Pick A Picture: What Are Your Spiritual Gifts?


These readings took a great amount of energy and time to complete. If you enjoyed this exchange of energy please consider donating to @montystarotchild on Venmo or joining my Patreon for exclusive and early access! Patreon.com/montystarotchild 

Pile 1


Wow, your energy is so beautiful pile 1. At the very core of you, your spiritual gift is love. You have a big and at times very open heart. I think you relate to others in such a unique way. You understand that people are human and may all struggle with different types of repressed desires. You may in the past have also struggled with similar shadows in your personal life. But I do see you being an authority figure around how to live a healthy life with these desires. For some it may be addiction but it doesn’t have to be this example for everyone. I see a lot of you being a part of some kind of council and helping those in need. But I also think that this work that you are participating in is also bringing an opportunity for you to view yourself. You may have been drawn to this reading in order to confirm what it is that you are feeling. You have this gift but you may struggle with knowing what to do with it. Within the 10 of wands I see you deciding to release a burden. Something is holding you from believing that this could be a life’s work for you. That this is your purpose. Sometimes it’s not just where we are in life that holds us captive but also the people that are closest to us. If they aren’t supporting you fully then they are creating a barrier between what you feel and what you believe to be reality. Because you are such a loving and open being, losing friends or connections may feel like a failure to you emotionally. But this ending of a cycle and clearing of stagnant energy is to make space for mutuals. You will have people around you and here to celebrate all of the transitions that you are currently going through. Do not worry about any feelings of lack that you may feel. You have an abundant amount of love around you pile 1. Even the love that we sometimes take for granted in our day to day. The love of Spirit. The air we breathe is a gift of love. Our closest friend or family is in our life for a Divine purpose of love. There is so much love! With the Hierophant and the Ace of cups here I feel like you have a very beautiful life pile 1, filled with the most important of things. You have this way and gift of being able to just enjoylife. You have this sense of inner peace that anyone can feel. And these are the things that you are here to teach on behalf of Spirit. You have worked hard for this inner peace. When life is hard you work hard to nurture this peace. And this is all part of the things you want to share. Love is within us and comes directly from a Source unseen to many. You have felt this love and it has literally felt like coming back from the dead. You have this new sense of clarity about life, how people  grieve and survive living on this Earth. You are very perceptive of others and should nurture this gift as well. Let your calm internal waters show others how to calm their own emotional turmoil. You are gaining a new clarity of your gifts right now pile 1, accept the communication that comes in subtly and magically. 

Chakra message: Your spiritual gifts involve creative manifestation and imagination. “I have the ability to manifest and create positive outcomes in my life. It is a time for me to manifest what I need. I ask myself ‘What do I need?’ I am optimistic and creative in carrying out all of the tasks that come my way (even seemingly mundane ones) and I maintain a positive attitude in all I do. I am open to receive and I am deserving!” Your third eye chakra states, “I use my imagination as I create and pursue my dreams and wishes. I ask myself, ‘What do I want?’ My thoughts create my reality at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. I use this power to create harmonious relationships between all these levels. I imagine the life I would like to have and I encourage my thoughts to be truthful, wise and discerning! In the quietness of meditation, I see and hear the truth.” Spirit wants you to know that “The time is right to access and master your abilities. Do so with humility and control.” This is going to be a very meditative time for you pile 1. There will be downloads coming either through dreams or daydreaming. You may be more encouraged to create a business plan or “next plan of action”. Just remember that “thought creates reality”. What do you believe you can create?

