New Moon in Sagittarius Reading 12/4/2021

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Hello everyone and welcome to another lunar collective reading. In this reading we are looking at the beautiful energy that this New Moon in Sagittarius is bringing us. The oracle that I started this reading with announces to us that luck is on our side this lunation period. And the rest of this reading uplifts that message tenfold. With the Sun and the Moon beaming in the light of Sagittarius, our day to day endeavors may take on an ease that we aren’t exactly use to. This doesn’t guarantee that we will get all of the green lights on the way to an important destination but just an ease, either to our day or our personal energy. I asked Spirit what would be introduced into our lives with this New Moon energy and we had the card ‘Expansion’ come out. This is exactly what this Jupiter-Sagittarius energy is all about! With luck being on our side and Spirit hearing our every call and worry, there is an expansion that is coming to help us with our needs. Whether this is more support materially or more clarity in our spiritual endeavors, Spirit is here to help and guide us towards our highest good. And with all of this energy in the air, we can feel the support too. The energy that we need to be aware of is represented in the ‘Steadying’ card. The trigger statement says: ‘I am not ready for what comes next’. While the true statement says: ‘I take it one step at a time’. It also states: ‘Although things are shifting so quickly, be present and know this is part of a greater plan.’ Spirit doesn’t want you to worry about the quickness of life. You don’t have to worry about running out of time. You can’t fulfill your entire life’s purpose in a day, so why place so much expectation on yourself. This is something that we are meant to live out with the fullest enjoyment. What Spirit is calling us to focus on, rather than our normal worries, is the fact that we are all being called to step up in our lives as the compassionate leaders that we are meant to be. In one form or another, we are all meant to be leaders. A leader is someone with courage to seek the highest good for all of those involved. They use their influence to create more harmony and positivity in their lives and their communities. Before this reading, if you thought that your role was more minor than what I just described, Spirit is asking you to lend yourself a little compassion. With this New Moon a lot of us may be battling with our feelings of worthiness. We’ve never been affirmed in this way to know that we can be leaders. That leadership actually isn’t a bad thing but a necessity to reactivate the tenderness that we need within society today. This is what we are trying to build towards, all in our own unique ways. With this New Moon, Spirit wants us to call in this compassion. Manifest it. With this compassion for self should also come rest. We have been getting the 4 of swords a lot for the collective. This call for slowing down may seem difficult when the energy to go remains so strong moving into the New Year. But in rest we can find a lot of inspiration. Resting doesn’t mean that everything stops. Even externally, the world will continue to move even if it is also being called to slow down. But you know that this is what you need. Especially with the Knight of Pentacles showing up, if we aren’t receiving big gains for our continuous efforts, this means that things are moving slowly for a reason. I feel as if the Knight of Pentacles always shows up to ask us “how badly do you want this to manifest?” Because if it is a part of your destiny then it will take time. With the Tower here, this is a realization that we are coming to know very well. Maybe this is something that we have had to remind ourselves of quite a few times. But nevertheless Spirit is always here to remind us again. Things take time but the expansion never stops. In this Tower there are things, internal or external structures, that need new foundations. It is never easy to watch something play out differently than we expected but this is what the Tower represents in some way. Spirit always wants us to know that restructuring is optimizing. With the 7 of wands ending the tarot, this is Spirit’s direct message of “don’t give up just yet”. With this expansion coming in all of our lives, where the heavens open up just a tad and we can actively feel God’s hand, we are going to be shown why all of our hard work matters. Why speaking up matters. Why going for something that may have seemed impossible and no one else could see the potential was only meant for you to do. 

Warmly - MTC 🏹✨


Message for Sun in Pisces, Jupiter in Taurus, Mars in Libra, Jupiter in Libra, Venus in Cancer


Pick A Card: Situation, Obstacle, Solution