A Message for Venus in Gemini, Jupiter in Taurus, Mars in Cancer, Sun in Taurus, Sun in Cancer

Wow. At the center of your reading is love and it is surrounding this reading in it’s entirety. I can see through the tarot that you have had a difficult relationship to love. There is heavy swords energy represented in the tarot which suggests a lot of overthinking, doubt and fear of the past repeating itself in the 3 of swords. But starting it all off is the Hermit card at the beginning of the tarot. The Hermit suggests that this will be a time for you to reflect on the past in order to witness what is growing in your life present day. I say this because right next to the Hermit is the 10 of cups. While we can see that all aspects of love have not been the easiest for you, the tarot shows that this is changing in your life. You crave emotional flow and stability. And maybe for a long time you have avoided looking deeply into what that means for you. But with the 3 of wands right next to love, this is an internal exploration. It might not be that you are looking for love but recognizing where it already exists in your life. The 3 of Wands speaks of possibility, opportunity and adventure. And with this energy connected to the energy of love, this is what is being represented in your life at this time. What does love mean to you? Platonic, romantic and even Agape, or God’s love. What is coming up as a challenge during this internal exploration is the difficult memories that have kept this exploration at bay. The 3 of swords is never an easy energy to interpret in any reading. We all have pain that sometimes cannot be put into words or explained through simple conversations. But you are the one who holds these memories and in turn are the person meant to release certain burdens. The 3 of Swords energy is so heavy because it is connected to the 10 of Swords. This I feel is where the overthinking is stemming from. The 3 of swords represents the painful memories and the 10 of swords represents our inability to release them. Some of you could be literally experiencing migraines or headaches because there is literally so much taking up space in your mind. But with these difficult energies connected to the Star card, there is hope. You will be releasing the mental clutter in order to be divinely guided. It may feel as if you haven’t been able to tune into a clear channel in order to hear Spirit’s guidance, but it will come. The Star card reminds me symbolically of the lantern that is normally depicted in the hands of the Hermit in the RWD (the original tarot deck). Divine guidance is at the tip of your tongue, waiting to be evoked. Spirit wants you to talk to them. They want you to let them carry these burdens for you. It’s not easy to release or to recalibrate your mind to present energy. You can get stuck in memories or avoid them completely and then find yourself reacting to something that isn’t actually occurring present day. But what Spirit wants you to know is that they have you. You are safe. Love is growing in and all around your life at this very moment. I want to point out that there is a numerical repetition in your reading. You have two 10’s and two 3’s. The number 10 represents the closing of a chapter or cycle in your life. With 3’s energy this could be a cycle closing within close relationships in your present or from your past. I feel the need to relay this final message to you because of this. You are not broken. The fractures in your heart that you have experienced in the past was meant to let your love seep out. It’s very easy to want to stay guarded but Spirit is softening your heart, preparing you for the rest of your life journey. You are meant to experience robust and healthy emotions. Joy, peace and above all clarity on those who love you for who you truly are. Don’t shy away from the feelings that may feel similar to feelings that you have felt in the past. The expression of those emotions is not what caused you pain, the pain stems from existing in a world where we are all still trying to learn ourselves. You are not broken.


Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Reading 5/16/2022


What Are You Manifesting With This Full Moon in Libra 4/16/2022