Message for Sun in Pisces, Jupiter in Taurus, Mars in Libra, Jupiter in Libra, Venus in Cancer
You may currently be in an in between state of saving your resources for self and future plans and fulfilling the obligation that you feel to help those who are in need. For some, you could be saving in order to provide for those closest to you or your community. But there is a swift idea or mindset that is coming into your atmosphere that will lead you to more balance. With the Knight of Swords centered in your reading, there is an opportunity for you to find balance in what you need while also interacting with others. Some of you may have given to others in the past when you weren’t certain of your own security. With Justice here (heavy Libra energy) someone could be giving you back money that you didn’t think they were able to give back. With the 3 of wands you are eager to expand on this new idea. Things may have been out of balance for some time now in regards to your resources so this new energy opening up to you is something that you are hopeful for. With the page of cups ending your tarot, this will be new for you emotionally. Maybe people around you hold expectations over your resources and you don’t know how to face the emotional effects that it has on you. This is ok. We are all a student and a teacher of life simultaneously. We are all learning. With the page of cups, learn as much about yourself as you can at this time. We get so involved with our day to day that we rarely have time to process but this is what the page is all about. Journaling or reading old journal entries can show us a lot about ourselves and the subconscious. With the 8 of cups resting at the bottom of the deck, within the things that you uncover emotionally, Spirit will be asking you to walk away from what is no longer aligned. Yes, we can give out of the kindness of our hearts. But when there is guilt, shame or jealousy attached we must analyze why so that the emotions or behaviors do not continue to hinder us on our individual paths.
The affirmation that your ancestors have for you states:
Honor and take care of your body everyday. Self care builds self love. Self care can be:
-drinking enough water
-sticking to a routine
-feeling yourself
-being creative
-listening to music
-communicating truth
-setting boundaries
You are moving into healthy boundaries and learning about how you have deserved this the entire time. Emotions may come up, allow yourself to feel what your body is trying to tell you.
Key Phrases
security, new thoughts, new ideas, balance, expansion, emotional learning, giving back to others, saving, self care, emotional healing