Pick A Card: Situation, Obstacle, Solution

Hello everyone! I am so very excited to bring you this new reading. Today we will be looking into one very specific situation for you, your choice.  I’d like for you to meditate on one of the four crystals depicted below, concentrating on a situation that currently has you “stumped” or feeling confused.

Thank you so much for trusting me with this energetic connection and may peace find you.

Pile 1

Your situation is mentally captivating you pile 1. You feel overburdened with thoughts and possibly not enough outlets of release. These thoughts feel hyperactive and this is something that you feel painfully aware of. Right now you are craving balance. You want a healthy balance between thought and action. While you may have a lot of ideas, with the 9 of swords being the situation, it may be too much to sit and store. This feels like actionable thoughts sitting in the draft folder. Your creative thoughts may quite literally be haunting you. The solution that you are facing is to take divine action. All of these thoughts and ideas have got to start moving so that others may come in. While for some, taking this action may include responding to that email that is introducing in a new opportunity, for others this could mean facing our fears and doubts in general. So many thoughts about ourselves keep us from being able to pursue the things that are clogging up our mind. This is your chance though pile 1. The essential oil advice states: ‘you are clearing away beliefs, energy, and memories that no longer serve you so the necessary decisions will be made.’ Literally. You are unclogging a drain here pile 1. What once felt stuck and stagnant will run smoothly again soon. Your Higher Self wants you to know ‘It’s time to be more in the present. You’ve missed some blissful moments.’ This may be a hard realization that is coming through. We want to enjoy all of the moments that we can in life. But sometimes we work so hard to enjoy life that we miss the enjoyment piece. It’s time to stomp out the worry pile 1. It’s not too late and you are free to believe in this.

Possible placements: Gemini, Libra, Cancer, Scorpio, Aries

Pile 2

Your situation was something in the past that caused you great sorrow. With Saturn’s energy here it wasn’t current and has taken you some time to uncover the true root of the issue. The 3 of swords is never an easy or fun card to read because it signifies that you have gone through something extremely painful. And so much to the point that the obstacle is coming out as the 10 of swords. The painful experiences of the past is consuming your mind and convincing you of ruin. Your thoughts feel heavy, all-consuming and not necessarily the most positive. Something that may have happened in the past, you now take on as almost an identity with the Sun appearing in the 10 of swords. This is what is stopping your healing and progression mentally. For the solution Spirit recommends rest. Now this may not be the easiest thing for you to conjure up with so many consuming thoughts but there is hope. With Jupiter’s energy here Spirit is asking you to zoom out. Sometimes our pain can feel like us inside of a small room with no doors or windows. We feel in it. We feel alone. But with rest, some of the mental barriers can fall away and our sleeping habits become or waking ones. This again isn’t something that is simple or happens over night. With Saturn’s energy we must be in it for the long haul. And healing is very much so worth the investment in time. So if this means scheduling in nap time, so mote it be. Your essential oil advice states: ‘stand strong and communicate your message. The world is ready to receive what you have to share.’ With all of your cards being in the suit of swords, your communication is heavily affected. You have felt cut off and misunderstood by others. But you are embracing your voice fully and unapologetically and sharing with those who are of the same frequency. Your voice matters. Even when your thoughts feel scattered and disruptive, there is divine beauty within it all. Now is the time to release those convictions that tell you disorder is ugly. It is beautiful. Your Higher Self wants you to know that “you are giving your best today. You are showing up. You are trying and that is good enough.” And sometimes this is all that you need to hear. This will always be that space of confirmation for you.

Possible placements: Gemini, Libra (heavy), Capricorn, Aquarius, Sagittarius, (maybe even Leo 🦁💕)

