August Written Monthly Prediction

*the monthly energy will not always be available on, but each month you can access a new monthly reading through my newsletter.


The first week of August is covered in ‘Mysticism’. Meaning we are learning to trust our intuition and letting ourselves be Divinely guided. This first week there may be a culmination of energy that you have been waiting to end and Spirit wants to signify that it is ending. Now this could be a big cycle for you or only the beginning to a much bigger break down of energy. You may have spent a lot of time previously trying to “figure out” how you can overcome these difficulties but you found out that there is nothing to figure out. This full moon in Capricorn is showing us that maybe we don’t find the solution but sometimes it finds us. Spirit wants you to let go of the need to control an outcome and surrender to the magic that is working all around you. There are things still unseen to you, moving you closer towards your destiny. 

The next week starts to show light at the end of a dark tunnel. We are facing enlightenment all throughout the week. Many moments where we are able to look and realize that our hard work is paying off. You will be making a decision this week. It will come from the Solar Plexus, where many of our decisions stem from. Your actions as a whole this week will come from an enlightened place from within. Others may see this as a skill and will want to be Divinely guided as well. You may even be sharing your story a bit more within this second week. If you are working on something that you are proud of, it is meant to be shared with others. It is meant to inspire and motivate them. If you find fear within yourself in regards to sharing your story with others, the oracle states that “we find our own enlightenment through our fears”. This means that anything you feel as if you are holding back subconsciously may actually be able to bring you some enlightenment to your path. 

The third week of August we will be asking ourselves, “have I began or fulfilled any of my childhood dreams?” Now of course we will be viewing this in a more practical sense. Of course we aren’t trying to buy the newest edition of My Little Pony. What dreams did you have that you still think are childish or impossible to fulfill? What did you long for and then later in life decided that it was “no longer worth pursuing”? These will be some important conclusions that you are reaching throughout the week. Things will become more illuminated for you. Some of you may even revisit doing some of the things that you really enjoyed doing or doing something that you never got the chance to enjoy as a child. We don’t usually think of things/memories from our childhood as important until they bring a lesson for us to learn full circle. This week, we are giving up all identities that no longer fit us, we are finding our true form. 

The third week is so important because it opens us up to the energy of the fourth week in August. How can we defend our true form if we are unaware of what this form looks or feels like? Are we communicating our true thoughts and feelings? Once we begin to learn ourselves and our truest nature, we are able to show up as our authentic self. This may be difficult for you. You have had to conform and be something for so many other people. Sometimes we get so deep into other personalities and beliefs that we start to believe the identity that we are portraying. But Spirit wants us to ask ourselves this month, “is this really me? Is this really what I want?” The message of ‘Vanity’ also says that “less is more”. We don’t hear that enough within society today. It’s not nearly as big as the social norm “the more you have, the more they’ll love you for it”. So how can we feel like we have more than enough? How can we enjoy the connections and relationships that are already in our lives? The answer? Gratitude meditation. Take a moment and close your eyes, envision all of your friends and family and send some of your beautiful energy over them. Doing this practice regularly helps the Universe feel our eternal gratitude. And this in turn opens us up to receive the prosperity that is Divinely meant for us. But, we aren’t saying thank you just to receive more. We are saying thank you for moderation, for self-validation and for autonomy. When we are continuously seeking for things outside of ourselves, there is something internally that we may feel like we are missing. And that’s what this opportunity is for, to call into us what we know we truly need, not just what we think that we want. 

I pulled one tarot card to represent the last few days of August since it doesn’t end on a full week. I pulled the 5 of wands. There is all different types of energy within and around you, grappling for your attention in the final days of August. I feel as if it is the same energy that you have been dealing with all month long. “Who am I? What do I want? Who do I want to be? Who do they want me to be and why is important that I’m not?” So many decisions for you in the month of August and it is all leading you towards your destiny. There is persistence in the 5 of wands. You have to want to overcome all of the miscommunication, disagreements and redirections. And I feel as if you will. Simply because you want to. And Spirit is asking for you to communicate your needs through it all. 

I will be going deeper and into a more “personal” style of reading in the August Pick A Card on my YouTube channel. I hope that you enjoyed this reading and that it brought you the brief insight of the month that you needed.


Weekly Energy Forecast (August 16th - August 20th)


Pick A Picture: What Are Your Spiritual Gifts?