Pile 2


You have the spiritual gift of refinement pile 2 and I think that this is really beautiful. You have come a long way with this spiritual gift. Meaning that it has evolved into you feeling like it is a gift and no longer a burden. You may have been very critical of yourself in the past when it came to your creations. Everything had to be perfect. It may have gotten to the point where you could no longer gain pleasure from the things that you created. You made things out of necessity or strictly for others’ need and enjoyment. I think this process has heavily evolved for you though pile 2. You are making all things that align with your heart space. You are creating from the heart. You have worked very hard to create without harsh judgement of yourself or what you make. This has elevated the pleasure of the process tenfold. You are the Magician pile 2. When you realign your energy with what brings you pleasure and what you love, you create magic. This may be changing your reality greatly pile 2. You understand that you can still have creative standards, enjoy what you do and still create a masterpiece. This is a huge transition within you and even around you. Things may look differently to you. Not necessarily to the point where “art is everything and everything is art” but you are definitely more tolerant in what you find beautiful. There is something that you have been planning or wanting to plan. I think you can already sense that this path feels different. Your approach and outlook on things has shifted so the of course other things will feel different along with it. Trust what you feel. There is balance happening all around you. You could have come from a very strict background. I keep hearing “beauty looks like this” “success looks like this”. You are expressing your views and thoughts on your perspective of beauty and fairness in the world. You are adding a new voice to the mix, one that you didn’t hear represented growing up. What ever accomplishment you are trying to achieve, you will. You have success and stability here in the four of pentacles. I think there is a level of devotion to your path that is either needed or coming in for you at this time. But once you find what you feel comfortable to truly devote time and attention too, including your spiritual practice, the stability will make itself more prominent. If you are concerned about financial matters, usually the four of pentacles represents holding onto your resources a little more closely. I think you are also finding a balance in saving and giving towards your creative process. 

Chakra message: Your spiritual gifts involve your instinct and oneness with all. “I trust that my instincts are correct, and I let my natural intuitive feelings guide me forwards. I will know what I need to do and how to respond with wisdom to situations that come my way. I have an innate desire to be of service in life. As I tap into this feeling, I will know what service I am called to do. I believe in myself! Your Crown Chakra states: “I feel the divine force flowing through me. I honor this, and know that it flows through all. I am calm in knowing that I am one with all and I contemplate and meditate on this fact. I regularly remind myself that we are all from the same source and that we are all on a journey as spiritual beings experiencing this physical existence. I am aware that I have a choice as to how I respond to what is happening in my life. My responses have an enormous effect on my spiritual, mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.” Spirit wants you to “release what you’ve been carrying and lighten up. New joy is on the way.” Continue to clear your aura of unaligned energy and thoughts and behaviors. There are new things coming at the end of this transition for you. An opportunity for new plans, a fresh outlook and an opportunity to save within financial matters. 

Pile 3


Pile 3 your spiritual gift is your eternal trust in the Universe. I think you have had a unique and interesting spiritual journey. One that may have looked chaotic from the outside but has completely transformed you. You have ‘Healing Chaos’ here which basically speaks for itself. The healing that has taken place in your life has completely realigned you to your destiny. You’ve had to exhaust all levels of patience and still hold onto this practice in order to continue to evolve naturally. Spirit wants you to nourish this part of yourself because it will take you far. You have taken delight in this part of your life. You know when to take moments to yourself for deep introspection and nurturing of self. I sense that this healing chaos has brought a sense of purpose and intention to your life. You do things intentionally for healing. You take your moments of rest because you know that if your body and mind are calling for it then it is necessary. You do not apologize for the moments that you take alone because you come out of the Hermit mode newly enlightened. Because you are one to be intimate with healing chaos and all that she brings up in your life, the Tower card emits no stronger fear within you. You know that sometimes a restructuring of foundations is necessary. And whatever is being restructured in your life at this moment (whether seen or unseen) will not keep you from moving forward. Actually the Chariot coming out right after the Tower is kindagood. Your path is being cleared. Have you ever felt like you were pulling a wagon through wet mud? Well wheels, meet dry land. The murkiness is clearing! That’s exactly what it feels like, like you just got out of the construction zone and have clear, open road to travel. And what comes after this movement is the 10 of pentacles. This is an energy peak within your financial matters. There is something here that you are moving through and achieving and will place you in the position of further growing your legacy. 10 of pentacles is legacy. And paired with the ‘Full Moon’ card, this is not a possibility but a reality that you may be looking at in the moment of reading this. 