Pile 3

Your situation is actually you Pile 3. There is something that you are feeling unsatisfied with but you feel stuck and closed off to change. Your reading is appearing very black and white to me but of course there is variations to everyone’s story. There is something that is no longer emotionally satisfying to you. It may not be offering you the same luxurious feelings that it once gave. It almost feels as if your definition of luxury has changed and this situation has stayed the same. Either way, you feel closed off from the idea of receiving something more aligned. The 10 of Wands as your obstacle is very telling of this. It is literally depicted as a locked door. But you have the key. With Saturn’s energy present, you  may have been feeling this shift for some time, convincing yourself that you were comfortable. This is okay. This was meant to happen this way. Now you can clearly see the discomfort that will inevitably cause you to move away from this unsatisfactory situation. For the solution Pile 3, you have the Sun. Your path is blessed. Whatever you choose next will have the opportunity to grow and flourish and you will find your peace. Right now you are facing the releasing stage and this is all that you have to focus on. With the solution being a major arcana, this is something that is aligned with changing your life. This is a major cycle and life lesson being completed for you on this journey and there’s no need to rush it. Now that you know the outcome is blessed, try to focus on the journey. How do oppressive habits show up in your life? Where do you take on too much and how does it leave you emotionally unsatisfied? Observing and working through these things is a part of your path Pile 3. When facing your fears and your shadows then deciding to move past them (even if they reoccur), you are able to reach the expansion and spiritual alignment that you have been seeking. What you have been closed off to may have been the solution this entire time. But this is up to you to decide. Your essential oil advice states: ‘your heart is healing and expanding with love. Spend time showering yourself with that love and then share with others.’ Love is the answer. With the love of Spirit, you can feel the pull to open up to new optimistic opportunities. With the love of Spirit there is hope. But we have to be able to call it in and receive. This also feels like a part of your obstacle. Your Higher Self wants you to know that “you can’t help everyone and that’s okay. Especially, if they are unwilling to try and help themselves.” Don’t spend all of your time trying to patch holes in someone else’s boat with 1,000 holes in it. This causes a lot of burden and then grows into self-resentment when you are feeling depleted. If you are giving your all to others, they’re not going to be the first person to tell you to stop. You have to tell you. Or me in this case lol. But all jokes aside, there is peace in taking care of yourself Pile 3. And this is all that Spirit wants for you.

Possible placements: Cancer, Sagittarius, Leo, Capricorn, Aquarius

Pile 4

Energetic wise, you guys have the most positive situation happening for you right now pile 4! You have the 9 of cups as your situation and it’s literally labeled ‘Happiness’. I think it is taking some time for you to be able to recognize this energy around you. But this is something that you are becoming more and more aware of. With the World as the obstacle, I feel as if it’s time for you to zoom in. The World is typically a positive card but in the position of something that is getting in your way, you may feel very over-stimulated at this time. You may work closely with energy that is quite opposite to the 9 of cups. You are involved in helping others move past their struggles and this can sometimes leave you with a bleak outlook on life. But for your solution Spirit is prescribing a little self care. With the Empress as your solution pile 4, there are things that you do quite naturally for yourself that leaves you rejuvenated and feeling well taken care of. But you don’t indulge in these things often enough. This is something that may feel very big to you and not easily conquerable but Spirit wants you to know that those feelings are false. You can do the good work of the Universe and treat yourself like the Divine being that you truly are. I do also want to mention that this pile got the wish card as their situation. So something is going to be physically or emotionally coming in to introduce you to your worth once again. You have placed this to the side in order to take on the World and it’s problems but now it’s time to take care of you. Your essential oil advice states: ‘take a breath dear one, and allow yourself to feel the flow of life through you. Release your need to do and just be.’ This is a message that you really need to hear pile 4. It’s time for you to just allow yourself to be for a while. Spirit does not want you to go reluctantly, this is something that you need and will be good for you. But it has to be a decision. So if you are taking more breaks from your phone a. do it for as long as you can and b. don’t beat yourself up for not perfecting a new mindset in a week. Your Higher Self wants you to know “I will not feel guilty for treating myself today. I so deserve it!” And you do pile 4! I do see a lot of you transforming your self care practices in order to feel more whole. “Your self care should make you feel good.” As I mentioned above pile 4, this is such an amazing reading. You have a lot of beautiful things coming your way and you are meant to enjoy them. Even if you have to fight yourself in order to ensure that you are present in the moment and enjoying yourself. A lot of life changes.

Possible placements: Pisces, Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius, Sagittarius


New Moon in Sagittarius Reading 12/4/2021


Pick A Card: Where Am I On My Spiritual Path?