Weekly Energy Forecast (July 19th - July 23rd)


On Monday we are facing the Ace of Swords in reverse. This means that even if our minds feel a bit out of sorts, luck is on our side. Spirit is sending you a gift of thought and knowledge and we may not recognize it as such right away. This could be subtle realizations or hard ones, where we know that there may be a lesson underneath a difficult situation that sheds light within your perspective. The day will feel different for everyone but the same energy is moving us. With the oracle ‘Luck’ representing Monday’s energy, we may all be heavily focused on our home and family life. We have the energy of number four and the sign of Capricorn representing this energy. This is the foundation of our home. I’m also hearing the question, “what have you done to create home within your mental space?” We are analyzing it all on Monday. But hopefully we are able to look through the thoughts and see this gift for what it is, a new take on mindsets and ideas.

Tuesday is bringing a regeneration to your path. I see for some that you may see a sprout or small burst of financial support come in on this day. But for most, we are once again redirecting our energy towards our spiritual path. We are taking a look at what we have created and participated in and extending that trajectory towards the future. You have a lot of fire energy backing you up on Tuesday. I feel a regeneration in your spirits, in your beliefs and ambition. This lively energy is moving you through your decisions of the day. Some of you may be very vocal on Tuesday as well, saying “yes!” to the things you are being intuitively called towards. So if a new business idea or solution comes up for you, look at what saying yes may mean for you and if it aligns to where you want to be. 

On Wednesday we are feeling ourselves. Literally, this is the day one might “get a big head”. And that’s ok! Why? Because we are so close to a goal. So much so, that we are being recognized for it. Wednesday will be a heavy day of stimulation for us. I think we all can appreciate the attention on Wednesday, especially if it’s in a healthy manner and drives us to continue charging ahead with our goals and dreams. You once again have heavy fire energy influencing you this day. This is high spirit energy. You may be around those who really do encourage you and maybe even inspire creation within you. With the number 9 and Aries energy represented within the oracle, we have just the right amount of energy to complete a task or goal that we have been working towards. Of course this energy is different for everyone so this can be a major or minor goal accomplished for you. Let’s just say you are walking into Thursday feeling very productive and spiritually “prepared” for anything. 

Speaking of Thursday’s energy, so beautiful. We have the 6 of pentacles and the energy of number 33, which breaks down to 6 again. With this energy you are feeling so whole and complete. We are feeling so whole that we are in very giving spirits towards others. With the energy of 6 here twice, we are heavily focused on family. Now family may be difficult for some so take what resonates. We are energetically in vibration with our soul family on Thursday. You are able to help others and feel safe enough to receive as well. These are deep relationships that are being highlighted. Your friend/family group may look unique and diverse but these are the types of bonds that aren’t dependent on anything but pure energy. The saying “energy speaks for itself” will be heavily relevant for Thursday. 

Friday’s energy may feel as if there is a bit of an emotional stall. With the King of Cups in reverse representing the tarot energy, you aren’t feeling the emotional autonomy that you held the day before. For some this could again be in regards to family and there needing to be some balance within your relationships/home life. But for the majority we are being asked to step into our courage on Friday. Something may be in need of balance and you are embracing the courage to face it. How do you feel emotionally? Do you allow yourself to feel things and then analyze these feelings in a healthy and necessary way? Spirit wants you to observe what comes up when you take a moment to sit still and not rush in to help another emotionally. “How can you lead others when you don’t trust yourself or are unsure of who you are emotionally?” On Friday you are looking deeply within. What will be of most importance is to repeat to yourself “emotions are not a weakness. Being in touch with my emotional side allows me to move through the world with knowledge and patience.” Your life is continuously unfolding in such a beautiful way and you should revel in the emotions of life fully and authoritatively, not through fear.  


Bottom of the deck energy: we have the chariot and ‘communication’ for the undertone and overall energy of the week/end. Just like the action presented within the wands energy throughout the week, the chariot once again confirms intentional action. This time though you are making moves from within your heart space. The Chariot is ruled by the cardinal sign of Cancer. This means that all that you initiate throughout the week will be heart space centered as the Sun is moving out of the cardinal sign and into Leo. Even down to your communication. You may be feeling open to speaking from a more vulnerable place from within. You may be wanting others to understand the more softer side of you through speech/writings. All communication of the week is highlighted here in the BOTDE. You may come off as very grounded, passionate and emotionally charged throughout the week/end. 

*the weekly energy will not always be available on aftonelizabethh.com but can be accessed weekly on patreon.com/montystarotchild


Pick A Picture: What Are Your Spiritual Gifts?


Weekly Energy Forecast (July 12th - July 16th)