Weekly Energy Forecast (August 16th - August 20th)


I want to start the reading off by pointing out that we are going to be heavily influenced by the fire element this week. We see this influence in Monday’s energy directly. I also see that there may be a pull between our hearts and our mind. With the 6 of swords in reverse as the tarot energy, we see a need for movement in our lives but is our mind letting us move forward. There is something that we all may need to move away from in our life right now. Either lack mindset, a career that no longer fulfills us or a relationship that is stagnant an unmoving itself. We have been searching for the confidence to venture out into the unknown. You may not know what lies within the unknown but could it possibly be better than where you are currently? This may be the theme of the questions that you mull over in your head on Monday. But Spirit wants to remind you that we all have a depth of bravery that may be sitting like the untapped potential that it is, waiting for us to take action. Monday’s energy is asking you to tap into the fire element (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) in order to make a decision that will ultimately lead you in a new direction. Be confident that your passions can actually lead you forward in a healthy way. 

Tuesday’s energy seems very mystical to me. We have the High Priestess and the 8th house as the oracle. Within the High Priestess I see that our Tuesday will be spiritually centered. We are being guided solely by our intuition as well. The 8th house is ruled by Scorpio and talks about our legacies and inheritances. It also can talk about our partner’s resources, insurance matters and sometimes even themes of death can be viewed from this house. Because the Death card in the tarot is ruled by Scorpio as well, we can see a huge transformation taking place on Tuesday. This feels very internal but the energy may show up differently for everyone. We are facing our fears around our own intuition on Tuesday. What happens when we are proven right normally? Our mouth falls agape and our rational mind instantly tries to categorize what has happened. On Tuesday our rational mind may not be able to keep up with the depth of intuition that we are reaching. The 8th house card also mentions karma as well. This is a difficult concept to sometimes talk about. Many people fear the idea of karma because we inherently think that we are unworthy of good things coming to us naturally. But Spirit wants us to explore these fears within us and shine our light in the darkest of corners. We may find that golden nugget of self-worth and value that we dropped a while back. 

After the deep introspection and intuitive work on Tuesday, Wednesday’s energy leads us to intentional action. I love the Chariot. It is ruled by the zodiac sign Cancer, which is a cardinal sign. This means that we are no longer feeling so hesitant to take the action that we spoke about on Monday. We also have the 1st house represented as the astrological energy. The 1st house is all about self. How we look can sometimes even be determined by how strong our rising sign is within our natal chart. The 1st house is also ruled by Aries which adds to the hypothetical fire that we sense under our asses. Wednesday to me feels like pure action. We are analyzing our approach to life and applying new ideas and thoughts. Within the Chariot I also feel an emotional tie to this movement. This is something that you may have been waiting for, the energy, passion and confidence to just move. Again, this will apply in many different ways for folks. But on Wednesday Spirit is asking us to embrace our individuality. There are so many parts of ourselves that we try to integrate differently on a daily. But on this day we are focusing on the whole. Our self-image will be so important also this day. How do you view yourself? How would you like to view yourself? Is there really this grand difference between the 2 or has this person been there all along? These questions may all cross our minds this week in general. 

Thursday’s energy may come off as complicated but we may be able to get to the truth of things all on our own. For the tarot there is the Devil card and astrologically we have the energy of Leo. With the Devil card influencing the Leo energy, we are looking at the invert of all that Leo represents. Is our self confidence healthy or are we really as vain as others may think of us? Are we loyal to a dying cause or we optimistic about the possibility of things? Do we feel our creativity or does it feel like just another falsity in our life? Sometimes our minds are so powerful that we are able to convince ourselves of things that hold no truth. But on Thursday we have the choice to get to the root of the issue. What do you believe in? Do you believe you hold the same magic as the Universe? Do you believe in yourself? Your confidence may be heavily tested this week, as the fire energy can represent this. But if we can commit to the uplifting of our own light, our mind will not be able to prevail. Reminders of who we are and what we love will be important to keep at the front of our minds on Thursday. If there are affirmations that you enjoy repeating in order to build self-confidence, this may also help with the sneaky energy of the Devil card. 

On Friday we are showing a side of us that we may not normally share with others. I truly believe that in the right atmosphere, the nerdy sides of us truly can come out to express itself. In each of us, there is something that we could discuss for hours and dive deep into learning more about it. And this is the energy of Friday. It’s almost like someone, (Spirit), placed us in a giant library of all of our favorite things to learn about with a directory in hand. We are being called forward by our thirst for more knowledge on Friday. We may even find ourselves expressing more of our originality, naturally. Some of you may get involved or join in on specific groups that highlight you for your talents and gift of thought. But all of us our coming into contact with our more progressive thoughts and imaginings. With Aquarius being the astrological energy for Friday, to me this feels like if you have had any previous projects that weren’t well received in the past because of it’s forward-thinking energy, this may be the time to bring them around again. Aquarius is known for being ahead of it’s time, offering revolutionary ideas that the world isn’t yet ready for. But this is why we are sent here, not to play any specific role that humanity deems important, but to shake things up constantly. We are meant to push the boarders on thought, to think the thoughts that others have had, and to act on the things that haven’t been acted upon before. With the page of swords representing the tarot, Spirit is asking us to let the element of air carry us through the day. Be curious. Let your mind wander and see what thoughts it brings back to you. Many of us may also be tapping into a new level of philanthropy on Friday as well. You may find new causes to support both financially and through action. 

Bottom of the deck energy: this will be a big week for us to analyze where we may still restrict ourselves unnecessarily. With the 8 of swords next to the radical change of Uranus, we may also be analyzing our fear of change. Sometimes it is this fear that keeps us where we no longer can grow or need to be. The 8 of swords is tough because it is depicted as a person who can easily move from behind the swords and free themselves. But that would mean that that person has to hold themselves accountable for the limitations that they may feel. This is us. It’s hard to realize this within our own life but if we can acknowledge it, we can heal it. What’s a small challenge that you can make with yourself in order to face a fear? Maybe initiating that conversation that we have been holding off on, or starting that project that screams success and failure all at once. Also, maybe focusing on what the success of the situation would feel like if you were to act on this fear, may help you to make the movement that you know is necessary. 

*the weekly energy will not always be available on aftonelizabethh.com but can be accessed weekly on patreon.com/montystarotchild


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