth, recognition, reward, meditation, manifestation journaling


Full Moon in Cancer Reading 1/17/2022


2022 Zodiac Predictions