Chakra Message: Your spiritual gifts include your connection with Spirit and the Divine intervention that they place over your life. Your throat chakra states: “I develop a quiet mind that allows me to tune in and get in touch with my higher self or my spirit. I listen for the guidance that is there waiting for me to hear. I am open to the truth and I welcome spiritual inspiration from others. I will benefit greatly by practicing meditation and stillness. I ask for inner guidance to assist me in getting more in touch with my spirit. I know that if I ask for guidance, it will be given!” This is the time to trust yourself and your inner knowing as much as you trust the Universe. If you ask, the trust will grow. You will continue to receive confirmation the more you trust your intuition. Your crown chakra states: I honor a higher power and know that anything is possible. I let a higher power have a more active presence in my life, and I know that my life is divinely guided. I surrender to this truth. I know that I am loved, guided and protected by a higher source. I am open to seeking guidance in my spiritual quests from a spiritual teacher, master or guru.” A part of a blocked third eye or crown chakra is our inability to trust our own instincts or intuition. A part of a blocked throat chakra is our inability to understand others or communicate our own needs in a healthy manner. If there is a spiritualist that you trust to help walk you through this and you are open to help, there is an abundance of guidance out there for you to heal and balance these chakras. Spirit wants you to know that “the time is right to release old patterns and energies. You are ready to embrace change.” Change can be good. Change is often necessary for growth and restructuring. Change can be healing. 

Pile 4


Your spiritual gift is wholeness pile 4. This is such a beautiful gift because you have within you what other’s seek externally, on a daily. You are a being who is able to be still and experience great moments of truth within stillness. You are probably known for being very truthful and dependable for others. Your friends and family may all look to you in order to renew their own sense of peace even. But I do sense a fairly important transition coming in for you pile 4. Within the Devil card I almost sense as if you feel like this wholeness is not complete or is somehow “surface level”. I think there are things that you think or believe about yourself within your own subconscious. There are things that are going to be revealed for you pile 4 that will lead you to a surrendering. These beliefs about yourself may be something that has been with you for a long time. With the 10 of swords next to the Devil card, I think for a long time your thoughts have been your downfall. Others around you may have always admired how you have appeared within the world. Meanwhile you have struggled with mental clutter and sometimes even despair. But Spirit wants you to know that your struggles do not take away from your wholeness. In fact it gives you an entirely new perspective on what it means to be whole. I think there is a cycle ending for you pile 4. You are done letting your mind get the best of you. You’re a really dope person! And Spirit is sending you confirmation of this feeling. There is communication coming in with the 8 of wands here. You may receive a message that actually helps you make a choice. You are making the decision to move away from old habits and thoughts about yourself and how you show up in the world. If there are still connections around you that enforce a different narrative, take inventory. You are moving away from all things that do not bring forward a truth from within you. With the prince of swords, or also known as the page of swords in the Raider Waite deck, you are facing a new determination on reinforcing this new view of yourself. I think you are choosing to focus less critically on all of the flaws and focusing more intentionally on the whole parts of you. This is going to be an active practice for you. Positive affirmations and journaling will help you discover a new perspective. 

Chakra Message: Your spiritual gifts include self-sufficiency and independence. You are also heavily connected to your base chakra, or root chakra, right now. “By finding material security without being materialistic, I will gain satisfaction, stability and inner strength. I am resourceful. I put in the effort to be responsible for supplying fundamental needs in my life, such as shelter, food, water and clothing. I take responsibility for where I now find myself in life as I move forwards. I get in touch with and trust my innate wisdom, which tells me that I will be provided with all I need.” You are a responsible person pile 4. You have to be in order to survive. And the Universe is here, telling you that whatever you need you can have. “I know what my needs are, and I actively pursue them knowing that I will be guided and provided for when I put in the effort. I open myself to all possibilities and participate fully in life. I use my imagination and my vision to initiate what I wish for and I pursue it. I am not waiting to be rescued! I am not a victim! I am strong!” You are so so so powerful pile 4. Spirit wants you to know that “the wisdom and messages of the Divine are within you.” You can trust what you feel is best for you pile 4. You know what you need and you know what amount of effort is needed to get things started. Trust yourself.


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